ARCHAMBAULT, Marie 240074
Statut Mariée
Date de baptême 24-02-1636
Lieu d'origine Dompierre-sur-Mer (St-Pierre) (Charente-Maritime) 17142
Parents Jacques et Françoise Tourault
Métier du père Laboureur et vigneron
Première mention au pays 1646
Occupation à l'arrivée Migrante arrivée avec ses parents
Date de mariage 28-09-1648
Lieu du mariage Québec (Notre-Dame)
Conjoint Urbain Tessier
Décès ou inhumation Pointe-aux-Trembles, 16-08-1719
Remarques Trois de ses frères et sœurs ont été baptisés à Dompierre-sur-Mer (St-Pierre) : Denis, le 12-09-1630 ; Louise, 18-03-1640 et Laurent, le 10-01-1642. Ses grands-parents sont Antoine Archambault et Renée Ouvrard. Une plaque commémorative a été apposée dans l'église de Dompierre-sur-Mer en 1988.
Identification DGFQ, p. 17
Chercheur(s) Archange Godbout ; Jean-François Paboul
Référence NA17, p. 500
Copie d'acte : numérisé
The two marriages of Anne Archambault
Michel Chauvin and Jean Gervaise
Very soon after her arrival in New France, July 27, 1647 or July 29, 1647, according to sources consulted, Anne Archambault, then aged 16, married her first husband Michel Chauvin, son of Gabriel Chauvin and Marie Drouard, the church of Notre-Dame, Quebec, .
Both bride and groom had been married before the notary Bancheron, July 22, 1647. Unfortunately for Anne, some time later, in Montreal, her marriage to Michel Chauvin is declared invalid since he is found guilty of bigamy.
He had left a first wife alive and well in France, Louise Delisle. The marriage of Michael and Louise was celebrated in 1636 in the province of Maine France.
After the cancellation of her first marriage and after the birth of her first child, a girl named Charlotte Chauvin, April 5, 1651, Anne Archambault married her second husband, Jean Gervaise, son of Urbain Gervais and Jeanne Pebise. The ceremony of Anne's second marriage took place in Montreal, February 3, 1654. The couple were married three weeks after the religious ceremony, March 25, 1654, before the notary Lambert Closse.
Anne Archambault was married at Notre-Dame de Québec on July 27, 1647 to Michel Chauvin with whom she had two children born in Montréal. While passing through France in 1650, Louis Prudhomme learned that Michel Chauvin’s lawful wife was living in poverty at Sainte-Suzanne. On October 8, 1650, in the presence of Paul de Chomedey, according to the notes of the notary Jean de Saint-Père, Chauvin admitted his mistake. And the bigamous bird was returned to France. Jean Gervaise, master baker, took Anne Archambault for his wife, on February 3rd, 1654. The worthy couple, responsible for 9 children, are the pride of the Gervaise descendants. Anne died in Montréal on July 29, 1699.
Anne Archambault came to Canada with her parents in 1646. The following year she married Michel Chauvin. They hada child that died in the cradle. The following year baby Charlotte was born and Anne discovered she had married abigamist.Maisonneuve had the marriage annulled, sent Chauvin back to France and assigned the wages formerly paid to him toCharlotte for as long as she remained in the service of the seigneurs.Anne married Jean Gervais Feb. 3, 1654. Maisonneuve was Godfather to Marguerite the first born of this marriage.
1629 |
Lardillère, Dompierre-sur-Mer, LaRochelle, Aunis (Charente-Maritime), France
1631 |
Age 2
Dompierre-sur-Mer, Charente-Maritime, Poitou Charentes, France.
1636 |
February 24, 1636
Age 7
Dompierre sur Mer, Lardilliere, Charente-Maritime, France
February 24, 1636
Age 7
Lardilliere, La Rochelle, Aunis, France
1642 |
November 9, 1642
Age 13
Sedan, Ardennes, France
1646 |
Age 17
Ville-Marie, QC
Age 17
Quebec, Canada
1647 |
Age 18
Quebec, Canada