Immediate Family
About Ann Halsall, of Clifton
Anne, daughter of William Molyneux (d 1548) and his second wife, Elizabeth Clifton (d 1547). She was the eventual heir to her mother's estates at Clifton. Married Henry Halsell of Halsell.
From 'Townships: Clifton-with-Salwick', in A History of the County of Lancaster: Volume 7, ed. William Farrer and J Brownbill (London, 1912), pp. 161-165. British History Online http://www.british-history.ac.uk/vch/lancs/vol7/pp161-165 [accessed 16 August 2016].
25. Sir William Molyneux of Sefton died in 1548 holding the manor of Clifton, &c., in right of his wife Elizabeth, who was mother of Thomas Molyneux the heir. Elizabeth died nine months before her husband, viz. on 5 June 1547, and Thomas was of full age. The manor and other lands were held of the king as of his duchy by a rent of 20s. 4d. a year; Duchy of Lanc. Inq. p.m. ix, no. 6. It appears from the pedigrees that there were several children of the marriage, but that Anne, a daughter, was eventually the heir and married Henry Halsall of Halsall, by whom she had a son Richard; Visit. of 1567 (Chet. Soc), 94, 104. Settlements of the manor appear to have been made by Henry Halsall and Anne his wife in 1557 and 1571; Pal. of Lanc. Feet of F. bdle. 17, m. 55; 33, m. 76. Richard was succeeded by his illegitimate son Sir Cuthbert Halsall, who had two daughters, Anne and Bridget; see V.C.H. Lancs. iii, 195; Visit, of 1613 (Chet. Soc), 59. The manor of Clifton, held by the rent of 20s. 4d., is named in the possessions of Henry Halsall in 1574; Duchy of Lanc. Inq. p.m. xiii, no. 34. Sir Cuthbert Halsall as lord of the manors claimed services in 1600; Ducatus Lanc. (Rec. Com.), iii, 420.
From 'Townships: Sefton', in A History of the County of Lancaster: Volume 3, ed. William Farrer and J Brownbill (London, 1907), pp. 66-74. British History Online http://www.british-history.ac.uk/vch/lancs/vol3/pp66-74 [accessed 20 August 2016].
50. Brass at Sefton church. His [William Molyneux's] will, dated 1547, is among the Croxteth Deeds; Genl. i, 81. The inquisition preserved says nothing of his Sefton lands; it concerns only the Clifton estates which he held in right of his second wife, and which descended to his son by her, Thomas Molyneux, then over twenty-one years of age; Duchy of Lanc. Inq. p.m. vii, n. 6. Thomas dying without issue they went to his sister Anne, wife of Henry Halsall of Halsall; Visit. of 1533, p. 135.
- http://www.lawrencefamhis.com/ashton-o/g0/p234.htm#i5829
- page 32 of Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists who Came to America Before 1700: Lineages from Alfred the Great, Charlemagne, Malcolm of Scotland, Robert the Strong, and Other Historical Individuals. Frederick Lewis Weis, Walter Lee Sheppard, William Ryland Beall, Kaleen E. Beall. Genealogical Publishing Com, 2004 - Reference - 359 pages
- History, genealogical and biographical, of the Molyneux families
- https://archive.org/details/historygenealogic00moly
- http://www.archive.org/stream/historygenealogic00moly#page/39/mode/1up
- .... etc.
- 15—79. Sir Richard Molyneux was in such high favor at court that in the act of resumption passed in the 36 Henry VI, we find this provisional clause, "Provided always that this act extend not, nor in ways be prejudicially unto Richard Molyneux, Esq. ; of Sefton, one of the ushers of our privy chamber, in the Constableship of our Castle of Liverpool," &c. He fell fighting under Lancasteral banner at Bloore Heath (1459). He m. Elizabeth, 2d dau. of Sir Thomas Stanley, 5th Earl of Derby. Sir Richard had also the stewardship of West Deryshire, the forrestship of our forest of Symonds Wood, and our parks of Croxteth, &c. He was afterwards knighted, and was slain at the battle of Bloore Heath, war of Roses, Sept. 23, 1459. He m. 2d, Jane Molyneux.
- Issue.
- 16 — 92. Sir Thomas Molyneux ; m. Anne Dutton.
- 93. James (Archdeacon of Richmond, and Rector of Sefton.)
- http://www.archive.org/stream/historygenealogic00moly#page/40/mode/1up
- 94. Margret; m. 1st John Dutton of Dutton; m. 2d, Sir William Buckely (ancestor of the Viscounts Buckely); d. 1528.
- 95. Eleanor; m. 1st, Sir George Leyland of Morley; m. 2d, Roger Ashton, Esq.
- 96. Joan; m. Christopher Barton, of Smithells, Esq.
- .... etc.
- http://www.archive.org/stream/historygenealogic00moly#page/41/mode/1up
- 16—92. Sir Thomas Molyneux; fought under Edward IV; was under the Duke of Gloucester for the recovery of the town of Berwick from the Scots, and was there made a banneret (knighted) by Gloucester, at the siege of Berwick, 24th July, 1483. He was one of the pall bearers at the funeral of Edward IV.
- Thomas Molyneux also built a church and Fair House at Hawton. He m. Anna, dau. of Thomas Dutton (sometimes Dalton), in Co. Chester, by Anne, dau. of James Lord Audley (d. 6th of Henry VII, 1491). She m. 2d, John Westby.
- Issue :
- 17—109. Sir William Molyneux, a great commander in Co. Lane; reign of Henry VIII, m. Jane Rugge.
- http://www.archive.org/stream/historygenealogic00moly#page/42/mode/1up
- 110. Edward (Rector of Sefton and Haughton); m. .....
- 111. Elizabeth; m. James Ratcliff of Lanc.
- 112. Ellen; m. Robert Nevil, Esq.
- .... etc.
- http://www.archive.org/stream/historygenealogic00moly#page/44/mode/1up
- 17—109. Sir William Molyneux, a great commander in the Co. Lancaster; b. 1433, d. 1548. William Molyneux led a considerable force to serve in 1513, under his cousin Sir Richard Stanley at Flodden Field, where he took with his own hand two Scottish banners and the Earl of Huntley's arms. For this service he was personally thanked in a letter by Henry VIII. Sir William brought a considerable strength to the seasonable succor of the Duke of Norfolk, with whom he performed signal service at the battle of Flodden Field. He married Jane, dau. to Sir Richard Rugge (sometimes Rugg, — Riggs) of Rugg, in Co. Stafford; m. 2d, Elizabeth, dau. of Cuthbert Clifton, in Lanc. ; widow of Sir Richard Heskeith, Knight of Ruf-
- http://www.archive.org/stream/historygenealogic00moly#page/45/mode/1up
- ford, in Co. Lanc., and became in consequence Lord of Clifton. Sir William was a gallant Knight in the reign of Henry III, and displayed great bravery. On his death-bed he gave this advice to his son, "Let the underwood grow ; the tenants are the support of the family, and the commonality are the strength of a kingdom. Improve this fairly; but force not violently either your bounds or your rents above your fathers. He died 1548 and was buried at Sefton Church, where there is a monument and a eulogistic Latin inscription to his memory. Knighted at Flodden Field in 1513 and given a tiger passant proper on a crown or, for his crest.
- Letter to Sir William Molyneux, Junior Knight, from King Henry VIII : .... etc.
- http://www.archive.org/stream/historygenealogic00moly#page/46/mode/1up
- Issue by 1st wife:
- 18—122. Sir Richard Molyneux, knighted at the accession of Mary, 1553; m. 1st, Elenor, dau. of Alexander Radcliff; m. 2d, Elinor, dau. of Robert Maghill ; d. 1569.
- 123. Jane; m. Richard Bold, Lanc., Esq. ; m. 2d, Richard Molyneux, who d. 1578.
- 124. Anne; m. Alexander Standish, of Standish Hall, Knt., 1518.
- Issue by 2d wife:
- 125. William Molyneux.
- 126. Thomas.
- 127. Anne, m. Henry Halsall, Esq. of Halsall.
- .... etc.
- http://www.archive.org/stream/historygenealogic00moly#page/49/mode/1up
- 18—122. ______________________
- A genealogical and heraldic history of the commoners of Great Britain and Ireland enjoying territorial possessions or high official rank, but uninvested with heritable honours Vol. 2 by Burke, John, 1787-1848
- https://archive.org/details/heraldichistory02burk
- https://archive.org/stream/heraldichistory02burk#page/55/mode/1up
- .... etc.
- THOMAS CLIFTON, whose name appears in the list of the retinue of King Henry V. into France, in 1415, which terminated by the battle of Agincourt, 25th October, 1415. (Nicolas, p. 278.) He settled lands in Goosnargh and Wood Plumpton, upon his son, James, on his marriage with Mar-
- https://archive.org/stream/heraldichistory02burk#page/56/mode/1up
- garet, daughter of Sir Richard Huddlestone, of Millum Castle, in the county of Cumberland, knt. who died in the lifetime of his father, without issue, on the 8th September, 1419. Thomas Clifton died in 1442, leaving by his wife, Agnes, daughter of Sir Richard Molyneux, of Sephton, knt. a son, his successor,
- RICHARD CLIFTON, who on the 4th October, 21st Henry VI. 1442, paid forty shillings to Thomas de Latham, receiver of the rents of the Duchy of Lancaster, on obtaining livery of his lands in Clifton, Westby Field, Plumpton, Salwyk, and Barton. In 1460, he settled lands in Salwyk on his son James. He m. Alice Butler, daughter of John Butler, of Rawcliffe, in the county of Lancaster, and had issue, James Clifton, who m. Alice, daughter and heir of James Lancaster, of ___ in the county of Westmoreland, 1st March, 36th Henry VI. A.D. 1457. He d. 6th HENRY VII. A.D. 1490, (Inq. P.M.) and was succeeded by his son,
- ROBERT CLIFTON, who m. Margaret, daughter of Nicholas Butler, of Bewsey, in the county of Lancaster, by whom he had two sons,
- CUTHBERT, his successor.
- WILLIAM, who in 1516, on the division of the estates of his elder brother, Cuthbert Clifton, who died without male issue, by the award of Justice Brudenell and Serjeant Palmes, had the manor of Wortley, and its dependancies, allotted to him. This gentleman will be found carrying on the male line of the family.
- The elder son and heir,
- CUTHBERT CLIFTON, of Clifton, m. Alice, daughter and co-heir of Sir John Lawrence, of Ashton, in the county of Lancaster, knt. By deed of November, 18th HENRY VII. A.D. 1502, he settled his estates upon himself for life, and to his issue male, with remainder to his brother, William. He d. in 1512, leaving an only daughter,
- ELIZABETH, who m. first, Sir Richard Hesketh, knt. of Rufford, in the county of Lancaster, but had no issue by that gentleman, who died in 1520. She wedded secondly, Sir William Molyneux, knt. of Sephton, who became in consequence, Lord of Clifton. By Sir William, who died in July, 1548, she had an only daughter,
- ANNE MOLYNEUX, who espoused Henry Halsall, esq. of the county of Lancaster, and conferred upon him the Lordship of Clifton, which remained with his descendants until it again merged in the Clifton family, by the marriage of Anne Halsall, daughter of Sir Cuthbert Halsall, with Thomas Clifton, of Westby.
- ELIZABETH, who m. first, Sir Richard Hesketh, knt. of Rufford, in the county of Lancaster, but had no issue by that gentleman, who died in 1520. She wedded secondly, Sir William Molyneux, knt. of Sephton, who became in consequence, Lord of Clifton. By Sir William, who died in July, 1548, she had an only daughter,
- Cuthbert's younger brother and continuator of the male line,
- WILLIAM CLIFTON, of Westby, m. Isabell, daughter of — Thornborough, .... etc. __________________
- Remains, historical & literary, connected with the palatine counties of Lancaster and Chester Vol. LXXXI. by Chetham Society
- The Visitation of the County Palatine of Lancaster, Made in the Year 1567, ....
- https://archive.org/details/remainshistorica81chetuoft
- https://archive.org/stream/remainshistorica81chetuoft#page/n67/mode...
- Pg.42
- Clifton of Westby.
- ..... Clyfton of Clyfton, co. Lancaster, ar. ; ch: Cuthbert (m. ... Lawrence), William (m. Isabell Thornebourough) Clyfton
- Cuthbert Clyfton of Clyfton, co. Lancaster, ar., maryed the dau. and heyre of Laurence. = [... dau. and cohere to Sir John Lawrence of Ashton.] ; ch: Elizabeth (m. ... Heskett & Sir William Molyneux) Clyfton
- Elizabeth, dau. and heire. = ... Heskett, a yonger brother of the house of Rufforde, first husband; dyed san yssue. ; = Sir William Molyneux of Sephton, second husband. ; ch: Anne (m. Henry Hallsall) Molyneux
- Anne, maryed to Henry Hallsall of Halsall.
- Elizabeth, dau. and heire. = ... Heskett, a yonger brother of the house of Rufforde, first husband; dyed san yssue. ; = Sir William Molyneux of Sephton, second husband. ; ch: Anne (m. Henry Hallsall) Molyneux
- .... etc.
- Cuthbert Clyfton of Clyfton, co. Lancaster, ar., maryed the dau. and heyre of Laurence. = [... dau. and cohere to Sir John Lawrence of Ashton.] ; ch: Elizabeth (m. ... Heskett & Sir William Molyneux) Clyfton
- https://archive.org/stream/remainshistorica81chetuoft#page/n119/mod...
- Pg.94
- Halsall of Halsall.
- .... etc.
- Hugh Halsall, ar., sonne and heire. = Dowce, dau. of Gilbert Scaresbrick [Scarsbridge], of Scarebricke, co Lancaster, ar. ; ch: Sir Henry (m. Margaret Stanley) Halsall
- Sir Henry Halsall of Halsall, co. Lancaster, knt., son and heire of Hugh. = Margaret, dau. of James Stanley, clarke. ; ch: Sir Thomas (m. Jane Stanley), Jeames, Richard, Henry, Robert, Catherine (m. John Eccleston), Helene (m. William Banester), Anne (m. Richard Holme), Margaret Halsall
- Jeames, 2 sonne.
- Richard, 3 sonne, a clerke.
- Henry, 4 sonne.
- Robert, 5 sonne.
- Catherine, maryed to John Eccleston of Eccleston, co. Lancaster, gent.
- Helene, maryed to William Banester of the Banke, co. Lancaster, gent.
- Anne, maryed to Richard Holme of the Male, co. Lancaster, gent.
- Margaret, sans yssue.
- Sir Thomas Halsall of Halsall, knt., sonne and heire. = Jane,* dau. and one of the heires of John Stanley, a base sonne of john Stanley, brother to [Thomas] the first Erle of Derby. ; ch: Henry (m. Anne Molyneux), Jane (m. Gabryell Hesketh), Mawde (m. Edward Osbaldeston) Halsall
- Jane, maryed to Gabryell Hesketh, gent.
- Mawde, maryed to Edward Osbaldestone of Osbaldeston, co. Lancaster, ar.
- Henry Halsall of Halsall, ar., lyvinge anno 1567. = Anne,† dau. of Sir William Molyneux of Sefton, co. Lancaster, knt., sister and heire of Thomas Molyneux, second sonne of the said Sir William. ; ch: Richard (m. Anne Barlowe) Halsall
- Richard Halsall of Halsall, co. Lancaster, ar., sonne and heire. = Anne, dau. of Alexander Barlowe of Barlowe, co. Lancaster, ar.
- * Note, that Jane, the wyf of Sir Thomas Halsall, was one of the coheires of John Stanley, a base sonne, and of Elizabeth, his wyf, daughter and one of the heires of Sir John Harington of Hornby, co. Lancaster, knt., and of his wyf, daughter and heire of Sir Robert Nevill of Hornby, co. Lancaster, knt., which John Stanley aforesayd, base conne, was sonne and heire of John Stanley, brother to the first Erle of Derby.
- † Note, that Anne Molyneux, the wyf of Henry Halsall, was daughter of Sir William Molyneux of Sefton, co Lancaster, knt., and sister and heire of Thomas Molyneux, second sonne to the sayd Sir William, and of Elizabeth his wyf, daughter and sole heire of Cuthbert Clyfton of Westby [Clifton], co. Lancaster, ar., and of his wyf, daughter and coheire of . . . . . Laurence of Ashton, co. Lancaster, ar.
- Sir Henry Halsall of Halsall, co. Lancaster, knt., son and heire of Hugh. = Margaret, dau. of James Stanley, clarke. ; ch: Sir Thomas (m. Jane Stanley), Jeames, Richard, Henry, Robert, Catherine (m. John Eccleston), Helene (m. William Banester), Anne (m. Richard Holme), Margaret Halsall
- https://archive.org/stream/remainshistorica81chetuoft#page/n129/mod...
- Pg.104
- Molineux of Sefton.
- .... etc.
- Sir Richard Molyneux, knt., sonne and heire. = Elizabeth, dau. of Sir Thomas [lord] Stanley, knt. ; ch: Sir Thomas (m. Anne Dutton), Margaret (m. John Dutton & William Buckley) Molyneux
- Margaret, maryed to John Dutton of Dutton; after to William Buckley of Beaumarys in Wales.
- Sir Thomas Molyneux of Sefton, co. Lancaster, knt. = Anne, dau. and one of the heires of Sir Thomas Dutton of Dutton, co. Chester, knt. ; ch: Sir William (m. Jane Rydge & Elizabeth Clyfton), Edward, Jane (m. Robert Fowleshurste), Elizabeth (m. James Butler) Molyneux
- Edward, 2 sonne, a clerke.
- Jane, maryed to Robert Fowleshurste of Crewe, co. Chester, ar.
- Elizabeth, maryed to James Butler of Rauclyf.
- Sir William Molyneux of Sefton, co. Lancaster, knt. who san the Erle of Huntley's armes at the battell of Flodden Feilde. = Jane, dau. and sole heire of Richard Rydge of Ridge, co. Salop, ar., first wyf. ; ch: Sir Richard (m. Eleanor Radlif & Eleanor Male), Anne (m. Alexander Standishe), Jane (m. Richard Bolde) Molyneux ; = Elizabeth, dau. and coheyre of Cutbert Clyfton of Clyfton, ar. [by the dau. and heir of Sir John Lawrence of Ashton], second wyf. ; ch: Thomas (2 sonne.), Anne (maryed to Henry Halsall of Halsall, ar.) Molyneux
- Anne, maryed to Alexander Standish of Standish, co. Lancaster, ar.
- Jane, maryed to Richard Bolde of Bolde, ar.
- Sir Richard Molyneux of Sefton, co. Lancaster, knt., now lyvinge, anno 1567. = Eleanor, dau. of Sir Alexander Radclif of Urdesall [Wardsall], knt., first wyf. ; ch: William (m. Bridgett Carrell), Richard (2 sonne), John (3 sonne), Alexander (4 sonne), Jane (m. Thomas Stanley & William Radcliff & Thomas Molyneux), Margaret (m. John Warren), Alice, Anne, Helene, Mary Molyneux ; = Eleanor, dau. of Robert Male, and wydow of Thomas Ives, second wyf to Sir Richard. ; ch: Anthony (5 sonne), Eleanor Molyneux
- .... etc. ____________________________
- The Visitation of Lancashire and a Part of Cheshire: Made in the Twenty ... Part II. by Thomas Benalt
- Or Remains, Historical and Literary, Connected .... Vol. CX
- https://archive.org/details/visitationlanca00britgoog
- https://archive.org/stream/visitationlanca00britgoog#page/n58/mode/1up
- Pg.135
- Syr Wylliam Molyneux, Knyght, had to hys furst wyef, Jane, dowghter and sowle heyre to Rychard Ruge of Ruge in Shropshire, and they hade ysshew, Rychard, Anne, and Jane.
- Rychard ys maryed [to] Elyanor, doughter to Syr Alexander Radclyffe, knyght, and they [had issue]
- Anne, maryed to Alexander Standyshe, as is before written.
- The said Syr Wylliam had to hys second wyef, Elisabethe, coughter and sowle heyre to Cuthberde Clyfton of Clyffton, and they hade yssew, Thomas, Anne, and Margeret.
- Anne ys maried [to] Henry Halsall, sone and heyre to Thoms Halsall of Halsall.
- .... etc.
- https://archive.org/stream/visitationlanca00britgoog#page/n59/mode/1up
- Pg.136
- N.B.- In the Office copy several of the baptismal names are abbreviated, and Henry Halsall is named Harry.
- The arms quartered by Molyneux in this Visitation are those of Dutton, brought in by the marriage of Sir Thomas Molyneux, father of Sir William, the first in this pedigree, with Anne, daughter and one of the heirs of Sir Thomas Dutton of Dutton, in the county of Chester.
- This family represents two other lines of foreign blood, Gernet and Villers, all three located in Lancashire at, or soon after, the Norman Conquest.
- William des Molines is said to have taken his title from a town of the Bourbonnois in France, and to have been originally seated at Ceffton [Sefton], from which the family take the title now borne by them as earls in the peerage of Ireland, created in 1771, and of barons of the United Kingdom, created in 1831.
- The first hereditary titular distinction conferred on this family was a baronetcy in 1611, followed by the creation of Viscount Molineux of Maryborough, in the peerage of Ireland, in the person of Sir Richard Molineux in 1628.
- .... etc.
- https://archive.org/stream/visitationlanca00britgoog#page/n91/mode/1up
- Pg.168
- .... The seventh and eighth quarters, viz., Clyfton, sable, on a bend argent, three mullets gules, and Lawrence, argent, a cross raguly gules, came in through the marriage of Henry, son of Thomas Halsall, with Anne, daughter to Sir William Molyneux, by his second wife, Elizabeth, daughter and coheiress of Cuthbert Clyfton of Clyfton, whose wife was the heiress of Sir John Lawrence. Anne was heir to her brother Thomas, son of Sir William Molyneux by this second marriage. (See her will, p. 143, pt. iii. of Wills and Inventories, vol. liv. of the Chetham series.) The next in descent to Henry, son of Thomas, was Richard, who, although married to Anne, daughter to Alexander Barlowe of Barlowe, does not appear to have left legitimate issue, for Richard's younger brother Edward, whose will is given (pt. ii., p. 214, vol. li. of the Chetham series), but who does not appear in the Visitations of 1567 and 1613, was evidently in possession of the estate of Halsall, in which he was succeeded by Cuthbert the natural son of Richard. This Cuthbert is named as alias Norres in the will of Anne, widow of Sir Henry. He married Dorothy, natural daughter to Henry fourth earl of Derby, and had two daughters only ; Anne married Thomas Clifton, son and heir of Cuthbert Clifton of Westby. Bridget had been contracted in her nonage to her kinsman Thomas
- https://archive.org/stream/visitationlanca00britgoog#page/n92/mode/1up
- Halsall, but did not marry him. See Dugdale's Visitation 1665, where four generations are recorded of collaterals of this line seated at Melling, Aughton and Bickerstaff. Sir Cuthbert, father of these two ladies, sold Halsall to Sir Gilbert Gerard, Master of the Bolls.
- .... etc. __________________
Ann Halsall, of Clifton's Timeline
1521 |
1535 |
1552 |
Burscough, Lancashire, England, United Kingdom
1555 |
Halsall, Lancashire, United Kingdom, England (United Kingdom)
1589 |
Age 68
1616 |
November 12, 1616
Huyton by Roby,, Lancashire, England (United Kingdom)
1620 |
Ormskirk, Lancashire, England (United Kingdom)
1622 |
August 4, 1622
Prescot, Lancashire, England (United Kingdom)
???? | |||
???? |