Not the same as Anna Horton. This Ann (Budd) Horton was not the wife of Unknown Tucker or Benjamin Horton
There was more than one Ann Horton in the same location at the same time and we don't want to conflate them.
A Joseph and a John Horton were born after 1688. They are sons of Benjamin Horton and Ann Budd.
Her father had died before she married. He did not give her the old house as a wedding present. The story involves a deed from her father in 1658, which would be in the previous generation of Budd and an unproved Ann of different marriage. This romantic but false tale has been told far too long. It misleads serious researchers.
Ann and her brother John, born 1658, were witnesses to their father’s will in 1684. Ann and John’s birth records are found in Southold Town Records.[2][3]
Southold Town Records June 18th 1686:[4]
Then received by me An Budd of the Town of Southold, of John Tuthill Senr and Isaac Arnold Executors to the estate of Mr. John Budd, late of Southold deceased, all that Legacy bequeathed unto me by my honoured father Mr. John Budd according to the last Will and Testatment dated 27th Oct 1684: And also my full part and portion out of the unwilled Estate left by my father to the sole disposeal and discretion of the Ex'r's aforesaid"--Of all which legacy and bequest and of all which said sum and sums of money I the sd Ann Budd doe acquit and discharge the said executors, by these presents---In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 18th day of June 1686. Ann Budd
Witnesses: John Paine Joseph Mapes Entd pr Benj: Yo Rdr.
Then Dec. 8, 1697 from Southold Town Records:[5]
Whereas my honoured father Lieut. John Budd of Southold deceased did in his lifetime as may appear by his last will and testatment bearing date 27th October 1684, give and grant unto his daughter Ann, NOW the wife of Benjamin Horton halfe the lands and meadows belonging to him in Ocquabauk division. Know all men by these presents that I John Budd, the son of Lt. John Budd of Southold deceased, doe by these presents give grant, and confirme unto my well beloved sister Ann the wife of Benjamin Horton of S’hold all that part of land and meadow in Ocquabock division given to her by my father in his last will, with all the right I now have , or might have ever hereafter, unto her the sd Ann her heirs and assigns. To have and to hold etc. Wit. my hand and seal this 20th day of July 1697. John Budd
Wits: John Homan Benjamin Moor Entered Dec. 8th, 1697
"Ann Bud borne January the 5th. 1666"[3]
Note: A Benjamin Horton and Ann the widow of Mr. Tucker were married in 1659—before this Ann Budd was born. Southold Town Records. Vol. 1, p. 465: 1659 Benjamin Horton & Ann the widdw of Mr. Tucker deceased were married 22d ffebruy 1659[3]
Ann Budd b. 1666 And her brother John. b.1658 were witnesses to their fathers will in Southold 1684.[6] She married a Benjamin Horton after 16 June 1686. See photo.
Ann married Benjamin Horton between 1686 and 1688:
Ann signed papers in June 1686 as Ann Budd.
In 1688 Benjamin Horton Junior and Christopher Youngs Junior exchanged lands. Ann Horton is one of the signers.
Note: Benjamin and Ann Horton do not appear on the 1698 census. They may have moved to Rye.
Note: the 1st Benjamin Horton had died in 1690.
1667 |
January 5, 1667
Southold, Long Island, Province of New York
???? |
Rye, Westchester County, Province of New York