Historical records matching Ann Duncan
Immediate Family
About Ann Duncan
Ann Duncan was born in 1715 in Prince George County, Province of Virginia. Her parents were Robert Gallop, of Hanover Parish and Elinor Owens.
Ann married Robert Duncan in 1734 in Culpeper County, Province of Virginia. Together they had the following children: John Duncan; Mary Grinnan; Robert R. Duncan; Phillis Barbee; Rosanna Jett; Joseph Duncan; Anne Pope; Charles Duncan; Gallop Duncan; Samuel Duncan; Lavina Lightfoot.
She died in 1793 in Culpeper County, Virginia, United States.
6th GG descendant atDna kit exchange request. If direct and you have a kit, please leave word in the Discussions' Tab as to your line and your kit number. We also need Molly Browning descendant kits also.
From https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Gallop-4
Virginia State Papers is the source that Ann Gallop was the daughter of Robert Gallop and Elinor, was born about 1700-1715. Exact date and place unknown, but probably King George Co Virginia. The state recognized tribe of Patawomeck shared the information that the lands given back to their tribe specific to the group of descendants of Foley and Elkins along with Ann Duncan and along with the marriage indenture of Robert Duncan and Ann Gallop is a group of in laws recieiving land returned to them, having been taken from the Patowemeck, said property specific to the known location of where Silent Bryant was appointed as Doeg / Tocci Skin Tributary for providing wolf skins to the British (to keep the peace). This particular land is indentured with the in - laws in a group with the wife's people being that of Silant Bryant's Foley and Elkins kin. This line is on Patawomeck Rolls as being primary Core in their State Recognized Tribal Rolls as Elinor being direct to Silant Brayant. The parties receiving their native lands back from having it taken by marriage contract of the Gov. marrying his native wife was over turned in court when domestic violence was claimed and a divorce granted and acreage, in part returned to the Patawomeck and the Doegs (Tocci)who had been removed and made tributory to supply wolf skins. This is is Virginia State Papers.
1735-1743 King George County Deed Book 2 (Antient Press) pp. 1- 5 Indenture made 4th/11th May 1735 between JAMES BRISSEE and wife ELINOR, RICHARD ELKINS & MARY his wife and ROBERT DUNCOM & ANN his wife, Daughters & Coheirs of ROBERT GOLLOP late of County King George Deced of one part & GEORGE JAMES of same county Planter of other part .. by deeds lease & release .. for sum Twenty five Pounds currt: money of Virginia sold portions of certain tract containing 250 acres on side of Deep Run issuing out of Rappahanock River about twelve miles above the ffalls thereof & including the fork of the sd run in the county Richmond formerly but now King George bounded .. on hill above parcel of Rocks on west side run about two miles & an half from the mouth thereof & above land lately surveyed for ROGER ABBOT .. land granted unto BRYAN FOLEY & ROBERT GOLLOP Father of Elinor, Mary & Ann parties to these presents from the Proprietors Office bearing date 24th February 1714/15 .. Presence M. Batteley, James Brissee Elinor x Brissee Antho: Hayney, John Ambros Richd: Elkins Mary x Elkins Robt: Duncom Ann x Duncom At a court held 6th February 1735 .. Deeds of lease & release recorded .. & Elinor, Mary & Ann their wifes being solely examined acknowledged their free consent thereto.
Ann married Robert Duncan before 1735. Ann, was said to be one of four daughters of Robert Gallop who died 20 May 1720 . Her father left a nuncupative will which failed to take effect as to his landed estate. [1] [2].
In 1735 the heirs of Robert (three daughters named, Elinor, Mary and Ann) sold a portion of the Deep Run Tract to George Famos, for 5 shillings (sic). It appears the wife/mother Elinor and perhaps 4th daughter (Toliver?) may have died before 1735.
- Ann Pope (born Duncan)
- Lavina Lightfoot (born Duncan)
- Mary Grinnan (born Duncan)
- Phyllis Barbee (born Duncan)
- John Duncan
- Samuel Duncan
Will of Robert Gallop
Nuncupative will which failed to take effect Richmond Co. VA Wills (index on FHL film 33,737) 4-161: "Monday, May 23, 1720 - On this day Henry Gallop aged sixty seven, Richard Elkins aged fifty one & Wm. Brown aged fifty six years at the request of Elanor Gallop widdw. & relict of Robert Gallop deceasd. came personally before me & made oath that on ffs? day last the twentieth instant they heard Robert Gallop declare as his last will that his two daughters by staind? Elanor & tolis? should have all his land at Deep Run in this County to be eaqually devided to them & their heirs forever & soon after on the same day departed this life & further saith not." (FHL film 33,733) 4-167: Inventory of Robert Gallop presented by Elinor Gallop 20 Jan. 1720. (FHL film 33,733) (Book 7 not on film)
King George Co. VA Deed (FHL film 32,062) 2-2: May 4 1735, James Brissee and wife Elinor (x), Richard (RE) Elkins and wife Mary (x), and Robert (RD) Duncan and wife Ann (x), daughters and heirs of Robert Gallop late of King George Co., decd, to George Famos, for 5 shillings (sic), part of a certain tract of land 250 acres on Deep Run joining out of Rappahannock River including the fork of the sd. run in the County of Richmond formerly but now King George County, ... (blotted) father of the sd. Elinor, Mary and Ann, grant 24? Feb. 1714/5?. Wit. H.C.? Battaley, Anth. Hayney, John Ambros. Rec. 6 Feb. 1735; all grantors in court.
- WB#4,p.161; King George County DB#2,p.1.
- Marriages of Richmond County VA
Ann Duncan's Timeline
1715 |
Prince George County, Province of Virginia
1727 |
July 15, 1727
Prince William County, Virginia, Colonial America
1735 |
Province of Virginia, Colonial America
1736 |
1741 |
1742 |
Prince William County, Virginia, Colonial America
1743 |
Stafford, Virginia, United States
1744 |
Virginia, Colonial America
1745 |
Fauquier County, Virginia, Colonial America