Hannah (Anna) Boyse was born Abt. 1605 in Halifax, Yorkshire, England, and died 1647 in Plymouth, Massachusetts. She married John Reynor, Rev on August 12, 1633 in Bradford, Yorkshire, England, son of William Reynor and ?.
More About Hannah (Anna) Boyse and John Reynor: Marriage: August 12, 1633, Bradford, Yorkshire, England.
John was born at Gildersome in West Riding County York, England which is about 35 miles from Scrooby. He attended Emmanuel College, Cambridge and graduated from Magdalen College, Oxford where he received his A. B. in 1625. His first wife was Anna Boyse who was one of four coheiresses in his native parish. He had two children with her.
Children of Hannah (Anna) Boyse and John Reynor, Reverand are:
Joanna Boyse, daughter and fifth child of Rev. John Boyse and Joanna Stowe (daughter of John Stowe and Joanna Baker) of Halifax, Yorkshire, England, who came to America and settled in Roxbury, Massachusetts with her sisters Silence Robinson and Anna Reyner and their husbands.
from: http://familytreemaker.genealogy.com/users/b/a/r/Tami-K-Barton/GENE...
Lady Anna Boyse was the wife of Reynor and mother of Hannah Reynor Lane. <ref>sameas=no Hannah Reynor Lane (1632-1704)</ref> "...one of four co-heiresses named Boyes of his native parish, Gildersome, in the W. Riding of Yorkshire. A Genealogical Dictionary of The First Settlers of New England, Before 1692 Volume #3 Ratcliff - Rea ByJames Savage. <ref>http://www.usgennet.org/usa/topic/newengland/savage/bk3/ratcliff-re... </ref> Rev. John Reyner, native of Batley, co. York, married at Bradford, co.York 12 Aug 1633, Anna (or Hannah) Boyse, dtr of Rev.John Boyse.<ref name=TAG16>"Rev. Peter Prudden, Pastor and Founder of Milford, Connecticut, and his English Ancestry." The American Genealogist. New Haven, CT: D. L. Jacobus, 1937-. (Online database. AmericanAncestors.org. NewEngland Historic Genealogical Society, 2009 - .) Vol. 16:11.</ref> Her parents John and Joanna both named her in their wills prior to her marriage.<ref>Prudden, Lillian Eliza. Peter Prudden; a story of his life and New Haven and Milford, Conn. New Haven: Tuttle, Morehouse & Taylor company, 1901 p. 105 https://archive.org/stream/peterpruddenstor00prud#page/106/mode/2up</ref> She and her two sisters Silence Robinson and Joanna Boyse (later Prudden) immigrated to New England.<ref name=TAG16 /> Anna Reyner died before 1642, when her husband remarried.<ref name=TAG16 />
Children:<ref name=TAG16 />
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1609 |
Biddenden, Kent, England
1632 |
Gildersome, York, England
1633 |
Roxbury, Suffolk, Massachusetts, USA
1647 |
Age 38
Plymouth, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA