About Ann Farmer [Convict "Prince of Wales" 1788]
Ann FARMER was born c1724
Ann was convicted of petty larceny and sentenced to 7 years transportation. She arrived in Sydney Cove on 26/1/1788 on "Prince of Wales"
Ann was transferred to Norfolk Island in March 1790
Ann died 24/5/1790 (natural causes) on Norfolk Island
Do NOT confuse with
- Ann FARMER, convict "Elizabeth and Henry" arrived 1846
- https://convictrecords.com.au/convicts/farmer/ann/129147
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_convicts_on_the_First_Fleet
- http://firstfleet.thruhere.net/convict.php?id=226
- http://www.jenwilletts.com/convict_ship_prince_of_wales_1788.htm
- https://firstfleetfellowship.org.au/convicts/ann-daly-john-seymour/
- https://firstfleetfellowship.org.au/first-fleet/convicts/
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Ann Farmer [Convict "Prince of Wales" 1788]'s Timeline
1724 |
1790 |
May 24, 1790
Age 66
Norfolk Island