Matching family tree profiles for Ann Tallman
Immediate Family
About Ann Tallman
- 'The genealogical dictionary of Rhode Island: comprising three generations of ... By John Osborne Austin
- http://books.google.com/books?id=LA7ntaS11ocC&pg=PA458&lpg=PA458&dq...
- Pg. 457 /115
- TALLMAN, Peter (p. 196, 1st col.) came from Hamburg, Germany, of a burgher family, which probably originated in Schleswig-Holstein. He was born about 1623, probably the son of Heinrich and Ann Tuelmon of Humburg and was made a burgher of that City 14 Aug. 1646. Soon after he emigrated to Barbados, where on 2 Jan. 1649 (?1649/9) he married in Christ Church Parish, 'Anne', daughter of Philip and Anne Hill of that parish. Soon after, he came to Rhode Island. On 2 June 1648 he contracted with Nathaniel Maverick to transport him, with his goods, in the ship Golden Dolphin to New England. He occurs on 5:12:1650 as "Peter Talmon of Newport on Rhode Island apothecary" (Aspinwall, pp. 209, 370). He was at New Amsterdam in 1651 and was trading with Delaware. He was at Hartford and on 20 May 1652 he was styled "Dutchman" in the Conn. records. He was residing at Flushing and New Amsterdam 1655-1658, but was a Freeman at Newport, R. I., in 1655.
- Pg. 458 /116
- On 4 Oct. 1655, he bought a house and lot in New Amsterdam, and on 25 May 1658, "Pieter Taelman burgher and inhabitant of New Amsterdam," sold the same to Dirck Jansen van Daventer (N.Y. City Rec., Dutch Deeds, Bk, A. pp. 95, 135). He returned to Rhode Island and settled at Portsmouth in 1658. Bought lands on the Taunton River in Plymouth Colony (now Dighton, Mass.) and at Dartmouth, as well as a considerable tract on Martha's Vineyard. He was Commissioner in 1661 at Warwick, R. I. 'In 1665 his wife Anne was sentenced to be whipped for adultery'. He deposed at Portsmouth on 13 March 1702/3, aged 80 years or thereabouts, that he was born in Hamburg and went to Barbados, where he 'married at Christ Church Parish, Anne, daughter of Philip and Anne Hill, and thereafter removed to R. I. with his wife's mother, who remarried Mr. John Elton and removed to Flushing and later to Staten Island and eventually went with her son Robert Hill to Virginia, where as he had heard, she married once more, a Capt. Hudson'. Dr. Peter Tallman of Guilford, Conn., was his son (Portsmouth Town Records).
- Peter of Guilford (2nd col.) on 5 Nov 1703 sold land at Dragon Swamp in Furnham Parish, Rappahannock Co., Va., as heir of Robert Hill (his uncle) of Rappahannock Co., Va. (Essex Co., Va., Deeds, Bk. 11. p. 115).
- Anne (2nd col.) married Joseph Beckett [Beckwith] of New London.
- Delete the nameless daughter, "___ married William Potter."
- (New Eng. Hist. & Gen. Reb., Vol. 69, p. 90; Vol. 87. pp. 69-74.)
- _______________________________
- ' Historical and genealogical miscellany; data relating to the settlement and settlers of New York and New Jersey (1903) Vol. V
- http://www.archive.org/details/historicalgeneal05stil
- http://www.archive.org/stream/historicalgeneal05stil#page/11/mode/1...
- The Tallmans of New Jersey are represented by several branches of the name having a common ancestor in Peter Tallman, I,who settled in Newport and Portsmouth, Rhode Island, where he died in 1708. Concerning him and his immediate issue, F. O. Austin supplies the following data: .....
- http://www.archive.org/stream/historicalgeneal05stil#page/12/mode/1...
- 1708. The inventory of his estate was presented by his son James Tallman.
- 1709, May 3. Administration having been given to Jonathan Tallman, he took acquittances, at this date, from his brothers and sisters, William Wilbur, Israel Shaw, Jonathan Tallman, James Tallman, Benjamin Tallman, Mary Pearce, Susanna Beckett, Peter Tallman, Isaac Lawton, William Potter, John Tallman, Joseph Tallman and Samuel Tallman.
- Peter Tallman, Sr., married, 'first, Ann ___ '; second, 1665, Joan Briggs, who died about 1685; third, about 1686, Esther ___ who died before 1708. Issue
- 2 Mary Tallman married John Pearce
- 3 Elizabeth Tallman married Isaac Lawton
- 4 Peter Tallman born Mch. 22, 1658, (son by first wife), a physician, married Anne Walstone.
- 5 Anne Tallman married Stephen Brayton
- 6 Joseph Tallman
- 7 Susanna Tallman married Mr. Beckett
- 8 Daughter married William Wilbur
- 9 Jonathan Tallman married Sarah ___ .
- 10 James Tallman, ancestor of the Shrewsbury, New Jersey, family.
- 1 1 Daughter married William Potter
- 12 John Tallman married Mary ___ ; settled at Flushing, Long Island; ancestor of the Burlington County, New Jersey, family.
- 13 Daughter married Israel Shaw
- 14 Benjamin Tallman (son by second wife).
- 15 Samuel Tallman (son by third wife).
- Concerning these children Austin contributes considerable information and mentions ninety-two of their children. But we are only interested in following James Tallman, 10, and John Tallman, 12, and their progeny.
- ________________
- 'Henry Howland Crapo. Certain comeoverers. (page 12 of 22)
- http://www.ebooksread.com/authors-eng/henry-howland-crapo/certain-c...
- Came over 1648
- Golden Dolphin
- Israel Shaw, the son of Anthony Shaw and Alice Stonard, was born in 1660. He was alive in 1710, and how long after that date he lived I know not. He lived in Little Compton. In 1689 he married a daughter of Peter Tallman. They
- http://www.ebooksread.com/authors-eng/henry-howland-crapo/certain-c...
- had a daughter, Elizabeth, born in 1706. I have found no record that clearly proves that this Elizabeth Shaw was the same Elizabeth Shaw who married Nathan Chase ....
- .... It has been stated, on what authority I know not, that Peter Tallman was Dutch and that he came over in 1648 in the ship Golden Dolphin to New York, .... He lived, however, until 1708.
- ' Peter Tallman's married career was varied. From his first wife, Ann, he was granted a divorce by the General Assembly'. In 1665 he married Joan Briggs of Taunton. The antenuptial agreement between Peter and Joan and the deeds by which it was confirmed are set forth in full in the Portsmouth town records. The documents are elaborately and excellently written, and indicate a very liberal settlement on the bride. She bore him several children, of whom your ancestress is listed as the twelfth, and there were still others. Joan died in 1685 and in 1686 Peter married for the third time one Esther.
- ____________
- 'Peter Tallman
- M, b. 20 February 1623, d. 1708
- ' Peter Tallman was born on 20 February 1623 at Hamburg, Germany. He married Ann Hill, daughter of Phillip Hill and Ann (?), on 2 January 1649 at Christ Church, Barbados. Peter Tallman immigrated in 1649; To Barbados, 1647, then from Barbados to Portsmouth, Rhode Island about 1649, with first wife Ann Hill. He and Ann Hill were divorced in 1665; Adultery, complaint that she had a child by another man. Peter Tallman married Joan Briggs, daughter of Samuel Briggs, on 24 July 1665 at Portsmouth, Newport Co., RI. Peter Tallman married Esther (?) circa 1686 at Portsmouth, Newport Co., RI. Note: Deposition of Joseph Sheffield regarding a declaration made by Peter Tallman of Portsmouth on 13 March, 1702/3:
- "Joseph Sheffield, one of Her Majesty's Assistants, testified that being in the house of Peter Tallman in Portsmouth March 13, 1702/3, Peter declared:
- ' 'I am now 80 years of age and in the year 1647 I came from Hambrough to the Island of Barbados, and within two years after my arrival I married with Ann Hill the daughter of Phillip Hill and Ann his wife,' and he was married in Christ Church in said Island, and after seven or eight months after his marriage the said Tallman moved from the Island of Barbados to Rhode Island bringing with him his wife and wife's brother called Robert Hill, as likewise his wife's mother ... and further said Tallman declared to me the said deponent that the Peter Tallman whose habitation is now at Guildford in the County of New Haven in Connecticut is eldest lawfull son of said Peter Tallman." Peter Tallman died in 1708 at Portsmouth, Newport Co., RI.
- 'Children of Peter Tallman and Ann Hill
- Mary Tallman b. c 1651, d. 1720
- Elizabeth Tallman+ b. c 1654, d. 20 May 1701
- Ann Tallman+ b. c 1656, d. 1732
- Peter Tallman+ b. 22 Mar 1658, d. 6 Jul 1726
- Joseph Tallman b. c 1660, d. a 3 May 1709
- Susannah Tallman b. c 1662
- Sarah Tallman b. 1664, d. 1732
- Children of Peter Tallman and Joan Briggs
- Jonathan Tallman b. 1666, d. 1782
- Mercy Ruth Tallman b. 1666
- James Tallman+ b. c 1668, d. 1724
- John Tallman b. 1672, d. bt 1707 - 1709
- Ruth Tallman b. 1674
- Peter Tallman b. c 1676
- Nathaniel Tallman b. 1680
- Benjamin Tallman+ b. 28 Jun 1684, d. 20 May 1759
- Mary Tallman b. c 1686
- Children of Peter Tallman and Esther (?)
- Samuel Tallman b. 14 Jan 1687/88
- Joseph Tallman b. 1691
- http://www.landofthebuckeye.net/p1621.htm#i28084
- 'Peter Tallman (1623 - 1708) was originally from Hamburg, Germany. He settled first about 1647 at Barbados, where he married his first wife Ann Hill, then in 1649 relocated to Portsmouth, Rhode Island. Peter and Ann were divorced in 1665 based on alleged infidelity of Ann, producing a child by another man.' Peter Tallman then married Joan Briggs in July, 1665. Our descent is from Peter and Joan's son Benjamin (1684 - 1759) and his wife Patience Durfee, via their son William, born in Rhode Island, who married Anne Lincoln and lived at Reading in Berks County, Pennsylvania. Of eleven children born to William and Anne Lincoln Tallman, only Benjamin lived to adulthood, to marry and have children of his own. Ben Tallman married Dinah Boone, daughter of Benjamin and Susannah (Liken) Boone in 1764 in Berks County.
- Photos of:
- The Tallman cemetery, on top of a hill in rural Pickaway County, Ohio
- headstone for Benjamin and Dinah (Boone) Tallman
- http://landofthebuckeye.net/ui281.htm
- ____________________
- Berne, NY - Family Files
- Town of Berne, NY - www.bernehistory.org
- The information in these files is maintained by our volunteer, Harold Miller. Please contact him with any updated information or to request ancestor or descendent charts.
- Family Group Page For
- 'Ann Hill
- Father: Phillip Hill Mother: Ann
- 'Individual: Ann Hill
- 'Born: BET 1625 AND 1665 Married: 2 JAN 1648/49 at Barbados, West Indies Died: BEF 1688
- ' Spouse: Peter Tallman Born: ABT 1623 Died: 1708
- Father: Peter Tallman Mother: Maria Von Peene
- ' Other Spouses: Thomas Durfee
- Children
- Mary Tallman Born: ABT 1650 Died: 1720
- http://www.bernehistory.org/FamilyFiles/family.aspx?strID=@I35778@&...
- Family Group Page For
- 'Thomas Durfee
- Father: Job Durfee Mother: Judieh Borden
- 'Individual: Thomas Durfee Born: ABT 1643 Married: 1664 at Portsmouth, Newport, RI Died: 14 JUL 1712
- ' Spouse: Ann Hill Born: BET 1625 AND 1665 Died: BEF 1688
- Father: Phillip Hill Mother: Ann
- Children
- Thomas Durfee Born: 28 MAR 1669 Died: 11 FEB 1728/29
- Benjamin Durfee Born: 1679 Died: 6 JAN 1754
- http://www.bernehistory.org/FamilyFiles/family.aspx?strID=@I35779@&...
- Berne, NY - Family Files
- http://www.bernehistory.org/FamilyFiles/family.aspx?strID=@I47016@&...
- Father: Peter Tallman Mother: Maria Von Peene
- 'Individual: Peter Tallman Born: ABT 1623 Married: Died: 1708
- Spouse: Joan Briggs Born: Died: 24 JUL 1685
- ' Other Spouses: Ann Hill
- Children
- Jonathan Tallman Born: ABT 1666 Died: JUL 1762
- James Tallman Born: ABT 1668 Died: 1724
- Ann Tallman Born: ABT 1670 Died: 1732
- Notes
- Note1: an ante nuptial agreement was made between Peter Tallman and Joan Briggs. He agreed to give her land he had bought from Richard Morris, Daniel Wilcox and William Wilbur and also a house, all to be hers and her heirs born of this marriage . He gave her beside a bed and half the household goods, but if she die without issue the estate given her was to revert to Peter Tallman's eldest son, viz. Peter Jr., and if the latter die without issue then to Peter Tallman Sr.'s eldes t daughter viz Mary and her heirs. To Joan, absolutely as a "free gift of donation" he gave 3 good cows and a good breeding mare.
- http://www.bernehistory.org/FamilyFiles/family.aspx?strID=@I45875@&...
- 'Individual: Peter Tallman
- Born: ABT 1623 Married: 2 JAN 1648/49 at Barbados, West Indies Died: 1708
- ' Spouse: Ann Hill Born: BET 1625 AND 1665 Died: BEF 1688
- Father: Phillip Hill Mother: Ann
- Other Spouses: Joan Briggs
- Children
- Mary Tallman Born: ABT 1650 Died: 1720
- ______________
Immigration: 1650 From Barbados to RI (or NY)
Peter Tallman and Ann Hill were married in Christ Church Parish in Barbados according to a deposition made by Peter Tallman, at his home in Portsmouth, Newport County, RI, March 13, 1702/03.
Ann and Peter were divorced in Portsmouth, in May, 1665.
Ann Hill Tallman
b. ABT 1628
Marriage: ABT 1641
Spouse: Peter TALLMAN, b. 20 FEB 1622/3; d. 1 APR 1708 Portsmouth, Newport, RI.
- Susanna TALLMAN
- Elizabeth TALLMAN
- Joseph TALLMAN, b. 1662 Portsmouth, Newport, RI.
- Mercy TALLMAN, b. 1666 Portsmouth, Newport, RI.
Note: See virtual cemetery info at < http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GRid=113578993 >
Ann was the daughter of Philip and Ann Hill of Rhode Island and Barbados.
She married Peter Tallman on 2 Jan 1649 in Christ Church Parish, Barbados.
In 1655 Ann was sentenced to be whipped for adultry. This is probably the reason or Peter divorcing her the same year.
After the divorce, Ann reportedly married William Porter.
There is a possibility that she died in Warwick RI.
Ann (Hill) Tallman (abt. 1628 - 1687)
Ann Tallman formerly Hill Born about 1628 [location unknown] Daughter of Phillip Hill and [mother unknown] [sibling%28s%29 unknown] Wife of Peter Tallman — married about 1649 (to May 1665) in Christ Church, Barbados, British West Indiesmap [uncertain] Mother of Sarah (Tallman) Wilbore, Mary (Tallman) Pearce, Elizabeth (Tallman) Lawton, Ann Tallman, Peter Tallman, Joseph Tallman, Susannah (Tallman) Beckwith, Sarah (Tallman) Wilbore, Robert Durfee, Richard Durfee, Thomas Durfee, Jonathan Durfee, Ann Durfee and Benjamin Durfee Died 1687 in Portsmouth, Newport, Rhode Islandmap Profile managers: Eunice Pender private message [send private message], Jillaine Smith private message [send private message], and Todd Gross private message [send private message] Last modified 26 July 2016. 22 July 2016 09:49: Eunice (Wilbur) Pender edited the Marriage Data for Ann (Hill) Tallman. [Thank Eunice for this] This page has been accessed 656 times.
[hide] 1 Biography 1.1 Birth 1.2 Death 1.3 Residence 1.4 Immigration 1.5 Marriage 2 Children 3 Sources 4 Research Notes Biography
Her date of birth varies across various sources:
Abt 1625[1] Bet 1625 and 1635[2] 1628[3][4][5] Abt 1635[6] Some say she was born in Providence; others in Barbados.
NOTE: Providence, Rhode Island was not founded until 1636, so if she was born before then, she could not have been born in Providence. At some point, she was of Portsmouth, Newport Co, Rhode Island[7]
Date: Bef 1688 Place: Portsmouth, Newport Co, RI[8][9] Residence
Date: 1649 Place: Christ Church, Barbados Date: May 1650 Place: Newport, Newport Co, RI[10] Date: Abt 1660 Place: Portsmouth, Newport Co, RI[11] Immigration
Immigration: From Barbados Date: 1650 Place: (Rhode Island Or New York), USA[12] Marriage
She married Peter Tallman 3 May 1665 in Massachusetts.[13] [This cannot be accurate if he was suing for divorce in 1663]
Others say she married him 2 Jan 1649 in Barbados.[14][15][16] Divorce: Divorce Date: 1663 She had a relationship with Thomas Durfee (1643–1712); they may not have been married.
Mrs Elizabeth Beckwith Mary Tallman Elizabeth Tallman Peter Tallman Ann Tallman Susannah Tallman Joseph Tallman Susanna Tallman Sarah Tallman Unknown Tallman Mercy Tallman Sources
↑ Source: #S10 ↑ Source: #S8 ↑ Source: #S6 ↑ Source: #S9 ↑ Source: #S17 ↑ Source: #S16 Julie Barrows. ↑ Source: #S6 ↑ Source: #S8 ↑ Source: #S9 ↑ Source: #S18 ↑ Source: #S19 ↑ Source: #S18 ↑ US & International Marriages ancestry.com. (Highly derivative; use with caution.) ↑ Source: #S7 Page: 258 Quality or Certainty of Data: 3 ↑ Source: #S16 Page: ); Julie Barrows. Quality or Certainty of Data: 3 ↑ Source: #S14 Page: ); Kennett Art Offill. Quality or Certainty of Data: 3 Research Notes
The Tallman Family Entries: 434181 Updated: 2016-06-03 15:37:58 UTC (Fri) Contact: Richard Tallman; rick@tallman.com This project is an attempt to compile the complete genealogy of ALL the Tallman families in North America (US and Canada). Any additional information or corrections, would be greatly appreciated. Any information on Tallman lines that I do not have would also be appreciated. [Who is "I" in this sentence? Richard Tallman]
From Ancestry.com, "Descendants of Tunis Wells and Other Surnames", by Dave Wells:
"When Peter Tallman took her to New England in 1649, he also arranged passage for her brother and mother. Carl Boyer of Ancestral Lines commented on questions which remain about Anne Hill; such as who her father was, what happened to her after her divorce, did she marry Thomas Durfee and was Robert Durfee her child? " From Descendants of Thomas Durfee by Charles L. Durfee - charlesldurfee.GED:
Peter Tallman and Ann Hill were married in Christ Church Parish in Barbados according to a deposition made by Peter Tallman, at his home in Portsmouth, Newport County, RI, Marc h 13, 1702/03. Ann and Peter were divorced in Portsmouth, in May, 1665. T allman Ancestry. From the ancestral file, "The Descendants of Thomas Durfee" , by Charles I. Durfee:
The first record of Thomas Durfee in America was as a witne ss, on a deed dated January 20, 1661(or June 28, 1661), whe reby King Alexander (Wamsetta), elder brother of King Phili p, and chief of the Wampanog Tribe, sold land to Peter Tall man, of Portsmouth, Newport County, RI. Those who signed a s witnesses were Richard Bulgar (alias Archer), Edward Lay , John Sasoman the Interpreter Indian, Thomas Durfi, and Al exander. Lay and Alexander signed with a mark, the others w ere able to write their names. From Rhode Island Land Evide nce Volume 1, page 189, and Plymouth (MA) Court Records Vol ume 4 or 5. It is likely that he arrived in 1660, or shortly before. I t is unlikely that, at about seventeen years of age, he cou ld pay for passage to America and it is possible that he ca me as an indentured servant, and that he worked for an unkn own number of years for whoever paid for his passage. It i s my belief that he was bound to Peter Tallman because of h is early and long association with Peter and his family. A s early as January of 1661, he must have still been workin g off his debt and he was with Peter Tallman at the time th e previously mentioned deed was written. There is no direct or positive evidence that Ann (Hill) Tal lman was Thomas' first wife, but there is a substantial amo unt of circumstantial evidence. A careful study and evaluat ion of the records of the Rhode Island Court of Trials as p ublished in the Colonial Records of Rhode Island 1664-1677 , Volume 2, pages 120-130, and Rhode Island Evidence, Volum e 1, pages 188-190 indicates that as early as June 1664, Pe ter Tallman complained to the court about a relationship be tween Ann and Thomas and Thomas was ordered to post a goo d behavior bond of 20 pounds. At the October session of th e court, at the insistence of Peter Tallman, Thomas was tri ed for breach of bond and fined. At the December 1664, session of the Newport County Court o f Trials Peter Tallman complained " ... that by reason of t he insolent carriadge of Thomas Durfee with sayd Tallman' s wife, and the danger therein etc. ... ". Rhode Island Cou rt Records, Rhode Island Historical Society, 1920, Volume 2 , pages 57-59. It would appear that Ann and Peter were sepa rated during this entire period beginning before June 1664 , until their divorce in May 1665. Thomas' son Robert was born in 1665. Reed stated that he vi sited Robert's grave and that the headstone was inscribed L ieut. Robert Durfee. Died May 10, 1718. Aged 53 years. It i s not known where Reed found the date March 10. On May 15, 1665, Peter Tallman petitioned the court for a d ivorce from Ann. The court asked her if she would return t o her husband and Ann replied " ... that she would rather c ast herself on the mercy of God if He take away her life, t han returne ... ". Peter was granted a bill of divorcemen t on the grounds of adultery. At that same court session Th omas was charged with fornication. The evidence of the char ge against Ann was a child not fathered by Peter Tallman. In 1665, Peter Tallman sued King Philip, Chief of the Wampa nog Tribe for failing to honor the deed of his elder, decea sed brother, King Alexander, to Peter Tallman. In this reco rd the date on the deed is June 28, 1661, but in other reco rds the date is January 28, 1661. No doubt this is the resu lt of poor hand writing. Plymouth Court Records, Volume 4 o r 5. On June 8, 1683, Peter Tallman, late of Portsmouth, Newpor t County, RI, now of Guilford, CT, cordwainer, sold 8 acre s at Common Fence Point in Portsmouth to Thomas Durfee. Tho mas deeded this 8 acres and his house to his son Thomas Jan uary 30, 1689. In his will dated February 4, 1710, and proved July 14, 171 2, at Portsmouth, Thomas left seven pounds to Ann Potter, w ife of William Potter. He does not state her relationship t o him as he does for every other person mentioned in his wi ll. William Reed in The Descendants of Thomas Durfee assume s that Ann was Thomas' daughter, as have many other researc hers. Peter and Ann (Hill) Tallman had a daughter named Ann who m arried 1st Stephen Brayton and 2nd, about 1692, William Pot ter. Boston Transcript, Genealogy Column, November 10, 1932 , # 2544. Ann Potter died in Portsmouth, Newport County, RI , in 1731. There was only one William Potter who lived in P ortsmouth at that time and he is the one who married Ann Ta llman. It is almost certain that she was the Ann Potter men tioned in Thomas' will. William Potter was the son of Natha niel and Elizabeth (Stokes) Potter. In his will dated February 4, 1710, and proved July 14, 171 2, Thomas named his wife Deliverance executrix and left " . .. To wife, house and land in Portsmouth for life and the n to daughters Patience Tallman, and Deliverance Durfee equ ally. To eldest son, Robert 5 shillings, having already set tled certain lands in Freetown upon him. To son Thomas 5 sh illings, he having had already. To son William, 5 shillings , he having had more than 40 pounds. To youngest son, Benja min, 50 acres in Tiverton. To wife, Deliverance, a Negro ca lled Jock for life, and at her death the value of said slav e to two daughters. To grandson Richard, eldest son of Rich ard, deceased, 5 shillings. To grandson, Thomas, son of Ric hard, 60 acres in Tiverton. To Ann Potter, wife of Willia m Potter, 7 pounds. To wife, Deliverance, and two daughters , rest of land; to wife all moveable estate. ... ". ==================== End of Notes ====================
 Ancestry Hints for Anne Hill
1 possible matches found on Ancestry.com 
Father: Phillip Hill b: Abt 1602 Mother: Ann [Unknown] b: Bef 1602
Marriage 1 Peter * Tallman b: Bef 20 Feb 1623 in Hamburg, , Hamburg, Germany c: 20 Feb 1623 in Hamburg, , Hamburg, Germany • Divorced: Y 3 May 1665
Married: 2 Jan 1649 in Christ Church, Island Of Barbados 18 19 20 7 15 21 Note: Married 2 Jan 1648/9. Peter Tallman and Ann Hill were married in Christ Church Pa rish in Barbados according to a deposition made by Peter Ta llman, at his home in Portsmouth, Newport County, RI, Marc h 13, 1702/03.
Divorced in May 1665. In 1664, Peter Tallman brought suit against Thomas Durfee , complaining that Durfee's attitude toward Tallman's wife , Ann, was disrespectful. Tallman said that Durfee's insole nt carriage placed him in danger. The court sent for Durfe e and advised him to behave. They were too discreet to reve al whether Durfee was gossiping about Ann Tallman, saying r ude things to her or courting her attention. The last is do ubtful as Peter's son Benjamin married Patience Durfee, To m Durfee's daughter, in 1708. Tallman would never have perm itted the marriage of his son to the daughter of a man wh o seduced his wife. Of course, that was the year that Pete r Tallman dies so the possibility cannot be ruled out compl etely. About seven months later, in May 1665, Peter filed f or divorce from his wife, accusing her of adultery. In th e Puritan colonies, adultery was a capital offense, thoug h seldom punished to the full degree of the law. Ann Tallma n wrote a letter to Peter Tallman informing his that her yo ungest daughter was not his. After hearing the letter rea d to her, Ann confessed to adultery. The court sentenced he r to a fine of ten pounds and ordered that she be whipped . She was to receive fifteen lashes in Portsmouth, and th e following week, fifteen lashes in Newport. She requeste d mercy of the court. In considering her petition, the Asse mbly asked if she was willing to reconcile with her husband , "to which her answer was, that she would rather cast hers elfe on the mercy of God if he take away her life, than t o returne". Ann Tallman was sent to jail to await the carry ing out of her sentence, but she escaped and fled to her br other in Virginia. In 1667, she returned to the colony an d a warrant was issued for her arrest. Rather than being p unished for her escape, she was rewarded. Her fine was forg iven and her sentence was cut in half. Instead of fifteen l ashes in Portsmouth and Newport, she would only be whippe d in Newport. =============== End of Marriage Notes ===============
Event: Alt. Marriage 2 Jan 1649 in Barbados, West Indies 22 23 Event: Alt. Marriage 2 Jan 1649 in Barbados 24 Event: Alt. Marriage 13 Divorced: Divorced 1663 in Rhode Island, USA 24 Event: Divorced 3 May 1663 in Rhode Island, USA 25 Event: Divorced 1665 in Newport, Newport County, Rhode Island, USA 26 Event: Divorced 1665 in Warwick, Kent County, Rhode Island, USA 15 Event: Divorced May 1665 in Rhode Island, USA 18 19 Children 1 
Mary Tallman b: Abt 1651 in Portsmouth, Newport County, Rhode Island, USA  1. Elizabeth Tallman b: Abt 1654 in Portsmouth, Newport County, Rhode Island, USA  2. Ann Tallman b: Abt 1656 in Portsmouth, Newport County, Rhode Island, USA  3. Peter Tallman b: 22 Mar 1658 in Portsmouth, Newport County, Rhode Island, USA  4. Joseph Tallman b: 1660 in Portsmouth, Newport County, Rhode Island, USA  5. Susanna Tallman b: Abt 1662 in Portsmouth, Newport County, Rhode Island, USA  6. (Unknown) Tallman b: Est 1664 in Portsmouth, Newport County, Rhode Island, USA  7. Sarah Tallman b: Abt 1664 in Portsmouth, Newport County, Rhode Island, USA c: Abt 1672  8. (Unknown) Tallman b: Abt 1664 in Portsmouth, Newport County, Rhode Island, USA  9. Mercy Tallman b: 1665 in Portsmouth, Newport County, Rhode Island, USA Marriage 2 Thomas Durfee b: 1643 in England • Married: Abt 1664 in Portsmouth, Newport County, Rhode Island, USA 6 21 27 28
Event: Alt. Marriage 1664 in Portsmouth, Newport County, Rhode Island, USA 29 Event: Alt. Marriage 1664 in Rhode Island, USA 30 Children 1 
Robert Durfee b: 11 Mar 1665 in Portsmouth, Newport County, Rhode Island, USA  1. Ann Durfee b: Bet 1665 and 1678 in Portsmouth, Newport County, Rhode Island, USA  2. Richard Durfee b: Abt 1667 in Portsmouth, Newport County, Rhode Island, USA  3. Thomas A. Durfee b: 28 Mar 1669 in Portsmouth, Newport County, Rhode Island, USA  4. William Durfee b: 1673 in Portsmouth, Newport County, Rhode Island, USA  1. Benjamin Durfee b: 1679 in Portsmouth, Newport County, Rhode Island, USA
"U.S., New England Marriages Prior to 1700," database, Anc estry.com. Page: Peter Tallman & Ann Hill's marriage. Talman/Tallman Families; Author: Herbert S. Ackerman; Publication: 1953; Reprint of original book, loaned from the Bergen Coun ty Historical Society. Film Number 442407, Ref # 21494. Page: 101 Families of Early Guilford. Author: Talcott, Alvan, Jacquelyn L. Ricker Ed. Genealogical Publishing Co., reprint 1984. This source is very inaccurate, defer to the sources by Jacobus when possible. [Note: This source was added during the import of th e WorldConnect Database: "Black/NobleCT", by Julie Barrows , dated 10 Sep 2009. Imported on 4 Mar 2011.] p. 1170 WorldTree Database: "The Ancestral File of Allen Donald Tal lman". Author: Allen Donald Tallman Publication: 3 May 2004; Ancestry.com Genealogies of Rhode Island Families: from The New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Vol. II; Roberts, Gary Boyd, compiler: Genealogical Publishing Co., Baltimore, 1989. [Note: This source was added during the import of th e WorldConnect Database: "Black/NobleCT", by Julie Barrows , dated 10 Sep 2009. Imported on 4 Mar 2011.] Page: 258 WorldTree Database: "The Descendants of Thomas Durfee" Author: Charles L. Durfee; Ancestry.com; GEDCOM downloaded from ancestry.com. WorldTree Database: "Ancestry of AA": Abby Alspach Publication: 9 May 2004, Ancestry.com. Note: Lucy Tallman and Amos White. Woolley Family. Cindy's Genealogy File - 838418.GED Author: Cindy Clarke Peter Tallman GEDCOM Author: David Cornell. Publication: 9 February 2007 "WorldConnect Database: "Donald D. Kelley & Joyce A. Flemin g Kelley Lines"," database, RootsWeb.com Author: Joyce A. Kelley (http://worldconnect.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi? op=GET&db=djkelley : 27 April 2003) Date: 10 Jun 2008. Note: Information on the Lawton family. "WorldConnect Database: "The Mosher Family"," database, RootsWeb. Author: Mira K. Nelson (http://worldconnect.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi? op=GET&db=mira : 11 March 2008) "WorldConnect Database: "Ancestors of Vern Divine"," database, RootsWeb.com. Author: Kennett Art Offill (http://worldconnect.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi? op=GET&db=kaoffill3 : 26 February 2010). Note: Information on James Tallman that married Dorcus Weaver, and others. "Hillard - Tallman GEDCOM," supplied by Hillard, 8 Septembe r 2010. Author: compiled by Victor Grant Hillard Jr. [%28E-ADDRESS%29 FOR PRIVATE USE Derry, New Hampshire. (Also see Vic's WorldConnect Database: "Descendants of William Hillard (1614_16__)" here: http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry. com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi) "WorldConnect Database: "Black/NobleCT"," database, RootsWeb.com. Author: Julie Barrows: (http://worldconnect.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi? op=GET&db=blackandnob : 10 September 2009) WorldTree Database: "Descendants of Tunis Wells and Other Surnames". Author: Dave Wells. Publication: Ancestry.com English Origins of New England Families. Author: Gary Boyd Roberts: Baltimore, Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., 1984 Ancestors of Robert Abell by Horace A. Abell: Rochester; Privately Printed; 1933 "U.S., New England Marriages Prior to 1700," database, Ancestry.com. Page: Peter Tallman & Ann Hill's marriage. Talman/Tallman Families. Author: Herbert S. Ackerman. Publication: 1953; Reprint of original book, loaned from the Bergen County Historical Society. Film Number 442407, Ref # 21494. Page: 101 Ancestral Lines (Third Edition). Author: Carl Boyer, 3rd.: Santa Clarita, California; 1998. 206 Families in England, Wales, The Netherlands, Germany, N ew England, New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania. Page: 608-613 "WorldConnect Database: "The Mosher Family"," database, RootsWeb. Author: Mira K. Nelson: (http://worldconnect.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi? op=GET&db=mira : 11 March 2008) Genealogies of Rhode Island Families: from The New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Vol. II. Author: Roberts, Gary Boyd, compiler: Genealogical Publishing Co., Baltimore, 1989 [Note: This source was added during the import of th e WorldConnect Database: "Black/NobleCT", by Julie Barrows , dated 10 Sep 2009. Imported on 4 Mar 2011.] Page: 258 "WorldConnect Database: "Black/NobleCT"," database, RootsWeb.com. Author: Julie Barrows: (http://worldconnect.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi? op=GET&db=blackandnob : 10 September 2009) "WorldConnect Database: "Ancestors of Vern Divine"," databa se, RootsWeb.com. Author: Kennett Art Offill: (http://worldconnect.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi? op=GET&db=kaoffill3 : 26 February 2010). Information on James Tallman that married Dorcus Weaver, an d others. Email from Cindy Tanner, dated 25 Feb 2003. Author: Cindy (Ray) Tanner Families of Early Guilford; Author: Talcott, Alvan, Jacquelyn L. Ricker Ed.: Genealogical Publishing Co., reprint 1984. This source is very inaccurate, defer to the sources by Jacobus when possible. [Note: This source was added during the import of th e WorldConnect Database: "Black/NobleCT", by Julie Barrows , dated 10 Sep 2009. Imported on 4 Mar 2011.] Page: 1171 Brownell-10 [Source added during the import of the WorldConnect Database: "Main SHERMAN", by Art Cohan, dated 19 Jun 2009] "WorldConnect Database: "Main SHERMAN"," database, RootsWe b.com. Art Cohan (http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db= artcohan : 19 June 2009) Berne, NY - Family File. Author: Harold Miller A Genealogical History of the Jennings Families in England and America (Fourth to Eighth Generations). Author: William Henry Jennings
[https://genealogy.com} The Story of Ann HIll Tallman and Thomas Durfee of Portsmouth RI By Rick Durfey Balmer June 18, 2006 at 05:13:46 Note:I've been working on this draft for a number of years after being pointed in this direction by Richard Gifford and then collecting everything I could find.It's certainly not definitive and contains speculation, but I've tried to be as objective as possible.Would love to hear from others with opinions, and especially if anyone has any more information that would shed light on this topic so interesting to us all (please include Sources if you do!).
The Story of Ann Hill Tallman and Thomas Durfee of Portsmouth, R.I.
Both Reed and Torrey place a question mark for Thomas Durfee’s presumed first wife and mother of his first six children.The story is not clear, but there is substantial evidence as to who this woman may have been, and at least part of this story was certainly readily available to Reed (some evidence was published at least as early as 1857).Of course, it could have been overlooked, but it’s also possible that it offended late Victorian sensibilities and was deliberately omitted.
Thomas Durfee when about 21 had an affair with Ann Hill (about 33), who was married to Peter Tallman, (about 42.) After Tallman divorced Ann in 1665, she and Tom continued their relationship. While she was very likely the mother of his eldest son Robert Durfee, born around the time of the divorce trial, she may or may not have been the mother of his subsequent five children. They very likely never married.
Durfee possibly came to Portsmouth in 1660 as an indentured servant of a resident named Peter Tallman. It would certainly make sense that he was part of someone’s household upon arrival, for it’s unlikely that a 17 year old boy arriving in the colony apparently by himself would have had many other options. Indenture would be a possible way that he financed his emigration.The indirect evidence for this is that Tallman used him as a witness in 1661 for a land deed transaction. Why would an established, apparently prosperous resident use a very young man for this? Durfee’s being conveniently in the same household could be the answer.
Additionally, his later troubles with Tallman detailed below refer to some kind of bond with Tallman that was broken, for which Tallman sued and apparently settled for a lesser amount.This bond could have been an indenture.And, what more likely reason for Tallman to want to break the bond than Tom having an affair with his wife?Also, what more likely opportunity for Tom to have the affair than being in the same household?
Tallman had emigrated from Hamburg, Germany to Barbados in 1647, where he met and married Ann Hill in Christ Church Parish in January 1649.She was the daughter of Philip and Ann Hill.Tallman had been to New England at least once, for he had contracted to be taken there in June 1648 on the Golden Dolphin.With his wife, and her mother (apparently widowed, later remarried as Ann Elton) and her brother Robert Hill, they settled in Newport by March 1650 where he set up as an apothecary.In 1655 he was made a freeman in Portsmouth.He was a man of varied businesses and traveled a great deal, undoubtedly leaving his wife alone for periods of time.
We don’t know when the affair started, but by 1664 it was public when Tallman brought suit against Durfee.Some relevant court records:
12 June 1664:“Thomas Durfee being bound in a bond of Twentye pound bearing Date June the twelfe 1664 and being Called in Court is accused by peter Tollman for the breace of his bond The sayd Durfee plead not guiltye and puts himselfe upon Triall.”He was found guilty by the jury
24 October 1664 Upon the consideration of Thomas Durfees petitions that have been presented to this Court for remitting the fine that was layd upon him by the late Court of Trialles, for breach of his bond in October last:this Court doe not see cause to remitt any part of his fine. Upon the consideration of Peter Tallmans petition, wherein hee complaines that by reason of the insoelent carriadge of Thomas Durfee with the sayd Tallmans wife, and the danger therein he expresseth hee stands in by reason therof, &c.:the Court doe order that the sayd Durfee be sent for, and admonished for his unsuitable carriadge before the Court.
October 1664 (unspecified date)“peter Tollman Doth Recognice himselfe unto his mejestye Charles the second king of England &c; in the sume of Ten pouonds to procicutt [prosecute] a bill of Indictment that hee hath Drawne up aganst Thomas Durfee of Portsmouth ond to the full and true performance hearrof hee ownes himselfe fully Content” In additional court records of 3 May 1665 Tallman petitioned “to be released from his wife”, and the court asked the governor to issue a warrant to bring her in the next day by 8 a.m.
Whereas, Peter Tollman presented a petition to this Assembly, wherein hee desires this Court to grant him a divorse vpon grownds in his said petition alleaged; vpon which the Court called for Ann Tollman before them, and the aforesaid petition being read before her, and the question being asked what she did say to that which was said concearning her in the said petition; her answer was, part therof I owne, and part thereof I disowne.Being farther asked whether she did owne herselfe to be an adulteress she said she had given it under her hand that the child was none of his, and the writing vnder her hand to that purpose being read, and she being asked whether she did now owne what she had owned in that writtng she did in open Court confesse, that it was the truth that the child was none of his begetting, and that it was begotten by another man.
She requested mercy, and the Court asked whether she were willing to reconcile with her husband, “to which her answer was, that she would rather cast herselfe on the mercy of God if he take away her life, than to returne”. The Court declared her an adulteress and sentenced her to be whipped twice, first with 15 stripes in Portsmouth on 22 May, and a second time on 29 May in Newport.They also fined her £10, and granted the divorce to Peter Tallman.She was to remain in prison until punishment was rendered.
Records of the Court of Trials of 8 May 1665 stated that a Richard Pearse of Portsmouth was bound for £40 for the appearance of Thomas Durfee, and was freed from his bond when Durfee appeared.
Whereas Thomas Durffe Stood Indicted for felony in taking good from peter Tollman and having put himselfe upon the Triall of a Jury is by them found guiltye.
He was sentenced to pay fines and receive 15 lashes, and curiously, to also to whip a Benjamin Wild with 15 lashes, he having been convicted of stealing knives.
However, Ann Tallman fled the colony.While some state she went to her brother in Virginia, other evidence indicates she went to nearby Plymouth Colony.Plymouth Colony records of 1 August 1665 indicate a “John Arther” appeared, summoned “to answare for abusiue speeches and for entertaining the wife of one Talmon and the wife of William Tubbs.”In any case, she remained away from Aquidmeck for two years.If she had remained in nearby Plymouth this whole time, certainly Durfee could have visited her.
Court records of 1 May 1667 stated that because Ann Tallman, late wife (i.e. “ex-wife”) of Peter Tallman, escaped her punishment in 1665 and was now come again into the colony, a warrant for her apprehension was issued to Constable Anthony Emery.Emery was awarded 15s. for his pains in apprehending her and bringing her to court.Because she had petitioned the Court for mercy (apparently knowing she had to face apprehension on return to Rhode Island), the punishment was halved to 15 stripes in Newport only, and the fine was remitted.
A year later, Ann and Thomas were brought to court again.Court of Trials records of 11 May 1668 stated:
Upon and Indictment against Thomas Dorfie for Fornication, he being mandamassed [i.e. served with a writ of mandamus] and in Court called, did not apeere yet after apeering and under his hand owneinge Guilty the Court doe sentence him to be whipt with 15 stripes in the Town of Portsm or pay a fine of forty shills to the Genrl Treasury, and pay court fees”.
The very next entry reads:
Ann late wife of peter Talman being Indicted for Fornication and beinge in Court Cald did not apeere the Court doe juge her Guilty of the Charge.The Court doe sentence her this beinge her second offence to be twice whipt according to law or pay a fine of Fower pounds and pay Court fees.
Some observations can be made:
Court records imply that when the divorce was granted on 3 May 1665 the illegitimate child had already been born.This could be consistent with the reported birth on 10 March 1665 of Thomas Durfee’s eldest child, Robert Durfee.The last documented child of Peter and Ann Tallman was Sarah, born “about” 1664. With no known records (that I can find) noting his presence in the colony in 1666 and 1667, it is possible that Thomas Durfee left with Ann and then returned with her.Or, he may have remained in Portsmouth and possibly visited her during the time she was in nearby Plymouth.Or, they may have been apart for this whole period.The birth of his second child, Thomas Jr. in 1669 leaves all these possibilities open. Thomas Durfee’s last child by his presumed first relationship, Benjamin, was born in 1679.Ann would have been perhaps 46 in 1679 (if, say, she had married at an early age of 16).A little old to be Benjamin’s mother, but not impossible.Another possibility is that she mothered only his first child, or some of his early children, and someone else could have born the other children. Thomas Durfee was not made a freeman of Portsmouth until 1673.Doubt as to his moral fitness may possibly have accounted for this delay.He later held many public offices, so those doubts would have been erased at some point, either as memory of his offence faded, or possibly when Ann died.This might imply, however, that either Ann died considerably before 1673, or that their relationship ceased before that date, in which case we have an open question of who did mother his children from this period. In 1683 Durfee bought 8 acres at Common Fence in Portsmouth from Peter Tallman.Would Tallman have had dealings with him after all that may have happened?Tallman was ambitious and probably unscrupulous, always litigating against others, and a business transaction may not have bothered him. Peter Tallman’s son Benjamin (by his second wife) married Patience Durfee, Tom Durfee's daughter by his later wife Deliverance, on 23 Sept 1708. Would Tallman have permitted the marriage of his son to the daughter of a man who seduced his first wife?This does not seem likely, but Tallman did die on 1 April 1708, so the timing of the marriage could explain that. Thomas Durfee’s only daughter was named Ann, and naming a daughter after her mother was common.Although three of his granddaughters were also named Ann, of their three mothers, two were daughters-in-law also named Ann.So, this “evidence is relevant, but not convincing. Were Thomas and Ann ever married? I think not.See Source below with persuasive opinion from Mary Beth Norton.Plus - if they could have married, then why didn't they marry as soon as possible after the divorce, and why would they have remained unmarried only to receive further punishment in 1667/1668? Sources
The Descendants Of Thomas Durfee Of Portsmouth, Rhode Island.By William F. Reed.Gibson Brothers Press, Washington, D.C.1902 (Vol. I) and 1905 (Vol. II). Rhode Island General Court of Trials 1671-1704.Transcribed by Jane Fletcher Fiske. Peter Tallman: A Footnote in History by Ruth Alice Anderson, her Master’s Thesis, taken from Website: http://homepages.rootsweb.com/~richard/tallman/peter.htmhttp://home... her sources for this section, Anderson gives: Austin, John Osborne.Genealogical Dictionary of Rhode Island, 1887, pg. 196-7 Bartlett, John Russell (ed.) Records of the Colony of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations in New England:1636-1663, Providence, A. Crawford Greene and Brother, 1856,p. 123-4, 187-8 Rhode Island Court Records, v. 2 pp. 65-66 Rhode Island Colonial Records, v. 2 p. 85, p. 122, p. 187 Website:Genforum.com.Larry Head in posting “Tallman”, #131 gives the birth year of Sarah Tallman, and marriage and death dates in 1708.For his sources his gives:NEHGR v. 85 No. 1, RI Genealogical Dictionary, Vital Records of RI. The Mysterious First Wife. Was Ann Hill Tallman the First Wife of Thomas Durfee?”. By Marian Wright DeMars, PO Box 115, Wofford Heights CA 93285. Everton’s Genealogical Helper, Jan-Feb 2001.DeMars lists as additional sources:
Lane:The Scothorn Family Beers:Representative Men & Old Families of Rhode Island Freeman:Early Records of the Town of Portsmouth Klyberg:Rhode Island Land Evidences Torrey:New England Marriages prior to 1700 LDS Records Directory of Ancestral Heads of New England Families The Tallman Family.NEHGR Vol 85 pg. 69 From Mary Beth Norton, Chair of History Dept. at Cornell, and expert on 17th century role of women, and also a descendant of Ann Hill and Peter Tallman, in an email to me in 2005: "And I underscore that as the guilty party in a divorce on grounds of adultery she would not have been allowed to remarry legally, so she was never Durfee's "wife." On the other hand, she would not have been alone in 17th c. NE in such a relationship. I discuss other examples of people living together for years and having children without being legally married (tho for reasons other than this one) in my 1996 book, Founding Mothers & Fathers. Early NE had lots of rules about who could marry, and not everyone who wanted to marry fulfilled them. . .so the rules were sometimes ignored. But no wonder she is mysterious as a wife of Durfee, since she wasn't one by law at the time." Wilbur-403 14:04, 17 July 2016 (EDT)
Ann Tallman's Timeline
1628 |
probably, Barbados or England
1651 |
Portsmouth, (Present Newport County), Colony of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, Colonial America
1654 |
Portsmouth, Newport, Rhode Island, United States
Portsmouth, Newport, Rhode Island, United States
1656 |
Portsmouth, Aquidneck Island (Present Newport County), Colony of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations
1658 |
March 22, 1658
Portsmouth, Aquidneck Island (Present Newport County), Colony of Rhode Island
1660 |
Portsmouth, Newport Co, RI, United States
1662 |
Portsmouth, (Present Newport County), Colony of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, (Present USA)
1664 |
Little Compton, (Present Newport County), Colony of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, (Present USA)