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Ann Danvers (Stradling) (1469 - 1539)

Also Known As: "Anne Danvers (born: Stradling)"
Birthplace: Dauntsey, Wiltshire, England (United Kingdom)
Death: December 29, 1539 (62-70)
Dauntsey, Wiltshire, England (United Kingdom)
Place of Burial: Dauntsey, Wiltshire, England
Immediate Family:

Daughter of John Stradling and Alice Stradling
Wife of Sir John Danvers, Kt.
Mother of Susan Hungerford; Dorothy Hungerford (Fettiplace) (Danvers); Richard Danvers; Thomas Danvers; Anne Wyke and 6 others
Sister of Edward Stradling, Esq.

Managed by: Private
Last Updated:

About Ann Danvers

Anne Stradling was the daughter of John Stradling of Dauntsey, Wiltshire (d.1471) and Alice Langford. She became a considerable heiress following the murder of her brother, Edward, during a robbery at Dauntsey. Everyone in the house was killed except a plough boy who had hidden himself. Anne, fortunately, was living at the time in Paternoster Row in London. A messenger was sent to inform her of what had happened. Sir John Danvers of Culworth, Northamptonshire (1455-1514/15), "by good fortune," encountered this messenger before he reached Anne and, seizing his opportunity, "clapped up the match before she heard the news." They were married on December 13, 1487. They were the parents of Dorothy (d.1559), Thomas (d.1532), Richard (d. July 17, 1517), Elizabeth (d.1539+), William (1496-July 20, 1544), John, Margaret (1500-1541+), Anne (d. July 11, 1523), Susan (1504-March 1527), and Constance. Anne was also joint heir to the Scilly Isles, which led to a court battle in about 1530 over the right of presentation at Lanyvett Church. She also lived at Prestcote and may have become a vowess during her widowhood. More on her life and her descendants, together with her will, can be found in Francis Nottidge Macnamara, Memorials of the Danvers Family (of Dauntsey and Culworth), available at Portrait: brass in Dauntsey Church (stolen in 2004).

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Husband's Name

John DANVERS (AFN:9TL3-6B)  Pedigree  

Born: Abt 1452 Place: Of, Culworth, Northamptonshire, England
Died: 12 Jan 1514 Place:
Married: Place: Of Dauntsey, Oxfordshire, England
Father: Richard DANVERS (AFN:9N7W-BT) Family
Mother: Elizabeth LANGSTON (AFN:9N7W-C1)

Wife's Name

Ann STRADLING (AFN:9N7V-L3)  Pedigree  

Born: Abt 1469 Place: Of, Dauntsey, Oxfordshire, England
Died: 29 Dec 1539 Place: Dauntsey, Oxfordshire, England
Married: Place: Of Dauntsey, Oxfordshire, England
Father: John STRADLING (AFN:H53T-TW) Family
Mother: Alice LANGFORD (AFN:B1NX-DD)



1.  Sex  Name    

F Susan DANVERS (AFN:9FST-L7) Pedigree
Born: Abt 1478 Place: Of, Culworth, Oxfordshire, England
Christened: Place: Of, Culworth, Northamptonshire, England
Died: Bef 22 1526/1527 Mar Place: , , , England

2.  Sex  Name    

F Dorothy DANVERS (AFN:8ML8-W6) Pedigree
Born: Abt 1485 Place: Of, Culworth, Oxfordshire, England
Died: Bef 5 1559/1560 Feb Place: East Shefford, Oxon, England
Buried: Place: East Shefford, Ch, Oxford, Engl.

3.  Sex  Name    

M Richard DANVERS (AFN:9TL3-C6) Pedigree
Born: Abt 1487 Place: Of Culworth, Oxfordshire, England
Died: 17 Jul 1517 Place:

4.  Sex  Name    

F Anne DANVERS (AFN:9N7V-S4) Pedigree
Born: Abt 1491 Place: Of, Culworth, Oxfordshire, England
Died: 11 Jul 1528 Place:

5.  Sex  Name    

F Elizabeth DANVERS (AFN:9N7V-T9) Pedigree
Born: Abt 1493 Place: Of, Culworth, Oxfordshire, England

6.  Sex  Name    

M William DANVERS (AFN:9TL2-Z5) Pedigree
Born: Abt 1495 Place: Of, Culworth, Oxfordshire, England
Died: 20 Jun 1544 Place:

7.  Sex  Name    

F Constance DANVERS (AFN:9N7V-VG) Pedigree
Born: Abt 1495 Place: Of, Culworth, Oxfordshire, England

8.  Sex  Name    

F Margart Or Margaret DANVERS (AFN:1592-F62) Pedigree
Born: Abt 1504 Place: Culworth, Oxfordshire, Or Dauntsey, Wiltshire Engl
Died: Aft 1541 Place:
Buried: Place: , Broughton, Oxfordshire, England

9.  Sex  Name    

M John DANVERS (AFN:9N7V-NF) Pedigree
Born: Abt 1506 Place: Of, Culworth, Oxfordshire, England
Died: Aft 1539 Place:

10.  Sex  Name    

F Margery DANVERS (AFN:9TL3-K7) Pedigree
Born: Abt 1507 Place: Of, Dauntsey, Oxfordshire, England

11.  Sex  Name    

M Thomas DANVERS (AFN:9N7V-WM) Pedigree
Born: 1500 Place: Dauntsey, Or Prescote, Oxford, Engl
Died: 9 Oct 1532 Place: ., Dauntsey, Wiltshire, England

Ann Stradling

Born: abt 1469

Dauntsey, [parish], Oxfordshire, England

Died: 29 Dec 1539

Dauntsey, [parish], Oxfordshire, England

Will of Dame Anne Danvers nee Stradling, 1539

This transcript, and the errors therein, were made by Bryan Hoggarth in April – July 2002. Some of the odd spelling is because that is what was there. This is not from a photocopy of the actual Will but from a contemporary transcript of it.

The page and line numbers are added by me for ease of discussing the “translation”.

1.1/ In the name of god Amen I Dame Anne Danvers wydowe late the wyfe

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2.1/ of Sir John Danvers knight In my pure wydowhode being hole of mynde and of good

2.2/ remembrance the xxth daye of November in the xxxjth yere of the reigne of our sovraigne

2.3/ lorde king Henry the viijth make this my present last will & testament in forme

2.4/ folowing/ First I bequeth my soule to Almighty god our blessed savy Saynte Marie

2.5/ and to all the Companye of hevyn my body to be buried where yt shall please god

2.6/ the Soule to departe from the body in soche place as shalbe ?pnad and electd therfor

2.7/ to gods pleasure Item I bequeath to the mother Church of Sa?? xxS/ item I

2.8 bequeath to the highe Aulter of the Church of Dauntesey xxS/ Item I give to the

2.9/ Churches Crepredy and Cowlworth/ Brinkworthe Cristenmalforne Seygrey

2.10/ Brodsomerford to every of them viS viijD, Item I bequeathe to my Cosyn Sylvester

2.11/ Danvers all my stuff of howsold hereafter in my will unbequeathed within my

2.12/ howse of Dauntesy my seconde bason and Ewyes of sylver and my ij saltes gilte

2.13/ ij guarte potts of sylver gilt my iij sylver bolles with the cover And the bowed pes?

2.14/ with the Cover whiche muste be left to the heires males And this plate to remayne

2.15/ in the Custode of my sone Sir Anthony Houngerford utill my Cosyn Sylvester

2.16/ shallt Accomplyshe thage of xxiiij yeres And in case the said Sylvester decease

2.17/ before that Age that then I wyll the said plate to remayne in thands of the said

2.18/ Sir Anthony Houngerford to the use of my sone John Danvers/ Provyded alwey that

2.19/ if the said Sylvester do disturbe or Inquyet or will not permyte and suffer my

2.20/ Executours to execute this my present last will or do in any wyse sue vexe or

2.21/ troble any of my sones Willlm Danvers or John Danvers or my servant James Vance

2.22/ or any other to whome I have given any parte of my lands or Annuyte or Annuall

2.23/ rents as ys comprisyd in a payr of Indentures betwen my lorde Mordante and me

2.24/ That then this my bequeste to hym made shalbe utterly voide and all the bequests

2.25/ that he shall have Than shall remayne to thuse of my sone John Danvers/ Item I give

2.26/ to my said Cosyn Sylvester my ringe with my Arms theyn Ingraved to be delyved to

2.27/ hym by my Executoures when he comythe to his full age of xxj yeres Item I give and

2.28/ bequeathe to my sone John Danvers ij good fetherbedds ij fether boulsters ij payr of blankets

2.29/ ij coveryngs one of them I willbe the thirde beste/ Item I give to my said sone iiij stock bulls

2.30/ iiij payre of blankets iiij coverynges ij materes ij bousters ij payre of blankets iij ? ?ynges

2.31/ iij pylowes iiij payr of flopey shetts vj payr of danvas shets/ two garnyshe of my best

2.32/ ???? vessel one of my greate brasen potts and a lytell brasen potte iij brasen pannes

2.33/ one broche two cheyers/ two formes A Cupbord standing in the greate Chambr A Joyned

2.34/ coffer in the parlor A shipchest in the knights Chamber another greate Coffer/ iij of my best

2.35/ quysslyne with bokes upon them Another quysslyn with a rosse upon yt And one of the beste

2.36/ of my ?? hyns of the ??ell worke a bason and a ewyer of Tyne, iiij Candelsticks/ ij lytell

2.37/ ??????erons, a lether pott, one of the long quyst?yns of Sylk adyapes table clothe

2.38/ A dyaper Dowell, vj Dyaper napkyns, A fyne playne table clothe/ A playne towell

2.39/ two danvas table clothes/ Item I give hym x yerling/ and x other bests of ij yeres old

2.40/ Item I give hym viij Oxen and x kyne of them that be at Tokenam/ Item I give my

2.41/ said sone John and to his wyfe my farme of Tokena whiche I have by dowent soale

2.42/ of the howse of Bradenstoke/ Item I will also that my said sone John Danvers

2.43/ shall have xx lammes to be delyved of them that be brede at Tokenam or Dauntesey

2.44/ Also I will that ij of my shype of my stoke at Cowlworty and Prescote shalbe

2.45/ brought to Tokenam for mayntenance of the stocke there/ to the use of my said

2.46/ sone John Danvers/ And there be any above the some of ij shepe they to be to the

2.47/ performance of my will And yf it happen my said sone John Danvers and his wyfe to

2.48/ decease without issue of their bodies lawfully begotten/ That then I will my sone

2.49/ Willm Danvers to have all suche yeres as ar to come in the same forme of Tokenam

2.50/ Item I will that my executoures suffer the tethyng of Seygreve which I have of the

2.51/ howse of Bradenstoke to be occupied by the oversight of Sir Henry Wyleyns for

2.52/ mayntenance of that howse of Dauntesey and in his defalte they my Executoures

2.53/ to have the oversight thereof to the performance of my will/ Item I give to my above

2.54/ namyd sone John Danvers two yonge horsses being at Prescote at the tyme of my

2.55/ dethe Item I give to the Churches Creperdy and Cowlworth to every of them one cowe

2.56/ Item whereas I bequeted x ewes to the Chapell of Saynte Frethemonde in Crepredy

2.57/ I will that the said x ewes be gevyn to the churche of Swarford to be prayed for there

2.58/ Item I give to my sone Nevell one of my standing Cuppes with the cover/ Also I give

2.59/ him xx£ that he borowed of me by his servant Roger for the paynes that he hath sustanyd

2.60/ for me many weyes/ Item I give to his yong sone William Nevell x£ Aso I give to

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3.1/ my doughter Margaret his wyfe one of my best Dyaper Towells to the clothe that I gave

3.2/ her, A gilte goblet and my satten Gowne/ moste hartely desyring my said sone to be

3.3/ good and assistyng my Executours in the performans of this my last wyll/ Item I give to

3.4/ my doughter Eustauce Stavely my kyrtell of black Damaske, one of my gylte

3.5/ gobletts and a gilt spone/ Item I give to the preferment of Dorothe Stavely in mariage

3.6/ x£/ Item I give to my sone John a bawro x£ that he borowed of me, And I give to my

3.7/ doughter Elizabeth his wyfe a payr of fyne shets A gilt spone and my gowne of

3.8/ Damaske/ Item I give toward their Doughter Mary dawre her mariage to praye

3.9/ for me x£/ Item I give to my sone willm Danvers my silver salte with the covez then is

3.10/ panpied evry daye at the 2nd moste , a gilt goblet with the cover and a gilt spone And a drap

3.11/ Tableclothe, Also I give hym all the detts that is owing to me for shepe and other finse at

3.12/ Prescote/ Also I will that his sone Thomas Danvers shall have xx£ of the detts that ys

3.13/ owing to me to fynd hym Exibucion to scole and to praye for me, And I wil that hit

3.14/ be paid of the detts that ys in moste suertye to come to thands of my Executours Item

3.15/ I give to my said sone Willm Danvers xij scoore of wethers owt of my stocke of

3.16/ Cowlworthe/ And one hundrth yewes and lammes out of Prescote/ And I give to

3.17 my said sone my farme which ys called fulwoke beside Chippenam whiche I pchased

3.18/ of the Abbote ?ame late Abbote of Malmesbury/ And the said Willm to give hit to

3.19/ one of his sones whiche he pleaseth/ Item where as I have certeyn yeres to come

3.20/ in the parsonage of Colworth I will that my sone Willm Danvers have hit during

3.21/ the hole terme to come And he for the havyng of hit shall fynde for me sufficient

3.22/ for suche as shall come into those pt?s for the pformance of my last wyll unto suche

3.23/ tyme as yt shalbe fully Accomplished and endyd/ Item I give to Water Houngerford

3.24/ the yonger my beste ij potts passell gilte of potter apece to be delyved to the keping

3.25/ of my sone Sir Anthony Houngerford tyll soche tyme the said Water shalbe maryed

3.26/ And if he decease before that tyme thay to remayne to my lord Houngerford his

3.27/ father to be distrybuted at his pleasure/ Item I give to Richard Fynes my best

3.28/ bason and ewyer of sylver And that to remayne in the custody of Sir Anthonye

3.29/ Houngerford unto the said Richard com to the full age of xxj yeres/ Item I give to

3.30/ my doughter Dorothe lady Houngerford to occupie while she lyvethe my greate bowle

3.31/ with the cover gilte and after her decease to leve hit to my god doughter Brigete

3.32 Houngerford to her owne use for ever, And further I desire my doughter Houngerford

3.33/ that she will do so moche for me as to sende to Oxforde amongest the poor preests and

3.34/ scolors thereafter her distrecion to have a M masses Immediatly after my decease

3.35/ And also to have C shurts and smocks to be gyven to poor folkes aboute Dauntesey

3.36/ and Prescote to praye for my soule/ Item I give to my Doughter Houngerford

3.37/ one of my geldynges to chose which she will/ Item I give to Sir Anthony Houngerford

3.38/ one of my gilte standing cuppes with the cover to chose which he will/ and I give hym

3.39/ my best ale cupp of sylver ? gilte with the cover for a remembrans to drynk/ Also I give

3.40/ hym the lx£ that I leynd out for yong Thomas Stavely moste hartely desyring

3.41/ hym that he will do this my last wyll and testament fully performyd as my moste

3.42/ speciall truste ys in hym And that yt will please hym to give my Doughter his wyfe

3.43/ leve to have the guyding of all my Apparell and stuf within my house of Dauntesey

3.44/ and to make a Inventory of hit/ and to despose hit after my will/ And further I

3.45/ give to my said sone Sir Anthony Houngerford ij of my geldings to chose which he will

3.46/ Item I give to my doughter Anne Wyks ij kyne/ a smok/ a ?aile & a karthorse

3.47/ Item I give to Willm Houngerford to help to fynde hym to scole & for a remembrance

3.48/ to praye for me x£/ Item I give to Willm Kyngscote my servant for a reward for

3.49/ hys paynes and service xlS/ Item I give to Roboard Buckull ij kyne iij£ vjS viijD

3.50/ in monye/ and my lytell ale cuppe of silver with the cover to help my Executoures to

3.51/ performe my will/ Item I give to George Worthe my servant my highest salte gilte with the

3.52/ cover whith my Armes uppon hit/ Item I give to James Vance my servant to praye for

3.53/ me xlS/ Item I give to my said servant my graye gelding that is in the stable that

3.54/ trottyche to preferr hym in Maryage/ Item I give to Wyllm Saye my servant ij of my

3.55/ Oxen and for a Rewarde xxS, Item I give to Roger Takull my servant a cowe and the

3.56/ monye he owith me and further whereas Thomas Carpenter owithe me a certeyne

3.57/ Somme of monye for the fyne of his farme I will that xlS thereof be bated for the fyne of

3.58/ my said servante ys howse

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4.1/ my said servant howse/ Item I give to John Hawtey my servant in Redy mony to bye hym A

4.2/ hold with and to praye for me x£/ Item I give to Jonn Felde my servant in Reward to

4.3/ her maryage ij kyne ij heyfars and in mony iiijL/ Item I give to my servant William

4.4/ Knape ij heyfars And xxvjS viijD to pray for my soule Item I give to my shepperd at

4.5/ prescote A mare convenyet for hym and a yereling rudir beste Item I give to Roger

4.6/ Medene my servant A cowe Item I give to Wyllm gele a heyfar of ij yeres olde xxS

4.7/ item I give to Thomas pike my servant a heyfer Item I give to John Smythe my servant

4.8/ a yereling calfe Item I give to John gele a heyfer, Item I give to Margery my mayde

4.9/ a heyfer of ij yeres Item I give to my god doughter Anne Adams to pray for me a heyfer

4.10/ and xxS Item I give to Christian my servant a heyfere/ Item I give to Richard More my

4.11/ servant a bullock of ij yeres old Item I give to Robert Allyn my godsone vj shepe Avote

4.12/ of Water Houngerforde that will ?ue hym and a hoseclothe and a cowe/ Item I give to

4.13/ every of my godchildrn in Wiltes Dauntesey excepted for they have alredye that be

4.14/ poor mens childrn/ one shepe to be delyved at my manor of Dauntesy and if there be

4.15/ not anow than I will they be taken of my stoke at Prescote/ Item I give to evry of my

4/16/ godchildren in Creprady one shepe to be aken out of my stoke at Prescote/ Item I

4.17/ give to Robert Fyld my servant a heyfare and he to have convenyent fynding at my

4.18/ manor of Dauntesey so long as he there abidithe trusting Sylvester will do the same

4.19/ Item I will that Thomas Warde and Joyse his wyfe have mete and drynk and

4.20/ convenient apparell during their lyves within my manor of Dauntesey trusting Sylvester

4.21/ will performe the same And the said Jois to have to hepe her withall xiijS iiijD to be paid

4.22/ yerly during xij yeres after my decease/ Item I give to John Woodward that holdethe

4.23/ the Oxleyes xiS in Rewarde for the service he hathe done me and I will he have yerely

4.24/ to onse the wodys viS viijD Item I give to John Knape in rewarde for the paynes he

4.25/ hathe taken for me xxvJS viijD/ Item I give to John Reve for the paynes he hathe taken

4.26/ for me in rewarde xxvjS viijD/ Item I will that my Executors distriute amongst the

4.27/ poor householders next Adioyeninge to Dauntesey and Prescote xijD to evry house as they

4.28/ shall thynke necessary to the some of x£/ Item I give to benedice Long my godsone my

4.29/ lytell standing cuppe gilt with the cover/ Item I give to my godsone Robert Long ij sylver

4.30/ spones with knappes at thend/ Item I give to Mr Gemayne one of my best colts that yerrly

4.31/ to be rydn And my Rynge with the Dyamond and to thentent that he shall give his

4.32/ advice and Councell to my Executours in their necessices for the performance of this my

4.33/ will I give hym in mony iiij£ Item I give to Mr Baker vicar of Clame my nage

4.34/ called ruffe/ Item I give to George Myttey to praye for me and my fr??? during his

4,35/ lyfe xS yerely and that to be paid quarterly at my man' of Dautesey trusting

4.36/ Sylester shall performe the same/ Item I give to Sir Henry Wylkyne psone (parson?) of Dauntesey

4.37/ the colte which I bought at Somerford/ Item I give to Sir William Smalbone a colte or

4.38/ a Mare let hym chose whether and xij shepe to let hym have his owne choysse And

4.39/ also I give unto the said Sir willm xlS a yere during the space of three yeres next and

4.40/ Immediatly after my decease to be paide to hym by thands of my Executoures  Item the

4.41/ rest of my said Apparell unbequethed I give unto my said doughter Dorathe Lady

4.42 Houngerford to her owne use Item I will that all my lynen and wering gere not

4.43/ bequeathed be gevyn and distributed to suche of my frends as I have be accompenyd ??ne

4.44/ gentelwomen and other by the discrecion of my doughter Dorathy lady Houngerforde

4.45/ Item I give to John Gylden my godsone my farme of Cowiche that I have by Covent

4.46/ Seale of the house of Bradenstoke And further I will that John Gyldon suffer hys

4.47/ mother Margery Long to have a honest Chamber within the said farme and woode sufficient

4.48/ for her to borne and ij kyne to be pastured which kyne wynter and comme upon the said farme

4.49/ And ij swyne going with his swyn at the charges of the said John Gilden yf she be so disposed

4.50/ to take hit/ Item I will that my Executoures for the discharge of my sowle paye all my detts

4.51/ To all suche as I am Indebtyd unto or have occupied W?atl by specialte or otherwise so that

4.52/ their be made one prove of the same dett/ Item I give to every of my howshold servants after

4.53/ my decease then half yeres wages to help theym w'all/ Item I give to T?ustann Danvers

4.54/ for the pfarring of her in mariage c£ to be delyv'd to her by the handes of my Executours

4.55/ yf she be rulyd in mariage by them or els not one peny/ Item I will that my Executours

4.56/ do fynde a honest prest for the space of xij yeres next Immediatly after yt shalll please god to

4.57/ call me to his Murcy in the Church of Dauntesey to praye for my soule and all Crysten

4.58/ soules and he to have for his stypend vj£ xiijS iiijD Whome I will shalbe Sir Thomas grenewode

4.59/ and after hym the same preest to be appoynted by the parsone for the tyme being And by the

4.60/ Consent of my Executours And further I will that the said preest shal say every Wednysdaye

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5.1/ at his Aulter for hym appoynted within the Churche of Dauntesy during the xii yeres yf he

5.2/ be not sick or otherwyse let lawfully mass of requiem and durige at evyn And eny

5.3/ Frydaye durig the said terme of xij yeres in the churche aforesaid at his Aulter for hym

5.4/ appoynted shall say the masse of the v wonds and the psalmes of the passion at eveyn

5.5/ Remembering me and my frends by name nehis masse at the firste lavitory and every

5.6/ sondaye to saye masse within the chapell of saynt Anne within the said church of Dauntesey

5.7/ and the said preest to be accompenyd with the parson of Dauntsey during the said terme of xij

5.8/ yeres/ Item I will there be lefte at my man' of Dauntesey xij kyne and viij Oxen to the use of

5.9/ my sone Sylvester to be delyvered to hym when he shall come to the age of xxj yeres by the

5.10/ disrescion of my Executours And if it fortune my said sone Syvester to decease before the Age

5.11/ of xxj yeres Then I will the said kyne & Oxen afornamyd remayne to thuse of my sone

5.12/ John Danvers he causing dirige and masse of requiem to be said in the church of lynhm

5.13/ my prist by the space of xij yeres next after my decease And every prost to have for his paines

5.14 vjD This masse to be kept yerely the Wedinsdaye in the firste wyke of lente/ Item I give

5.15/ to my godsone the Clarke of Dauntesey his sone to help to fynde hym to scole A Cowe and

5.16/ a heyfare/ Item I will my Executoures take the issues and profetes fot the space of xij yeres

5.17/ of all suche landes as Sir Anthony Houngerford and Dame Dorathe hys wyfe Thomas Nevell

5.18/ Esquire and Willm Danv's my sone have for terme of there lyves by my grannte And that

5.19/ to distribute pticulerly as I have lymited by my will/ Item I make my Executours

5.20/ Sir Anthony Houngerford knight in whome I put my speciall trust my Daughter

5.21/ Dorathe his wyfe Thomas Nevell my sone Willm Danvers and Robert Bucknell

5.22/ desiring them hartely as my very trust ys in them to so this my Testament and last

5.23/ wyll performyd And to do for me lyfe as they wold I shold do for them yf I were put

5.24/ in suche trust/ Wytnes herto John Wyke Esquyer

5.25/ George Worth gentlman Henry Wylkyns Clarke John Foster Clarke And James Vanse

Probatum ~~~~~~ xxi day mensie January Anno Domini 1539 Jurandto Johanus Foster et Jacobi Vanse ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


  • Macnamara, Francis Nottidge, Memorials of the Danvers family (of Dauntsey and Culworth): their ancestors and descendants from the conquest till the termination of the eighteenth century; with some account of the alliances of the family and of the places, where they were seated, London, Hardy & Page; 1895. Available page 278
view all 15

Ann Danvers's Timeline

Dauntsey, Wiltshire, England (United Kingdom)
Culworth, Oxfordshire, England
Culworth, Northamptonshire, England (United Kingdom)
Dauntsey, Oxfordshire, England (United Kingdom)
Culworth, Oxfordshire, England
Of, Culworth, Oxfordshire, England