Historical records matching Ann Ragan
Immediate Family
About Ann Ragan
She left a will which was written on Sunday, 10 December 1752 and was probated on Monday, 23 January 1764 in Anne Arundel County, Maryland. A verbatim transcript follows:
"IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN. I, Mary Ragon of Anne [Arundel] County in the province of Maryland being weak in Body but of Sound Memory blessed to God, do this 10th Day of December in the year of Our Lord God one Thousand Seven Hundred and Fifty Two make and publish this my last will and Testament in a manner following that is to say "Item I give my Son John Ragon One Shilling. "Item I give my Son Timothy Ragon One Shilling. "Item I give my Son Rezin Ragon One Shilling. "Item I give my Son Cornelius Ragon One Shilling. "Item I give my Daughter Eleanor Ragon all my pewters and all my Iron Poths and bed and Furnitures that I lye and one cow and calf. "Item I give all the remainder of my Estates after my Just Debt is paid to my Son Cornelius Ragon and my Daughter Eleanor Ragon to be Equally Divided. "And Lastly I make Constitute and Ordain my Son Cornelius Ragon and my Daughter Eleanor Ragon to be my Whole and Sole Executors and Exec of this my last Will and Testament.
"In Witness Whereof, I the said Mary Ragon have to this my last Wil and Testament Set my hand and Seal first above written.
Mary Ragon by her mark [Seal]
"Signed, Sealed and Published in the presence of us who was present at the Signing and Sealing thereof. "Brice TB Worthington "Caleb Dorsey Jun
"On the 23rd day of January 1764 came Mr. Brice Thomas Beale Wothington One of the Subscribing Witnesses to the within Will who being Duly and solemnly sworn on Holy Evangelists of Almighty God that he did see the Testator Sign & Seal the within Will and heard her publish, pronounced and declare the same to be her last Will & Testament and thta at the time of her so doing She was to the last of apprehension of a Sound and disposing mind and memory and that he did Subscribes his Name as a Witness to the said Will in the presence of the said Testator and that he did also see Caleb Dorsey Jun the other Subscribing Witness to the said Will Subscribed his Name as a Witness to the said Will also in the presence of the said Testator.
"Sworn before Jas. Dairridge, Dpty. Commy. A A County."
[Source: The Book of Reagans, by Donald B. Reagan; pp. 7-8]
http://boards.ancestry.com/surnames.ragan/721.2/mb.ashx -
There is a Protestant Episcopal Church record still in existence at Maryland State Archives which had given the birth date for Anne Beaumont.
Anne Beaumont was actually born on 31 Jan 1719 in St. Stephen’s Parish, Cecil County, province of Maryland. She was the daughter of John Beaumont according to St. Stephen’s parish record still in existance at Maryland State Archives, Annapolis, Maryland.
She was married circa 1740 probably in Anne Arundel County, Maryland to Rezin Ragan/Reagan,Sr.
Anne Beaumont was mentioned as the wife of Rezin Reagan in 18 Mar 1768 deed in Frederick County, Virginia, and was mentioned again as the wife of Rezin Ragan in 04 Jun 1777 deed in Frederick County, Virginia. She relinquished her dower rights for both 265 acres and 150 acres of land along with her husband, Rezin Ragan on the waters of Opeckon Creek in Frederick County, Virginia.
Beamond was originally a Welsh surname in Colonial America. But it later was changed to Beamont and Beaumont in early 1700’s.
John Beaumont had a daughter and a son, Anne Beaumont and John Beaumont,Jr. from the protestant episcopal church record
- ****END RECORD*****
Daniel B. Reagan's Notes on Timothy Ragan, Sr. -
Anne was mentioned as the wife of Rezin Reagan in 18 Mar 1768 deed in Frederick County, Virginia, and was mentioned again as the wife of Rezin Ragan in 04 Jun 1777 deed in Frederick County, Virginia. She relinquished her dower rights for both in 265 acres and 150 acres of land along with her husband, Rezin Ragan on the waters of Opeckon River in Frederick County, Virginia.
- Reference: Ancestry Genealogy - SmartCopy: Jan 11 2018, 22:33:29 UTC
Ann Ragan's Timeline
1719 |
January 31, 1719
Cecil County, Maryland, United States
1734 |
October 29, 1734
St Pauls Parish, Baltimore, Maryland, United States
1743 |
November 5, 1743
Frederick County, Virginia, United States
Frederick, Virginia, United States
1744 |
April 11, 1744
Nottoway, Nottoway, Virginia, United States
1745 |
Anne Arundel, Moldova, Republic of
Frederick County, Province of Virginia
1746 |
1747 |
Frederick County, Province of Virginia