Matching family tree profiles for Anne Retif, SM/PROG

Immediate Family
About Anne Retif, SM/PROG
Profile relationship-locked to prevent erroneous merging and/or linking to the wrong parents.
Huguenot Museum
Anne Rétif, suster van die stamvader Francois Rétif/Retief. ?
What valid sources prove this relationship?
From Mer, in Orleans, France. Arrived 1688 together with her brother Francois Refief.
Francois and his sister Anne left France they would have been 17 and 13 respectively at the tie. As refugees, an invitation to emigrate to the Cape with a Mediterranean climate and the prospect of their own land would have been attractive, and they undertook the perilous journey to the Cape. They embarked on the fluteship Borssenburg at Texel, an island off Holland on a bitter 6 January in 1688, and arrived at the Cape about 4 months later on 12 May, a beautiful autumn day. Governor Simon van der Stel allocated farms of 60 morgen (3) in the Drakenstein valley
When Anne Rétif was born about 1667, in Mer, Loir-et-Cher, France, her father, Jacques Rétif, was 31 and her mother, Debora Joubert, was 20. She married Pieter Rousseau in 1689, in Drakenstein, Cape of Good Hope, South Africa. They were the parents of at
Are these her parents?
!Emmerentia van Rensburg Registers
Heese/Lombard 3 H-I p.500
TROU-STERF:De Villiers Pama;Bls 799
LE ROUX LOMBARD. Hugenotebloed in ons are, p.42: Francois Retif en sy suster
Anne was, met soos die Rousseaus, van die dorpie Mer langs die Loirerivier in die destydse Franse provinsie Orleans afkomstig. Hulle was waarskynlik aan boord van die Borssenburg. Anne is in 1667 gebore en trou in 1689 met Pierre Rousseau.
p. 167 * 1671 p.167 Hierdie datum word aanvaar en nie 1667 soos p.42 + 1710 a. 12 Mei 1688 waarskynlik met Borssenburg Herk. Mer, langs Loirerivier, Orleans, Frankryk x 1689 Pierre Rousseau, 1666-1719
Nageslag: s.4, d.7
Stammoeder van Rousseau
Janet's notes, 'van Mer, in Orleans, Frankryk; aankoms 1688 saam met haar broer Francois Retief.'
Naam is die Engelse "Anne" volgens Pama II. Sy is getroud met die Rossouw-stamvader.
Anne is actually the French version of Ann in English or Anna in Afrikaans !
Alternative spelling of surname is RÉTIF / RETIF.
Y. DROST, 12 DEC 2009.
Inventaris en taxatie der goederen soo roerende als onroerende naergelaten en met er doot ontruijmt bij Anna Retief ten voordeele van haer naergelatene man Pieter Russeau ter eenre, en haer tien naergelatene kinderen ter andere zijde
Een plaets of hofsteede geleegen aen Drakenstijn, genaemt de Boog van Orleans, groot 60 morgen 222 roeden met woonhuijs, hok en parshuijs, getaxeert op ƒ2000:--
een hofsteede of plaets geleegen onder Drakenstijn genaemt de Vleesbank groot 30 morgen met het daer op staende huijs 3250:--
een stuk lands genaemt Stellenceur groot 60 morgen, geleegen onder Drakenstijn 500:--
Aldus geinventariseert en getaxeert op de plaetsen de Boogh van Orleans en de Vleesbank den 10 Meij 1710
[Inventories of the Orphan Chamber Cape Town Archives Repository, South Africa Reference no.: MOOC8/2.39]
First 50 years project http://www.e-family.co.za/ffy/g7/p7542.htm
Anne Retief arrived with her brother, Francois on board the Borssenburg in the Cape in 1668. She married the 1st Ancester of the Rossouw family, Pierre, in South Africa.
According to http://www.geni.com/projects/South-African-mtDNA-Female-Progenitors/17863 - mtDNA U5a1
Note: my mtDNA has been tested and results are U5a1d2a and Anne Retief is my maternal 8xGreat Grandmother (Vivienne Court) Also others who have tested linking to Anne on FTDNA: https://www.familytreedna.com/public/CapeDutch/default.aspx?section...
Bio integration in progress! Van der Walt-440|Van der Walt-440 06:24, 11 December 2018 (UTC)
Name ===:: Anne Hanna /Retief/ SM/PROG <ref name=KARINA>Jul 31, 2014 by Scholtz-75 | Karina Mulder.</ref>
:: Given Name: Anne <ref name=KARINA/>
:: Surname: Retief <ref name=KARINA/> :: Name Suffix: SM/PROG <ref name=KARINA/> :: Nickname: Anne Rossouw; Rousseau <ref name=KARINA/> :: Nickname: Anna Retief <ref name=KARINA/> :: Nickname: Rousseau <ref name=KARINA/> :: Nickname: Rossouw <ref name=KARINA/>:: A Given name was found in addition to a first name in the NAME tag.<ref name=KARINA/>:: A suffix was found both in the NAME and in an NSFX tag. <ref name=KARINA/>:: Couldn't find any valid last name at birth. <ref name="text2"/ref>Marais-170 | Hannes Marais oct. 8, 2012.</ref>:: Naam is die Engelse "Anne" volgens Pama II. Sy is getroud met die Rossouw-stamvader. <ref name=SAMANTHA/><ref name=KARINA1/>:: Alternative spelling of surname is RETIF. <ref name=SAMANTHA/><ref name=KARINA1/>:: Anna Retief and Pieter Russeau<ref>"Inventaris en taxatie der goederen soo roerende als onroerende naergelaten en met er doot ontruijmt bij Anna Retief ten voordeele van haer naergelatene man Pieter Russeau ter eenre, en haer tien naergelatene kinderen ter andere zijde [...] den 10 Meij 1710 http://www.wikitree.com/photo.php/c/cd/Retif-9.pdf Inventories of the Orphan Chamber Cape Town Archives Repository, South Africa Reference no.: MOOC8/2.39"</ref>:: Anne Hanna /Retif/ <ref name=WILH1>Jan 14, 2015 by Venter-1057 |Wilhelm Venter. Source: #S5 Page: Ancestry Family Tree</ref><ref name=WILH11>Source: #S3 Page: Database online. Data: Text:Record for Pierre Rousseau</ref><ref name=WILH2>Source: #S3 Page: Database online. Data: Text: Record for Anne Hanna Retif</ref><ref name=WILH3>Source: #S3 Page: Database online. Data: Text: Record for Madeline Rousseau</ref><ref name=WILH4>Source: #S3 Page: Database online. Data: Text: Record for Jacques Retif</ref> / Anne /Retief/ <ref name=WILH4/> (found multiple versions of NAME. Using Anne Hanna /Retif/) <ref name=WILH1>Jan 14, 2015 by Venter-1057 | Wilhelm Venter. Source: #S5 Page: Ancestry Family Tree</ref><ref name=WILH11>Source: #S3 Page: Database online. Data: Text: Record for Pierre Rousseau</ref><ref name=WILH2>Source: #S3 Page: Database online. Data: Text: Record for Anne Hanna Retif</ref><ref name=WILH3>Source: #S3 Page: Database online. Data: Text: Record for Madeline Rousseau</ref><ref name=WILH4>Source: #S3 Page: Database online. Data: Text: Record for Jacques Retif</ref>
Birth ===:: Anne Rétif was born [in] 1659 <ref name=WILH4/>/ [abt] <ref name=KARINA/> / [in] 1667 <ref name=WILH4/><ref name=WILH11/><ref name=WILH3/> / [abt] <ref name=SAMANTHA/> (p. 167 * 1671 p.167 - Hierdie datum word aanvaar en nie 1667 soos p.42 + 1710) <ref name=SAMANTHA/> / [in] 1671 <ref name="text-85">May 5, 2013 Vermaak-85 | Dina Vermaak.</ref><ref>Entered by Meyer-2493 | Pieter Meyer, Apr 18, 2013</ref><ref name="text15">Entered by Van Schalkwyk-55 | Nina van Schalkwyk, Jun 14, 2013.</ref> / :: Place: Mer, Orléanais, France <ref name=SAMANTHA/><ref name=DINA>May 5, 2013 Vermaak-85 | Dina Vermaak.</ref> / Menars, Centre, France <ref name=KARINA/> / Blois, Jura, Franche-Comté, France <ref name=WILH4/> / Blois, Loir-et-Cher, Centre, France<ref name=WILH4/>
<font color=green> Events (English) </font> ===:: Anne Retief fled from Mer, in Orleans, France with her brother Francois Retief <ref>Jan 9, 2013 by Van der Walt-109 | Ilze Nel.Source: Ancestry Family Tree Data: Text: http://trees.ancestry.com</ref> arriving with on board the Borssenburg in the Cape in 1668, from Mer, in Orleans, France. She married the 1st Ancestor of the Rossouw family, Pierre, in South Africa. <ref name=KARINA1>Jul 31, 2014by Scholtz-75 | Karina Mulder. Sources / Bronne:
:# Emmerentia van Rensburg Registers :# Heese/Lombard 3 H-I p.500 :# TROU-STERF: De Villiers Pama; Bls 799:# LE ROUX LOMBARD. Hugenotebloed in ons are, p.42: Francois Retifen sy suster:# Janet's notes ('van Mer, in Orleans, Frankryk; aankoms 1688 saam met haar broer Francois Retief.'):# Naam is die Engelse "Anne" volgens Pama II. Sy is getroud met die Rossouw-stamvader.:# Alternative spelling of surname is RETIF. (Y. DROST, 12 DEC 2009.)</ref>
<font color=green> Gebeurtenisse (Afrikaans) </font>===:: Suster van die stamvader Francois Retif. Anne was, met soos dieRousseaus, van die dorpie Mer langs die Loirerivier in die destydse Franse provinsie Orleans afkomstig. Hulle was waarskynlik aan boord van die Borssenburg. Anne is in 1667 (1671 p.167 Hierdie datum word aanvaar en nie 1667 soos p. 42) gebore en trou in 1689 met Pierre Rousseau (1666-1719). Stammoeder van Rousseau. Nageslag: seuns: 4, dogters: 7 <ref name=KARINA1/><ref name=SAMANTHA/>
Marriage ===:: Anne (* 1667) - Suster van die stamvader Francois Retif - trou in 1689 met Pierre Rousseau. Sy is die Stammoeder van Rousseau. Nageslag / offspring: sons / seuns = 4, daughters / dogters = 7 <ref name=SAMANTHA>Botha-1068 | Samantha Botha Mar 31, 2013.</ref>
:: Date: 1671 <ref name=WILH4/>
:: Place: France <ref name=WILH4/> ::: Husband: Retif-21|Jacques Retif ::: Wife: :::: Child: Retif-22|Anne Hanna Retif
:: Date: 1689 :: Place: Western Cape, South Africa <ref name=WILH2/> ::: Husband: ::: Wife: Retif-22|Anne Hanna Retif :::: Child:
Death ===:: Date: Anne Rétif passed away [in] <ref name="text15">Entered by Van Schalkwyk-55 | Nina van Schalkwyk, Jun 14, 2013.</ref><ref name="text-85">May 5, 2013 Vermaak-85 | Dina Vermaak.</ref> / bef <refname=SAMANTHA/><ref name=KARINA/> / [on] 15 Oct 1710 <ref name=WILH3/><ref name=WILH2/><ref name=WILH4/><ref name=WILH11/>:: Place: Paarl, <ref name=WILH3/><ref name=WILH2/><ref name=WILH4/><ref name=WILH11/> Drakenstein, Cape, [Western Cape, South Africa] <ref name=SAMANTHA/><ref name=DINA/><ref name=KARINA/><ref name=WILH4/>
Will ===:: Inventaris en taxatie der goederen soo roerende als onroerende naergelaten en met er doot ontruijmt bij Anna Retief ten voordeele van haer naergelatene man Pieter Russeau ter eenre, en haer tien naergelatenekinderen ter andere zijde
:: Een plaets of hofsteede geleegen aen Drakenstijn, genaemt de Boog van Orleans, groot 60 morgen 222 roeden met woonhuijs, hok en parshuijs, getaxeert op ƒ2000:-- [...] een hofsteede of plaets geleegen onder Drakenstijn genaemt de Vleesbank groot 30 morgen met het daer op staende huijs 3250:-- een stuk lands genaemt Stellenceur groot 60 morgen, geleegen onder Drakenstijn 500:-- [...] Aldus geinventariseert en getaxeert op de plaetsen de Boogh van Orleans en de Vleesbank den 10 Meij 1710 :: Source: http://www.wikitree.com/photo.php/c/cd/Retif-9.pdf Inventories of the Orphan Chamber Cape Town Archives Repository, South Africa Reference no.: MOOC8/2.39 <ref name=SAMANTHA/>
<references />* Retief-166 was created by Seddon-1606 | Richard Seddon through the import of Marais2.ged on Nov 23, 2015: Note: Or Anna Retief
* WikiTree profile Retief-75 through the import of export-BloodTree.ged on Mar 31, 2013 by Botha-1068 | Samantha Botha. Prior to import,this record was last changed 00:04:24 17 FEB 2013. Submitter: : Record File Number : geni:6000000008006289269
- Objects included::: Drakenstein Doopregister 1694-1732 (Geni) Doop / Baptismal record b4 Elizabeth / Elisabet(h) (Isabeau) Rousseau aka Rossouw mentioning Anna (Retif) & Pierre Rousseau October 14, 1696 (Date: October 14, 1696 ; Location: NG Kerk,Drakenstein, Kaap, Suid Afrika) :: Drakenstein Doopregister 1694-1732 (Geni) Doop / Baptismal record Marthe (Martha) Rousseau aka Rossouw mentioning Anna (Hanne) (Retif) & Pierre Rousseau 28 Jul, 1698 (Date: 28 Jul, 1698 ; Location: NG Kerk, Drakenstein, Kaap, Suid Afrika) :: Drakenstein Doopregister1694-1732 (Geni) Doop / Baptismal record Pierre Rousseau aka Rossouw mentioning Anna (Anne) (Retif) & Pierre Rousseau May 3, 1700 (Date: 3May, 1700 ; Location: NG Kerk, Drakenstein, Kaap, Suid Afrika) :: Drakenstein Doopregister 1694-1732 (Geni) Doop / Baptismal record Pierre Rousseau aka Rossouw mentioning Anna (Anne) (Retif) & Pierre Rousseau Sep 2, 1703 (Date: Sep 2, 1703 ; Location: NG Kerk, Drakenstein, Kaap, Suid Afrika {"Dan is ek vreelik bly dit kan van waarde wees vir jou Kotie. Groete Judi::: 'n Baie waardevolle dokument vir ons gesin: Pierre en Isabeau Joubert is my man Fanie Joubert se stamvader en op dieselfde dokument is Pierre en Anne Rossouw, wat my stamvader is. Kotie Joubert"}:: Doop / Baptismal record,Anna Rousseau July 8, 1691 Stellenbosch, mentioning Pïtter Roussouw and Anna Retief:: Drakenstein Doopregister 1694-1732 (Geni) Doop / Baptismal record, Gabriel Rousseau aka Rossouw Aug 14, 1701 Stellenbosch, mentioning Pierre Rousseau and Anne Retif (Date: Sep 2, 1703 ; Location: NG Kerk, Drakenstein, Kaap, SuidAfrika):: Drakenstein Doopregister 1694-1732 (Geni) Doop / Baptismal record, Daniel Rousseau aka Rossouw Oct 9, 1707 Stellenbosch, mentioning Pierre Roússeaú and Anne Retiff (Date: Oct 9, 1707 ; Location: NG Kerk, Drakenstein, Kaap, Suid Afrika):: Drakenstein Doopregister1694-1732 (Geni) Doop / Baptismal record, AHester Rousseau aka Rossouw Jul 26, 1705 Stellenbosch, mentioning Pierre Roússeaú and Anne Retiff (Date: Jul 26, 1705 ; Location: NG Kerk, Drakenstein,Kaap, Suid Afrika) :: Living Status (Marriage) Pierre Rossouw and Geertruy du Toit 15 December 1710. 1710 ditto [Dec] 15 Pieter Rousseau wedr. met Geertruij du Toi jongedr. van Cabo :: Doop van Pieter/Pierre Rossouw b8 May 3, 1700. 14 06.12.1699-10.05.1700.JPG
* WikiTree profile Retif-3 created through the import of wikitree upload.ged on Jul 19, 2012 by Klopper-13 | Arrie Klopper. Prior to import, this record was last changed 8 Jan 2010. User ID: 41EE29254D3EA846AA0D31673E22FAD37266
* WikiTree profile Retief-9 created through the import of Champion Family Tree.ged on Apr 18, 2012 by Schneeberger-8 | Werner Schneeberger.
* WikiTree profile Retief-5 created through the import of My Family.Pretorius.Van_Wyk.DeWaal.Potgieter.2011.ged on Sep 19, 2011 by Pretorius-12 | Judy Potgieter.
* WikiTree profile UNKNOWN-176625 created through the import of MaraisFamily Register.ged on Oct 28, 2012 by Marais-170 | Hannes Marais. User ID: 4E4E2885-CAC4-4D23-A831-F379EDEF6009 : Record ID Number: MH:I273 : UPD 28 OCT 2012 08:00:13 GMT+8
* WikiTree profile Retief-16 created through the import of Ancestors_DippenaarAndre_noinfo.GED on Oct 23, 2012 by Dippenaar-12 | Andrew Dippenaar. User ID: 2EDCA4FB-26E2-41D3-B5A2-95A75733A4F8 : Record ID Number: MH:I1480 : UPD 24 JAN 2012 22:51:10 GMT+2 - Van Schalkwyk-55 | Nina van Schalkwyk, Jun 14, 2013.
* WikiTree profile Retif-17 through the import of f92435_505468x3f1i961v209i435 (1).ged on Jul 27, 2013 by Du Toit-446 | Paul du Toit. User ID: B1647E85-BE6D-49C0-9DF7-46C89A84559D : Record ID Number: MH:I138 : UPD 21 APR 2013 15:48:20 GMT -0500
* Robertson, Delia. The First Fifty Years Project. http://www.e-family.co.za/ffy/ Page: PN Retif <ref name=SAMANTHA/>
* WikiTree profile Rétif-9 through the import of Vermaak Family Site - 05 May 2013.GED on May 5, 2013 Vermaak-85 | Dina Vermaak. User ID: 395A2BC8-722A-46D2-B9CE-10545602220C : ID Number: MH:I530 : UPD28 JUN 2008 16:26:55 GMT+2* Source: Author: Serge Meunier Title: Meunier Web Site Text: MyHeritage.com family tree Page: Anne Retief* Source: Author: Erna van Rooyen Title: van Rooyen Web Site Text: MyHeritage.com family tree Page: Anne Retief
* http://www.cjunebarnes.co.uk/Textiles/Family_History_files/Marais.pdf (Pienaar-305, Jul 26 2014)
* Bonthuys-3 | Peter Bonthuys created WikiTree profile Retief-84 through the import of Bonthuys-Rossouw-Koch-Verceuil.ged on Jun 29, 2013. User ID: EEE05B9B609C1242938DD4C411201B160000
* WikiTree profile Retief-65 created through the import of vanderWalt-Nel 8 01 2013.ged on Jan 9, 2013 by Van der Walt-109 | Ilze Nel.* Source: S-1593725828 Repository: #R-1688704944 Title: Ancestry Family Trees Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com. Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members. Page: Ancestry Family Tree Data:Text: http://trees.ancestry.com/pt/AMTCitationRedir.aspx?tid=49617396&pid... * Repository: R-1688704944 Name: Ancestry.com
* WIkiTree profile Retief-99 was created through the import of export-Ancestors.ged on Jul 31, 2014 by Scholtz-75 | Karina Mulder. Record File Number: geni:6000000008006289269 : Submitter: Prior to import, this record was last changed 02:59:59 11 JUL 2014. :: Objects::: File: Martha Rossouw Baptism / Doop:: File: Baptism / Doop van b4 Elizabeth aka Isabeua Rossouw:: File: Gen.,com Baptism / Doop van Pierre Rossouw 3 May 1700 Drakenstein:: File: Geni.com Baptism / Doop Pierre Rossouw 2 September 1703 Drakenstein:: File: Gen.,com Baptism / Doop Anna Rossouw 8 July 1691 Stellenbosch:: File: Geni.com Baptism / Doop Gabriel Rossouw 14 August 1701 Drakenstein:: File: Geni,com Baptism / Doop Elisabeth Rossouw 14 October 1696 Drakenstein:: File: Geni.com Baptism / Doop Daniel Rossouw 9 October 1707 Drakenstein:: File: Gen.,com Baptism / Doop Martha Rossouw 28 July 1698 Drakenstein:: File: Geni.com Baptism / Doop Hester Rossouw 26 July 1705 Drakensein :: File: Inventories of the Orphan Chamber Cape Town Archives Repository, South Africa Reference no.: MOOC8/2.39::: "Inventaris en taxatie der goederen soo roerende als onroerende naergelaten en met er doot ontruijmt bij Anna Retief ten voordeele van haer naergelatene man Pieter Russeau ter eenre, en haer tien naergelatene kinderen ter andere zijde :::: :::: Een plaets of hofsteede geleegen aen Drakenstijn, genaemt de Boogvan Orleans, groot 60 morgen 222 roeden met woonhuijs, hok en parshuijs, getaxeert op ƒ2000:-- :::: :::: ... :::: :::: een hofsteede of plaets geleegen onder Drakenstijn genaemt de Vleesbank groot 30 morgen met het daer op staende huijs 3250:-- :::: :::: een stuk lands genaemt Stellenceur groot 60 morgen, geleegen onder Drakenstijn 500:-- :::: :::: ... :::: :::: Aldus geinventariseert en getaxeert op de plaetsen de Boogh van Orleans en de Vleesbank den 10 Meij 1710:: File: Anna Retief MOOC8/2.39.pdf:: File: {Note: Dan is ek vreelik bly dit kan van waarde wees vir jou Kotie. Groete Judi ; Note: 'n Baie waardevolle dokument vir ons gesin: Pierre en Isabeau Joubert is my man Fanie Joubert se stamvader en op dieselfde dokument is Pierre en Anne Rossouw, wat my stamvader is. Kotie Joubert}
* WikiTree profile Retif-22 was created through the import of Venter_2013_2015-01-12_2015-01-1402.ged on Jan 14, 2015 by Venter-1057 | Wilhelm Venter.* Source: S3 Author: Ancestry.com Title: PublicMember Trees Publication: Name: Name: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc.;Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2006;; Repository: #R1 Source Medium: (null) Ancestry.com, Public Member Trees (Provo, UT, USA, Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., 2006). - Repository: R1 Name: www.ancestry.com* Source: S5 Title: Ancestry Family Trees Publication: Name: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com. Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members.; Repository: #R2
- Repository: R2 Name: Ancestry.com
In Mer too lived Jeanne Bourdon and her merchant husband, Isaac le Roux de Pommegorge. The Fouchers and the Bourdons were related. Philippe Foucher was attended at his wedding in 1677 by his uncle Etienne Bruere and his cousin, Jean Bourdon, usher at Mer. Amsterdam records also suggest a link between the Bourdons and the Basches. One of the Blois pastors, appointed in 1660, was Michel Janigon, later to serve at Utrecht. John Locke met him in 1678 and found him “a very ingenious and civil man”. Although they did not travel on the Voorschooten, the refugees Pierre Rousseau, Frangois Retif and his sister Anne Retif reached the Cape in 1688. All were members of the Mer congregation, but their parentage is uncertain. These were closely linked families and for the most part vine-dressers, although there was a surgeon Daniel Rousseau at Mer, while Jacques Rousseau, a royal usher, was a leading member of the consistory in 1668 and 1669.97 Those with vineyards included Daniel Rousseau and Marie Retif at Suevres, perhaps the parents of Pierre, who was born about the year 1666. Marie Retif died in 1682. It is worthy of note that Philippe Foucher stood godfather to Marthe, daughter of Daniel Rousseau and his wife, in July 1671. Two other vine-dressers were Jean Rousseau of Mer, married to Madeleine Retif, and Paul Retif of Aunay, whose wife was Frangoise Rousseau. Frangois Retif, born on February 2, 1663, may possibly have been the son of Jacques Retif, whose father Paul, the Aunay cultivator, died on September 8, 1677 at the age of some seventy-five years. There was also a Pierre Retif at Aunay. It seems probable that Pierre Rousseau's marriage to Anne Retif took place at Drakenstein and that he was not the refugee at Zierikzee in Zeeland who, with a young daughter, was helped by the Walloon church authorities in the winter of 1687-1688. This Pierre Rousseau was too poor to pay for shoe repairs. A Pierre Rousseau abjured with three of his children at Delft on December 7, 1687. No trace of the Marie Rousseau of Blois who came to the Cape has been found, if this indeed is the correct version of her surname, while the Cape burgher Frederik Roussouw, more properly Pieter de Wit, is not connected with the Rousseaus of the Blesois.
- M. Boucher (1981). French speakers at the Cape: The European Background. Pretoria, UNISA: Ch 5: Cape settlers I: from the Loire to the Channel
Arriveer met broer Francois 1688 Kaapstad vermoedelik aan boord die "Borssenburg" skip van Frankryk.
Came to SA with brother on ship Borssenburg, from Netherlands
BORSSENBURG sailed from Texel on 6 Jamuary 1688 and arrived at Table Bay, South Africa on 12 May 1688
Copied and translated from Piet Retief by Gustav Preller Family said to be from From Menars, La Ville near Blois, France Francois Retief French Huguenot Born 1663 died 23 Sept 1721. Went to South Africa before 1690. Married to Maria Mouij in South Africa on 2nd May 1700. Maria born 15 May 1685. Out of this marriage came 9 children 5 0f which were sons The 4th Francois was baptised July 25th 1708. He was a burgher of Drakenstein.He married onDec 3rd to Anna Marais. This marriage brought forth 8 children of which 6 were sons The 5th Jacobus was baptised on Sept7th 1754. He married Deborah Jouberton Nov 1st 1772. Out of this Marriage came 10 children(5 sons) The 5th child who was the second son was Pieter Retief(Piet) born 12th Nov 1780. He was married in Graaf Reinet to the wiodow Magdalena Johanna Greyling born de Wet. . Out of this marriage came 4 children. the oldestDeborah Jacoba was baptised on Nov 5th 1815. the others were Jacobus, Margaretha Magdalena and Pieter. Anne Retief's children: Mother of 7 girls and 4 sons. Through them 93 grandchildren. After her death Pierre Rousseau married Geertruida Du Toit in 1710(. Geertruida was the 18 year old daughter of Guilliame duToit and Sara Cochet.) They had one more son Andries who died young. On Dec 31st Geertruida married Carel van der Merwe(1698to 1712) by which she has 1 more son. Pierre Rousseau married Anne retief(1667to 1710) sister of the ancestor of Francois Retief( 1663to1721)Francois Retief is the ancestor of the hero Piet Retief. Anne is his g g aunt Check Anne's Birth date . Was it 1667 or 1659? Anne Retif is the sister of the refugeeFrancois Retif Retif is the original French spelling
Anne Retif, SM/PROG's Timeline
1671 |
Menars, Loir-et-Cher, Centre-Val de Loire, France
1688 |
May 12, 1688
Age 17
Mer In Orleans, France
1691 |
July 8, 1691
Paarl, Drakenstein, Cape of Good Hope, South Africa
1693 |
Paarl, Drakenstein, Caep de Goede Hoop, South Africa
1695 |
February 26, 1695
Paarl, Caap de Goede Hoop, South Africa
1696 |
October 14, 1696
Caep de Goede Hoop, South Africa
1698 |
July 27, 1698
Caep de Goede Hoop, ZA 🇿🇦 (South Africa)
1700 |
May 3, 1700
Paarl, Cape, South Africa
1701 |
August 14, 1701
West Coast District Municipality, WC, South Africa