Historical records matching Ann Mallory
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Immediate Family
About Ann Mallory
- Anne EURE
- Born: ABT 1568
- Father: William EURE (2° B. Eure of Witton)
- Mother: Margaret DYMOKE (B. Eure of Witton)
- Married: Ralph (John) MALLORY
- Children:
- 1. Jane MALLORY (m. Arthur Ingraham)
- 2. Peter MALLORY
- From: http://www.tudorplace.com.ar/EURE.htm#Anne EURE4 ____________________________
- William [Eure], 2nd Baron Eure
- born 10 May 1529
- mar. bef. 1558 Margaret Dymoke (bur. 15 Sep 1591), dau. of Sir Edward Dymoke, of Scrivelsby, co. Lincoln, by his wife Anne Tailboys, sister of Gilbert [Tailboys], 1st Baron Tailboys, and 2nd dau. by his second wife of Sir George Tailboys, of Kyme, co. Lincoln, de jure 9th Baron Kyme
- children
- 1. Hon Ralph Eure, later 3rd Baron Eure
- 2. Hon Sir Francis Eure, Chief Justice in North Wales (d. 1 May 1621), mar. (1) Elizabeth Lennard, dau. of John Lennard, of Chevening, and had issue: ....
- Sir Francis Eure mar. (2) Ellen Owen (widow of ..... Owen; d. bef. 14 Sep 1626), dau. and cohrss. of William Wynne Maurice, of Clenneney, co. Carnarvon, and had further issue:
- 3. Hon Sir William Eure, of Bradley, co. Durham, Member of Parliament for Scarborough 1601 (bapt. 21 Jan 1585/6; bur. 16 Mar 1628/9), mar. Catherine Bowes, de jure suo jure Baroness Scrope of Bolton (d. after 6 Jul 1631), only child of Sir William Bowes, of Streatlam Castle, co. Durham, by his first wife Hon Mary Scrope, only child by his first wife of Henry [Scrope], 9th Baron Scrope of Bolton, and had issue: ....
- 4. Hon Charles Eure (d. after 23 Oct 1598), mar. Elizabeth Ingham, dau. of Sir Thomas Ingham, of Goodneston, co. Kent, and had issue: ....
- 1. Hon Anne Eure (bur. 3 Apr 1627), mar. Sir William Mallory, of Studley Royal, co. York
- 2. Hon Muriel Eure, mar. 4 Nov 1578 Sir Richard Goodricke, of Ribston, co. York
- 3. Hon Martha Eure (bur. 11 Mar 1661/2), mar. 26 Apr 1590 William Armine, of Osgodby, co. Lincoln, and had issue
- 4. Hon Elizabeth Eure (d. an infant)
- 5. Hon Mary Eure (d. an infant)
- died 12 Feb 1593/4
- suc. by son
- note Warden of the Middle Marches; Captain of Berwick Castle; a Commissioner to negotiate with Scotland 1587
- From: http://www.cracroftspeerage.co.uk/online/ ______________
- Visitations of the North by Surtees Society, Durham, Eng
- https://archive.org/details/visitationsofthe00surtuoft
- http://archive.org/stream/visitationsofthe00surtuoft#page/52/mode/1up
- WYLLIAM, fyrst Lord Evre, maryed the daughter to the Lord Wylloughby, and by her had yssu Raffe, sone and heyr; Henry, ijnd sone of ... Meryell, fyrst maryed to Syr George Bowes, and after to William Wyclyff; Anne, maryed to Anthony Thorpe, of Conysthorpe ; Margery, maryed to William Bukton, of Benyngham.
- SIR RAFF EURE, son and heyre to William, Lord Eure, which dyed before hys father, maryed Margery, dowghter to Syr Raff Bowes, and by her had yssu Wylliam, son and heyre; Raff, ijnd sone; Thomas, iijrd sone; Frances, wedyd to Lampton of Lampton; Anne.
- WYLLIAM, iijrd Lord Evre, and son and heyre to Sir Raff, maryed Ane, dowghter to Syr Edward Dymmoke, of Skrylysby, and by her had yssu.
- The will of Sir Ralph Eure, father of William, first Lord Eure, dated 6 May, 1533, and proved 18 Dec., 1551, is printed in Test. Ebor., part vi. p. 183; that of William, first Lord Eure, dated 25 Feb., 1548-9, ibid., p. 185; and that of William, second Lord Eure, dated 22 Dec., 1592, and proved 5 July, 1599, in Durham Wills, part iii. p. 155. For further particulars see the notes to those wills and see also Dalton's visitation post. The shield for arms is left blank in the manuscript.
- http://archive.org/stream/visitationsofthe00surtuoft#page/125/mode/1up
- Loke for his Awncesters in the partchement boke.
- [This note is in Flower's handwriting.]
- SIR RAUFE EURE slayne on palmesondaye ffyelde [at Towton A. primo E. 4 (1461] weddyd [Elianor, doughter to the baron of Greystocke] and hadde issue Sir William Eure; John Eure of Malton ; and Hughe, a pryst; [Elizabeth, wife to John Ellercar; Johan sine prole; Raufe sine prole; Margaret, a nun at Watton ; Henrye and Johan twyndles and dyed ; Robert, knight of the Rodes* ; Mawde ; Anne sine prole; and another sine prole.†]
- SIR WYLLIAM EURE, knight, weddyd Mergarett, doughtre to olde Sir Roberte Cunstable of Flaumborowghe, and hadde issue Sir Rauphe; Sir Roberte Eure of Bradley; and Wylliam, a pryst ; Anne sine exitu; Margarett, a nune; and Agnes, dyed yonge; Anne; Elizabeth sine prole; and Marye.
- Aftre the seid Sir William weddyd to his ijde wyefe, Cunstannce, doughtre to [blank] and late wyefe to Sir Henrye Percye of Banborowghe, base sonne to [blank], and by her hadde issue Henrye Eure, John and Ewstace.
- SIR RAUPHE EURE wedydd fyrst Meryell, doughtre to Sir Hughe Hastinge of Fenwycke beside Hatfyld in Yorkeshere, and had issue Sir William, the fyrst lord ; John and Hughe, bothe ij which dyed yonge.
- Aftre the seid Sir Rauphe weddyd Agnes, yet lyvinge, late ijde wyefe to Sir Rauphe Bygod, daughtre to [blank] Constable of Dromondbye, beside Stokesley in Cleveland in Yorkeshere and had issue Francesse and Jane, twyndles, which Francesse was wiefe to Sir George Coygnyers of Sokburne, and she dyed withowt issue, and Jane fyrste she was wiefe to Sir Henrye Pudsey of Bardforde, and aftre she was wedyd to Thomas Wylliamson, feodarye of the Northe Rydinge in Yorkeshere, and Margerye Eure, iijd doughtre to Sir Rauphe wedyd to Sir Ffrauncys Salven, knight.‡
- * 16 Harl. Soc. has "knight of the order of St. John."
- † These words in brackets are interlined in Flower's handwriting.
- ‡ 16 Harl. Soc. puts after the name of Sir Francis Salvin the words "captain of the towne, etc." which should come in the next line after the name of William, Lord Eure, as in the text of the Dalton MS. Foster in his Visitation of Yorkshire, p. 613, following 16 Harl. Soc. makes the same mistake.
- http://archive.org/stream/visitationsofthe00surtuoft#page/126/mode/1up
- WILLIAM THE LORDE EURE, capteyne of the towne and castle of Berwyck and warden of thest marches, weddyd Elizabeth, sustre to William, Lord Wyllowghbye, father to the Dutchesse of Suffolke, doughtre to Sir Christopofer, and had issue Sir Rauphe; John sine prole§ ; and Henrye; Margerye; Meryell and Anne; which Margerye wedyd William Bukton of Bennyngham in Holdrenes; Meryell was fyrst the wyefe to Sir George Bowes and aftre to William Wyclyffe of Wyclyffe ; and Anne was wiefe to Anthonye Thorpe of Coonnysthorpe in Yorkeshere.
- SIR RAUPHE EURE, knight, son and heyre to the Lorde William Eure, wedyd Margerye, doughtre to Sir Rauphe Bowes, knight, the yonger, and had issue William, nowe Lorde; Rauphe and Thomas; Franncesse, wiefe to Robert Lampton of Lampton in the busshopryke; and Anne Eure, wyef to Launcelott Myrefyld of Yorkeshere, which Sir Rauphe was slayne in his father's lyefe and so was neuer lorde, but was lord Warden of myddle marches agenste Scotland and was slayne by therle of Arrayne, nowe duke of Chattelheraulde, then gouvernour there at a place called Panyell Hewghe besyde Mewres in West Tyvedalle A° H. 8.
- WILLIAM the ijde Lord Eure and nowe Capteyne of the towne and castle of Berwycke [A%C2%B0 6 Marie] || weddyd Margaret, doughtre to Sir Edward Dymmocke of Skyrlysbye in the countie of Lyncolne, knyght, and hath issue Anne, Meryell, and Rauphe, borne in Berwycke castle the xxiiijthe daye of Septembre [1558 A° 5 et 6 Phi. et Mar.]|| beinge Settredaye at viij of the clocke in the mornynge and chrystenyd in the paryshe churche there on Monday nexte by Mr. Christopofer Nevyll, deputye for his brother Henrye, Erie of Westmorland, then lord lyuetenante of the North parties, and Thomas, Erle of Northumberland in person.
- HENRYE EURE of Bushops Mydleham, Esquyre, son to Wylliam, Lord Eure, weddyd Elyanor, doughtre to John Hebburne of Hardwycke in the busshoprycke, late wyefe to William Halle of Busshops Myddleham in the Busshoprycke and hadd ij doughters.
- HENRYE EURE of [blank] gentleman, son to olde Sir William Eures, knight, by his ijde wyefe Cunstance, weddyd Anne, doughtre and one of the heyres of William Borowghe of Borowghe beside Catryck brydge in Yorkeshere and had no issue by her but Anne who dyed yonge, and so thole
- § 16 Harl. Soc. omits "John sine prole."
- || Interlined in Flower's handwriting.
- http://archive.org/stream/visitationsofthe00surtuoft#page/127/mode/1up
- borowghes lands comyd to Sir Thomas Tempest of Holmeshead, knight, in the busshopryck which had wedyd thother sustre and hey re.
- Foster's elaborate pedigree of Eure in Visitations of Yorkshire, pp. 607-617 gives full particulars of these generations. This pedigree by Dalton is useful as giving the original contemporary information. It has evidently been copied in 16 Harl. Soc. with some errors which Foster has followed. William, second Lord Eure, was appointed Captain of Berwick by patent dated shortly prior to 4th Jan., 1558-9, Cal. State Papers Foreign, 1558-9, p. 72. The divorce proceedings between Mary, daughter of George, Lord Darcy, and William, second Lord Eure, mentioned in Foster's pedigree are printed in Surtees Society publ., vol. xxii. p. 54. The following are references to Eure wills which have been printed or abstracted. The notes of the editors of the wills give much additional information.
- Matilda Eure, mother of Sir Ralph Eure, who was slain at Towton, dated 12 Sept., 1464-5, proved 30 May, 1467, Durham Wills, part ii. p. 284.
- Thomas Eure, brother of the same Sir Ralph Eure, dated 20 Feb., 1474-5, proved 24 Feb., 1474-5, Test. Ebor., part iii. p. 214.
- Henry Eure, brother of the same Sir Ralph Eure, dated 17 Oct., 1476, proved 5 Dec., 1477, ibid., part iii. p. 222
- John Eure, son of the same Sir Ralph Eure, dated 19 Mar., 1492-3, proved 11 June, 1493, ibid., part iv. p. 83.
- Ralph Eure, son of the same Sir Ralph Eure, dated 4 June, 1483, proved 1 June, 1484, ibid., part iv. p. 83.
- Hugh Eure, son of the same Sir Ralph Eure, dated 7 Mar., 1522-3, proved 16 April, 1523, ibid., part iv. p. 83.
- Sir Ralph Eure, who married Muriel Hastings, dated 6 May, 1533, proved 18 Dec., 1551, ibid., part vi. p. 183.
- Sir William Eure, first Lord Eure, dated 25 Feb., 1548-9, proved 1548-9, ibid., part vi. p. 185.
- William Eure, second Lord Eure, dated 22 Dec., 1592, proved 5 July, 1599, Durham Wills, part iii. p. 155. _______________________
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Ann Mallory's Timeline
1558 |
Scrivelsby, Lincolnshire, England (United Kingdom)
1574 |
Barrowby, Lincolnshire, England
1578 |
Studley, Yorkshire, England
1580 |
Studley, Yorkshire, England
1582 |
Studley, Yorkshire, England
1583 |
Studley, Yorkshire, England
1584 |
Studley, Yorkshire, England
1586 |
Studley, Yorkshire, England
1588 |
Studley, Yorkshire, England