Matching family tree profiles for Ann Pierce
Immediate Family
About Ann Pierce
Ann (Lowell) [Milward] Peirce
- From Scott C. Steward and Christopher C. Child, The Descendants of Judge John Lowell of Newburyport, Massachusetts (Boston 2011) p 6: "Children of Percival1 and Rebecca (___) Lowell...X. Ann Lowell, b. ca. 1620; d, at Newbury 27 Nov 1690; m. (1) before 1 Nov 1642, Thomas Milward, who d. 1 7th mo. 1653, and had issue; m. (2) at Newbury 26 Dec 165, Daniel Peirce, who d. at Newbury 27 Nov. 1677.
- Birth about 1620 probably in Portbury, Somerset, England daughter of Percival and Rebecca Lowell
- Death 27 Nov 1690 Newbury, MA testate
- Married 1st Thomas Millard/Milward by 1642. They had three daughters surname Milward: Rebecca, Ann and Elizabeth. Thoms Milward died 29 Sep 1653 in Boston, testate leaving a substantial estate.
- Married 2nd Daniel Peirce/Pierce, Blacksmith, Newbury who died 27 Nov 1677 in Newbury, testate. He had four children from a previous marriage but none with Ann.
- Earlier genealogist supposed that she was Ann Goodale but this was disproved in 1945. See source below including Walter Goodwin Davis, "John Goodale of Great Yarmouth," The American Genealogist 22 (1945):17-21; See also The ancestry of Phoebe Tilton 218-9 link and The Great Migration 2:5:457-62 link
Thomas Millard or Milward had only one wife who was Ann Lowell daughter of Percival Lowell of Newbury who he married presumably in England. He died Boston 29 Dec 1653. They had three children Rebecca, Ann and Elizabeth. She married second on 26 Dec 1654 to Daniel Peirce or Peirce, Blacksmith of Newbury as his second wife. They had no children. (Daniel Peirce had married first a wife who is recorded as both Katherine and Sarah [Anderson prefers Katherine]. Daniel and Katherine Peirce had children Daniel, Sarah, Joshua and Martha).
Earlier genealogist had misidentified Ann Lowell as Ann Goodale and in the process invented a daughter Ann Goodale who never existed. But she was *not* a daughter of John(A) Goodale, she was sister-in-law and not sister literally of Elizabeth Goodale; See also he Ancestry of Phoebe Tilton, 1775-1847, 459, 217 link below.
But the theory that Ann was a daughter of John Goodale was disproved and the correct identification as Ann Lowell was published in:
Walter Goodwin Davis, "John Goodale of Great Yarmouth," The American Genealogist 22 (1945):17-21;
Walter Goodwin Davis, The ancestry of Phoebe Tilton, 1775-1847, wife of Capt. Abel Lunt of Newburyport, Massachusetts (1947), 218-9 link
See also:
Brandon Fradd and Douglas Richardson, "The Royal Ancestry of Percival Lowell," New England Historical and Genealogical Register 157 (2003):309-315 @ 310
Goodwin explains:
"The two daughters, Joanna and Anne, who are herein credited to Percival Lowle, are considered by several competent genealogists to have been the children of John and Elizabeth Goodale of Great Yarmouth ... As a widow, Elizabeth Goodale came to New England and settled in Newbury, where her daughter Elizabeth married Percival Lowel's son John. In her will Elizabeth (Goodale) Lowle names the husbands of Joanna and Anne among her four brothers...John Goodale of Great Yarmouth, [Elizabeth's] father, however, made a very careful and highly genealogical will in 1625, and neither in this document nor in the regular baptismal records of his children do daughters Joanna and Anne appear... It would seem to be the sound conclusion that the husbands of Joanna and Anne were Elizabeth's "brothers" as husbands of her two Lowle sisters-in-law ..."
This can also be seen in the Great Migration for Daniel Pierce: link
Scott C. Steward and Christopher C. Child, The Descendants of Judge John Lowell of Newburyport, Massachusetts (Boston 2011) 2-7
Notes on her two husbands
- For information on her fist husband Thomas Millard of Boston see Walter Goodwin Davis, The ancestry of Phoebe Tilton, 1775-1847, wife of Capt. Abel Lunt of Newburyport, Massachusetts (1947), 218-9 link. He had a lot for five heads granted to him at Mount Wollaston 1639. He left a substantial estate with debts due from both England and Virginia.
- For information on on her second husband Daniel Peirce see: The Great Migration- Immigrants to New England: 1634-1635- article on Daniel Peirce 2:5:457-62 link When Daniel Pierce, Sr. died in 1677, he left a farm in Woodbridge to "wife's son-in-law, Thomas Thorpe."
Children of Ann Lowell and Thomas Milward:
- Rebecca Milward, b. Say 1634 in England married Thomas Thorpe
- Ann Milward b. 1 Nov 1642 Newbury, Essex, Massachusetts, died young.
- Elizabeth Milward b. Say 1640 Newbury, Essex, Massachusetts, d. 9 Dec 1709 Newbury, Essex, Massachusetts; married 5 Dec 1660 Daniel Peirce her step-brother.
Essex Co. Registry of Probate- Docket No. 21140
Ann Milward Pierce died November 27, 1690. Her will dated November 4, 1681 and proved 22 February 1691 mentions her brother Richard Lowle (Lowell), her daughter Rebecca Thorpe and daughter Elizabeth Pierce and makes her son-in-law, Daniel Pierce Jr., Executor.
"The last will and testament of An Peirce of Newberry. I An peirce of Newberry… doe make this my last will and testament…
Imprimis that all my honest and real debts shall be paed and then I doe in the first place give unto my brother Richard Lowle twenty shillings as a small token of my love.
Allso to my daughter Rebecca Thorpe having long since received her portion, I doe give her thirty shillings and for the rest of my estate that god hath given as all my Apparrell, linninge, and al the rest of my estate I doe give unto my daughter Elizabeth Peirce, and I doe make my sonn in Law Daniell Peirce Exquitor of this my last will… thir fourth day of November… one thousand six hundred eighty and one…
Anne Peirce In the presence of us Philip Nellson Daniell Perce Proved 22 Apr. 1691
An inventory of Mrs Anna Peirce deceaseds 27 november 1690
By beding & waring apparrill - ten pound
- Walter Goodwin Davis, "John Goodale of Great Yarmouth," The American Genealogist 22 (1945):17-21
- Walter Goodwin Davis, The ancestry of Phoebe Tilton, 1775-1847, wife of Capt. Abel Lunt of Newburyport, Massachusetts (1947), 218-9 link
- Brandon Fradd and Douglas Richardson, "The Royal Ancestry of Percival Lowell," New England Historical and Genealogical Register 157 (2003):309-315 @ 310
- Scott C. Steward and Christopher C. Child, The Descendants of Judge John Lowell of Newburyport, Massachusetts (Boston 2011) 2-7
- Robert Charles Anderson, The Great Migration 2:5:457-62 link
- Warning Wrong! David W. Hoyt, Old Families of Salisbury and Amesbury Massachusettes (Picton Press, Camden, ME, 1981 (fifth printing, 1996) Originally published 1897. Page 176
- James Savage, The Genealogical Dictionary of the First Settlers of New England: Notes from above book: Thomas Milward, of Gloucester, a fisherman or Mariner, was selectman, 1642, removed to Newbury, had Ann, who was perhaps born there in Nov. of that year; Rebecca and Elizabeth born after but did not sell his estate at Gloucester before 1652. He made his will 30 August 1653, and died 2 days after at Boston. I think his daughter Rebecca married 27 May 1656, at Boston, Thomas Thorpe. Coffin supposes he was the mate of the Hector, mentioned in Winthrop, p. 107, but I doubt it. His wife Ann and ch. Rebecca and Elizabeth under 18 years are mentioned in the will.
- 'The historic genealogy of the Lowells of America from 1639 to 1899 (1899) link
Ann Pierce's Timeline
1600 |
Probably Portbury, Somerset, England
1636 |
Gloucester, Massachusetts Bay Colony
1642 |
November 1, 1642
1644 |
Newbury, Essex County, Massachusetts Bay Colony
1690 |
November 27, 1690
Age 90
Newbury, Essex County, Massachusetts Bay Colony
???? |