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Angelina Maria DelPrete (Silvaggio)

Дата рождения:
Место рождения: Italy (Италия)
Смерть: 27 октября 1960 (76)
Massachusetts, United States (США)
Место погребения: Rockland, Holy Family Cemetery., Massachusetts, United States
Ближайшие родственники:

Жена Dominico M. DelPrete
Мать Albert F. DelPrete; Private; Private; Private; Private и ещё 6

Менеджер: Private User
Последнее обновление:
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Ближайшие родственники

About Angelina Maria DelPrete

  Angelina and Domenico had a number of children.   At least three are buried with them in Rockland.  Her head stone lists her as Angela, while her husbands two draft cards lists her name as Angelina.
The 1910 census has the family in Providence Co., Rhode Island.  She is listed as Angelina born c. 1884 and the mother of three.  I can not find the family on the 1920 census.  The 1930 census has them in Rockland,  Plymouth Co., Mass and nine of eleven children living at home.  The oldest has married Francis Esposito and the second oldst Fannie has married John Francomano and are living in Weymouth.  Both daughters alreadt have two children each.  

An article in the Boston Globe of 20 June 1952 concerning her daughter having Quads has Angelina having ten children, all married and 37 grandchildren in 1952 with more to follow.

Her husband's 1957 obit has her Angelina (Silvaggio) DelPrete.

Her own obit in the 29 Oct 1960 Boston Globe has her Angelina (Salviggio) DelPrete. In Rockland, 27 Oct 1960. Angelina M. (Salviggioo) wife of thelate Domenico DelPrete. Mother of ten listed. Mass Holy Family Church, Rockland, Monday at 10 a.m.

 Her son Gerald's death cert  of 11 Sept 2008, online with Plymouth Co has her Angelina Silvaggio born Italy. 
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Хронология Angelina Maria DelPrete

28 октября 1883
Italy (Италия)
26 декабря 1914
27 октября 1960
Возраст 76
Massachusetts, United States (США)
октябрь 1960
Возраст 76
Rockland, Holy Family Cemetery., Massachusetts, United States (США)