Anne was the daughter of Hugh Vaughan and Blanch Castell and is likely to have been born prior to 1522.
Anne is referenced in the Will of her father[1] of her father Sir Hugh Vaughan KG. She is noted as having been one of four daughter's "begotten of the body of my wife Dame Blanche". The Will implies she was neither married or 21 years of age at the time the Will was written in 1533 as the bequests are to be made on the "Daye of their mariage, or when they or any of them shalbe of the age of xxj . [21] yeres".
Anne is also referenced in Middlesex Pedigrees as collected by Richard Mundy in Harleian ms. no. 1551. She is shown to have married Nicholas Townley of Royle in Com. Lanck and on the associated Townley family tree on page 170 < link > she is shown as "base dau. of Sir Hugh Vaughan".
Nicholas and Anne are shown as having children:
Nicholas Townley, Esq. of Royall, county of Palatine, was son and heir of Richard Townley. He married Anne, daughter of Sir Hugh Vaughan, of Littleton Place, Middlesex, Privy Councillor of Henry VII and VIII. (5th Gen)
Nicholas Towneley (1505–1546), eldest son of Richard and Margaret. Entered Gray's Inn in 1522.[47] Married Anne Vaughan.
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