Anni Kyllikki Erkinheimo

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Anni Kyllikki Erkinheimo's Geni Profile

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Anni Kyllikki Erkinheimo (Försti) (1924 - 1991)

Birthplace: Kortesjärvi, Suomi (Finland)
Death: November 29, 1991 (66)
Kortesjörvi, Suomi (Finland)
Place of Burial: Kauhava, Finland
Immediate Family:

Daughter of Niilo Försti and Anna Eveliina Matintytär Försti
Sister of Elli Kokkila; Laura Maria Manninen; Eero Aatos Försti; Private and Kaija Manninen

Managed by: Tarja
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Immediate Family

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Anni Kyllikki Erkinheimo's Timeline

December 1, 1924
Kortesjärvi, Suomi (Finland)
November 29, 1991
Age 66
Kortesjörvi, Suomi (Finland)
Kortesjärven hautausmaa, Kauhava, Finland