Historical records matching Anneli Sauli
Immediate Family
Privatehalf sibling
half brother
half brother
About Anneli Sauli
Anneli Sauli invites you into battle Many of us are familiar Finnish illustrious film starring Anneli Saul, whose films and television appearances are seen on television over and over again. Last summer, we got to see, among other things Hilja, milk girl, the film, which at one time in one fell swoop made the twenties the northern girl in the famous film star.
Anneli configure itself differently. He is a good country girl työläiskodista. Anneli feels an actor and a communist, not a film star, and least of all diivaksi. Acting has been a professional, there is no fairy tale, even though it originally was, materials of the Cinderella fairy tale.
Even now, a tiny 76-year-old Anneli recognize the slender nature of youthful beauty. And even now, Anneli be able to get excited and to fight for working-class ideology.
Northern Girl
Anneli was born in 1932 and spent the first years of the mother's parents in a big farmhouse. When the bad times came, the house was lost, and the age of 5 by Anneli moved with her granny track-side cottage in Oulainen. The mother had been forced to go elsewhere in the service.
- There is a bit chilly in the memory of poverty, hunger, and. Then she met in Rovaniemi welder Tapio Savolainen, and they were married.
Tapio Savolainen adopted Anneli immediately by marriage to his mother.
- He was a good father. I got two brothers, one is 7, and another 10 years younger than me, besides I have a younger sister Aino. My stepfather was active in the Finnish Communist Party. In fact, I was a pioneer, when immediately after the war founded the department. We were also the workers' house ushers. We were very respectable, a good family. We are children not beaten and not been called. Recycle Leaves did not get to read, bookshelf was classics. We lived a decent, industrious life.
Anneli's biological father was a Roma man, "Valte Beautiful" by Anneli never met. He does not, therefore, increased the Roma community, but got a kid at school to hear the name-calling and bullying experience "mustalaisuutensa" due.
Anneli did not feel himself a member of this house of singing before an adult. Now Anneli living room wall is a photograph painted portrait of a father and a large color photograph by Anne List of themselves dressed in the colorful Romanian administration. Anneli calls itself a half-gypsy and knows the interest and sympathy of kindred point. He was once a couple of years Ziriklin, its non-religious Romanian magazine, editor in chief.
But the pioneering first, and then a communist, it Anneli has been an early age of his own accord.
Life career in
Afterwards, Anneli wonders how "it has been the case so goon" that just left the age of 18 safe Raahe home about just the Gulf, where there are known single people.
However, the courage and perseverance she was at once present themselves to the Director of the city's theater, that qualifies him as a dancer and assistant to the theater. The money is not there herunut. Sustenance was forced to do other work. He started as a trainee in kindergarten and then worked in a flower shop, a carpenter at the factory and the margarine factory. The program works six days a week, ballet and recitation studies and theater work in the evenings yet. It was in her little 18-year-old guts.
After two years spent in Lahti, Finland Anneli ventured to seek the actor's place of Kemi City Theatre, and got it.
Shortly after this happened something that changed his life.
Hilja, milk girl
- I was in Helsinki Theatre Days. Evening gala restaurant Adlon Ritva Arvelo said Matti Oravisto that "menepä take a look at that girl." Oravisto asked whether I would test photographs. Then I went to her and Matti Kassila with TJ Särkänhuivi an audience. Särkälle had been told about me, but he had not yet seen me. Särkkä was impressive personality. I tried to convince that to me is not a film star, I am all too brief period, and most of all, and I was actually engaged to be married with a Dutch engineer.
But it just Anneli came in a few moments the room and waved the papers in his hand: "This is a two-year contract." It was a northern girl a big thing.
As soon Anneli meeting with TJ Särkkä was known to have found "Hiljansa". He had long wanted to film John Linnankoski short story, and was a three-year period have been looking for a woman meets with the main part. Here he was now.
Hilja, milk girl of the film is completed twenties Anne list came in 1953 in one fell swoop all the people on the property. Even more distressing Annelia it will become a sex symbol stamp.
One scene where Anneli described ensures wading through the mass swim naked, was very brave that time in Finland, and the fact the actress received a disproportionate response. The stamp is tormented Annelia decades. But it began to Anneli's fame starring in the film, and now he is the only surviving star from those of domestic films from the golden age.
"The film Factory Girl"
Career yielded three countries, Finland, Sweden and Germany, more than 30 films mainly over a period of 14 years.
Not filmitähteys Finland did not know anything luxurious life.
- Initially, our seamstress living in a detached house. The narrow room, old bed, books, kit boxes, one chair - that's not much else was. I did get a little more pay than in the theater. And I've always been frugal. I dream that if this film career would not even studio flat purchased. There was no sense yes, it would be something special.
Ann has been feet on the ground, and he calls himself that time the film factory girl. Särkänhuivi company produced films than the conveyor belt, and very many of them Anneli played the leading role.
In 1956, the 2-year contract Anneli with SF ended, and the star was able to receive from another company work. Anneli made at that time directed by Aarne Tarkaksen movie Something the human body, which is based on a short story by Mika Waltari. It has been Anneli mind a very important and active work.
Then Anneli agreed to a new contract and continued hard work of SF's assembly line.
Later, Anneli made a career in Germany as well as the artist Ann Savo. At that time, the foreign success of Anneli's glamorous and also his private life in the great world of topics of a lot of Finnish magazine market. Mingle with the world-class star Maximilian Schell, Baron Alexander von Richthofenin and alpine king Austrian Toni Sailer, as well as those within his circle of movement were the Finnish perspective, the exotic life. Anneli yourself to know in advance the then outraged the upperclassmen friends and acquaintances Marxists opinions.
Side working class
- The feeling of belonging to the working class became a powerful home. Immediately after the war was a huge operation time. During the Film Career political activity remained quite unintentionally aside. Then it came to spending in Germany and all. Then, when I returned from Germany in the 60's, I joined the party. Not filmitähteys changed the world view. It is only strengthened when it is considered that the misery of the world. When I myself have a child and two grandchildren, there is great sorrow of the world. I can not even look at everything on TV. And now when I was in Africa, the images from there will never be forgotten.
From a social conscience can not get rid of, even if we ridiculed. Mockers! ..
About Anneli Sauli (suomi)
Näyttelijä Anneli Sauli tuli tunnetuksi valkokankaan sensuellina kaunottarena.
Hän teki näyttelijäuraa seitsemällä eri vuosikymmenellä.
Myöhemmin hän teki pitkän uran teatterissa Joensuussa. Jäätyään eläkkeelle vuonna 1996 hän muutti Helsinkiin ja jatkoi näyttelemistä televisiosarjoissa ja elokuvissa.
Anneli Sauli invites you into battle Many of us are familiar Finnish illustrious film starring Anneli Saul, whose films and television appearances are seen on television over and over again. Last summer, we got to see, among other things Hilja, milk girl, the film, which at one time in one fell swoop made the twenties the northern girl in the famous film star.
Anneli configure itself differently. He is a good country girl from a working class home. Anneli feels an actor and a communist, not a film star, and least of all a diva. Acting has been a professional, there is no fairy tale, even though it originally was, material of the Cinderella fairy tale.
Even now, a tiny 76-year-old Anneli recognizes the slender nature of youthful beauty. And even now, Anneli is able to get excited and fight for working-class ideology.
Northern Girl
Anneli was born in 1932 and spent the first years with her mother's parents in a big farmhouse. When the bad times came, the house was lost, and at the age of 5 by Anneli moved with her granny track-side cottage in Oulainen. The mother had been forced to go elsewhere to work..
- There is a bit chilly in the memory of poverty, hunger, and. Then she met in Rovaniemi welder Tapio Savolainen, and they were married.
Tapio Savolainen adopted Anneli immediately by marriage to his mother.
- He was a good father. I got two brothers, one is 7, and another 10 years younger than me, I also I have a younger sister Aino. My stepfather was active in the Finnish Communist Party. In fact, I was a pioneer, when immediately after the war they founded the department. We were also the workers' house ushers. We were very respectable, a good family. We are children not beaten and not been called. Recycle Leaves did not get to read, bookshelf was classics. We lived a decent, industrious life.
Anneli's biological father was a Roma man, "Valte Beautiful" that she never met. He does not, therefore, increased the Roma community, but as a kid at school was called names and bullied because she was a "gypsy".
Anneli did not feel herslikeelf a member of this house of singing before an adult. Now Anneli living room wall is a photograph painted portrait of a father and a large color photograph by Anne List of themselves dressed in the colorful Roma administration. Anneli calls herself a half-gypsy and knows the interest and sympathy of kindred point. He was once a couple of years Ziriklin, its non-religious Romanian magazine, editor in chief.
But the pioneering first, and then a communist, that Anneli has been from an early age of her own accord.
Life career in
Afterwards, Anneli wonders how "it has been the case so soon" that just left the age of 18 safe Raahe home about just the Gulf, where there are known single people.
However, the courage and perseverance she was at once present themselves to the Director of the city's theater, that qualifies him as a dancer and assistant to the theater. The money is not there herunut. Sustenance was forced to do other work. He started as a trainee in kindergarten and then worked in a flower shop, a carpenter at the factory and the margarine factory. The program works six days a week, ballet and recitation studies and theater work in the evenings yet. It was in her little 18-year-old guts.
After two years spent in Lahti, Finland Anneli ventured to seek the actor's place of Kemi City Theatre, and got it.
Shortly after this happened something that changed his life.
Hilja, milk girl
- I was in Helsinki Theatre Days. Evening gala restaurant Adlon Ritva Arvelo said Matti Oravisto that "menepä take a look at that girl." Oravisto asked whether I would test photographs. Then I went to her and Matti Kassila with TJ Särkänhuivi an audience. Särkkä had been told about me, but he had not seen me yet. Särkkä was an impressive personality. I tried to convince him that I was not a film star, I am all too brief period, and most of all, and I was actually engaged to be married with a Dutch engineer.
But it just Anneli came in a few moments the room and waved the papers in his hand: "This is a two-year contract." It was a northern girl a big thing.
As soon Anneli meeting with TJ Särkkä was known to have found "Hiljansa". He had long wanted to film John Linnankoski short story, and was a three-year period have been looking for a woman meets with the main part. Here he was now.
Hilja, milk girl of the film is completed twenties Anne list came in 1953 in one fell swoop all the people on the property. Even more distressing Annelia it will become a sex symbol stamp.
One scene where Anneli described ensures wading through the mass swim naked, was very brave that time in Finland, and the fact the actress received a disproportionate response. The stamp is tormented Annelia decades. But it began to Anneli's fame starring in the film, and now he is the only surviving star from those of domestic films from the golden age.
"The film Factory Girl"
Career yielded three countries, Finland, Sweden and Germany, more than 30 films mainly over a period of 14 years.
Not filmitähteys Finland did not know anything luxurious life.
- Initially, our seamstress living in a detached house. The narrow room, old bed, books, kit boxes, one chair - that's not much else was. I did get a little more pay than in the theater. And I've always been frugal. I dream that if this film career would not even studio flat purchased. There was no sense yes, it would be something special.
Ann has been feet on the ground, and he calls himself that time the film factory girl. Särkänhuivi company produced films than the conveyor belt, and very many of them Anneli played the leading role.
In 1956, the 2-year contract Anneli with SF ended, and the star was able to receive from another company work. Anneli made at that time directed by Aarne Tarkaksen movie Something the human body, which is based on a short story by Mika Waltari. It has been Anneli mind a very important and active work.
Then Anneli agreed to a new contract and continued hard work of SF's assembly line.
Later, Anneli made a career in Germany as well as the artist Ann Savo. At that time, the foreign success of Anneli's glamorous and also his private life in the great world of topics of a lot of Finnish magazine market. Mingle with the world-class star Maximilian Schell, Baron Alexander von Richthofenin and alpine king Austrian Toni Sailer, as well as those within his circle of movement were the Finnish perspective, the exotic life. Anneli yourself to know in advance the then outraged the upperclassmen friends and acquaintances Marxists opinions.
Side working class
- The feeling of belonging to the working class became a powerful home. Immediately after the war was a huge operation time. During the Film Career political activity remained quite unintentionally aside. Then it came to spending in Germany and all. Then, when I returned from Germany in the 60's, I joined the party. Not filmitähteys changed the world view. It is only strengthened when it is considered that the misery of the world. When I myself have a child and two grandchildren, there is great sorrow of the world. I can not even look at everything on TV. And now when I was in Africa, the images from there will never be forgotten.
From a social conscience can not get rid of, even if we ridiculed. Mockers! ..
Anneli Sauli's Timeline
1932 |
August 6, 1932
Yppäri, Pyhäjoki, Finland
2022 |
March 15, 2022
Age 89
Helsinki, Finland
???? |
Malmin hautausmaa, Helsinki, Finland