Matching family tree profiles for Andries Andersen Brink
Immediate Family
About Andries Andersen Brink
- Nov 1734: In November 1734, Andries Brink was 16 years old when he survived the shipwreck of De Hoop on Dassen Island OR
- 12 November 1735: He arrives on the "Abbekerk" from Texel
- In service of the VOC and was a quartermaster when he became a free burgher on March 20, 1736. Why Andries had to become a free burgher on four occasions cannot be explained.
- He became private secretary to Andries Grové, SV/PROG (strong career parallels with his Danish father-in-law, who also arrives in the Cape via Texel, and also works for VOC, and also becomes Heemraad) and married his daughter Sophia in 1738.
- July 13, 1738:First marriage Twenty-year-old Andries married Sophia Grové born December 13, 1722, (second child and eldest daughter of Johannes Andreas Grové and Anna Nel), on July 13, 1738 in Cape Town when she was 15 years old. Four children are born of this marriage. They are Andries, Jan Godlieb, Stephanus and Anna. No reason could be found in documents for the death of the 25-year-old Sophia on February 21, 1748.
- December 20, 1738: 7 September 1726 Andries Grové obtained the farm De la Fontaines-Gift on the Berg River at Zoncquasdrift near Riebeeck-Kasteel. The farm was transferred to Andries Brink on December 20, 1738, as a wedding gift and it was owned by him until 25 November 1746.
- 11 October 1740: Promoted to quartermaster from corporal, according to minutes of the VOC [which is somewhat at odds with the fact that he was previously a quartermaster - see attached documentation Perhaps he leaves and then returns to VOC service, but starts at a lower rank. Perhaps he loses freeburgher status everytime he returns to VOC... Sharon Doubell 2018]
- December 11 1742 - 1761: Andries was also appointed the Heemrade Member for Stellenbosch (see http://www.tanap.net/content/activities/documents/resolutions_Cape_... for definition of the job of 'Heemraad') on December 11, 1742 and for Stellenbosch and Drakenstein jointly on December 12, 1752, a position he retained until 1761 (after being ineligible to be elected every four years). Andries Brink (b1) served with his father as Heemraadslid for Stellenbosch and Drakenstein and this is clearly stated in the minutes of December 6, 1749.
- 3 November 1744: Promoted to ensign, according to minutes of the VOC
- April 1, 1746: a contract was signed in the Cabo The Good Hope between Heemraad Andries Brink and the sailor Hendrik Barendsz van Cassel,where Hendrik would be the servant of Andries for a year at a monthly fee of 12 Indian golders above and beyond its food, drink and accommodation. On March 31, 1747, the contract was extended for one year.
- 21 September 1746: Andries bought the farm Uitkyk in the Stellenbosch district from his widowed mother in law. Andries lives on the farm until May 20, 1763.
- March 30, 1749 Second marriageAfter the death of Sophia in 1748 he married Alida de Waal, (daughter of Johannes (Jan) de Waal and Elizabeth van Eck (sometimes spelled as Neck) ) on March 30, 1749. Nine children are born of this marriage.
- 1749: Andries, Stellenbosch Opgaaf (J196) declared the following for tax purposes: 4 male slaves, 2 female slaves, 1 female slave under 14 years, 8 horses, 20 cattle, 100 sheep, 28,000 bottles of wine and 6 barrels of wine.
- 1751: According to the 1751 tax return of Andries, Stellenbosch Opgaaf (J196) he declared the following namely 6 male slaves, 2 female slaves, 1 female slave under 16 years, 9 horses, 20 cattle, 100 sheep, 28,000 bottles of wine and 25 barrels of wine. 1 rifle, 1 pistol and 1 dagger. 2 bags wheat seed, 10 bag corn, 1 bag rice seed and 5 bags rice.
- 26 April 1757: Promoted to First Lieutenant, according to minutes of the VOC
- 1761 - 1774: Interestingly, according to the Hennings family book, Johann Nikolaus Henning comes from Frankfurt, Germany, serving as a soldier, between the years 1761 and 1774 he is a farm worker for hire who lives at Heemraad Andries Brink's farm in Stellenbosch.
- 1761: Andries's return was as follows, Stellenbosch Opgaaf (J201) 1 servant, 8 male slaves, 3 female slaves, 2 male slaves under 16 years, 2 female slaves under 14 years, 12 horses, 24 cattle, 150 sheep, 36,000 bottles of wine and 20 barrels of wine. 1 rifle, 1 pistol and 1 dagger. The servant was the soldier Jan Nicolas Hoenig from Frankfurt to Maijn. A contract is respectively drawn on May 3, 1762 and August 11, 1763 for one year where Jan's services are sold to Andries.
- 5 October 1762: Promoted to Captain, according to minutes of the VOC. Andries first lives in Cape Town and thereafter in Stellenbosch. Records of the Dutch East Indian Company indicate that Andries is a first lieutenant and later promoted to Captain during the period that Rijk Tulbagh was the governor. During the time he lived near Stellenbosch, he was a "Ritmeester" Captain of the Cavalry of the Citizen dragonders.
- 9 August 9 1763: Resigns from VOC, according to minutes of the VOC
- 1772, it was reported that Andries Brink, former burgher councilor, became old and sick and wanted to be relieved of its citizen obligations, having outlived two wives (the last by 8 years) and five children.
- 21 Aug 1789: When Andries died in 1789, he was living with his son, Jan Godlieb Brink.
Family of Andries Brink, 1718-1789
x Sophia Grové, 1722-1748
- Andries (b1), x Maria Magdalena Rossouw
- Jan Godlieb (b2) x Susanna Maria de Kock
- Stephanus (b3) x Catharina Susanna Louw
- Anna (b4) jonk †
xx Alida de Waal, 1730-1781
- Elisabeth (b5) jonk †
- Sophia (b6) x Hendrik Justinus de Wet
- Johannes (b7) x Maria Elizabeth Hendriksz xx Susanna Justina Faure
- Arend (b8) jonk †
- Arend (b9) jonk †
- Alida (b10) jonk †
- Daniël (b11) x Johanna van der Spuy
- Cornelis (b12) x Sibella Eksteen xx Magdelena Catharina Staakman
- Arend (b13) x Elizabeth Eksteen
- http://www.angelfire.com/folk/brinkfamily/files/hoofstuk3.pdf
- https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Brink-420#_ref-STEFAN_24
Inventories of the Orphan Chamber Cape Town Archives Repository, South Africa Reference no.: MOOC8/19.76
Inventaris van alle sodanige goederen en effecten, als met ’er dood zijn ontruijmd en naargelaaten door den oud burgerraad deeser plaatse de heer Andries Brink d’ oude ten voordeele van desselfs hieronderged:te kinderen, met namen
zijnde de twee eerstgemelde staaken voortgesprooten uijt des overleedenen eerste huwelijk met wijlen juffrouw Sophia Grovéé
- 1) de heer Jan Godlieb Brink
- 2) de kinderen van wijl: den heemraad van Drakenstein de e: Andries Brink junior, zijnde genaamt
a) Sophia Brink, gehuwd met den burger Jan Enselin
b) Maria Brink, getr:d met Petrus van der Merwe Carlz:n
c) Alida Brink, geh:wd met den burger Jacob Coetser
d) Susanna Brink
e) Andries Brink
f) Daniel Brink en
g) Jan Godlieb Brink
en de overige vijf staaken, uijt het tweede huwelijk, met zijne meede verstorvene huijsvrouw juff:rw Alida de Waal
- 3) Johannes Brink
- 4) Daniël Brink
- 5) Cornelis Brink
- 6) Arend Brink
- 7) de dogter van den heer Hendrik Justinus de Wet, in huwelijk verwekt bij Sophia Brink, bij repraesentatie van haare overleedene moeder, gen:t Sophia Alida de Wet
In het woonhuijs van bovengemelde heer Jan Godlieb Brink, alwaar den overleedene heeft gewoont, en aldaar in een camer
Aldus gedaan en g’inventariseerd aan Cabo de Goede Hoop ten woonhuijse van meermelde heer Johan Godlieb Brink op den 24 August 1789
- [Inventories of the Orphan Chamber Cape Town Archives Repository, South Africa Reference no.: MOOC8/19.76 on http://databases.tanap.net/mooc/]
- Afkomstig: Vanaf Waarde, geleë in Suid-Beverland in die Nederlandse provinsie Zeeland.
- Aankoms: Op 15 Junie 1735 vertrek hy op die skip Abbekerk uit Texel na die Kaap waar hulle op 12 November 1735 aankom. Die kaptein was Kornelis den Breen.
- Geboorte: Ongeveer 1718.
- Oorlede: Op Vrydag, 21 Augustus 1789.
- - plek: Kaapstad.
- - ouderdom: Ongeveer 71 jaar.
- - begrawe: Kaapstad.
- Eerste Huwelik: Op Sondag, 13 Julie 1738 met Sophia Grové.
- - plek: In die Nederduitsch Gereformeerde Kerk, Kaapstad.
- - ouderdom: Hy ongeveer 20 / Sy 16.
- - aantal kinders: Drie seuns en een dogter.
- Tweede Huwelik: Op Sondag, 30 Maart 1749 met Alida de Waal.
- - plek: In die Nederduitsch Gereformeerde Kerk, Kaapstad.
- - ouderdom: Hy ongeveer 31 / Sy 19.
- - wewenaar: Ongeveer 1 jaar.
- - aantal kinders: Ses seuns en drie dogters.
- Algemeen: * 1) Hy het op 15 Junie 1735 in diens getree van die HOIK as kwartiermeester.
- 2) Op 20 Maart 1736 het hy die diens van die HOIK verlaat en 'n Vryburger geword.
- 3) Gedurende die tyd wat hy naby Stellenbosch gebly het, was hy 'n "Ritmeester der burger dragonders" (Kaptein van die ruitery) gewees en is op 11 Desember 1742 aangestel as Heemraad.
- 4) Op 20 Desember 1738 skenk sy skoonvader, Andries Grové, die plaas De La Fontianersgift, geleë aan die Bergrivier by Zoncquasdrift, aan hom as bruidskat. Hy vervreem die plaas op 25 November 1746. Op 21 September 1746 verkry hy die plaas Uitkyk, geleë naby Klapmuts, Stellenbosch, van sy weduwee skoonmoeder. Hy woon vanaf 25 November 1746 tot 20 Mei 1763 op die plaas. Na sy tweede vrou se dood in 1781 gaan woon hy in Kaapstad by sy tweede oudste seun, Jan Godlieb, waar hy oorlede en begrawe is.
- 5) Drie van sy kinders is in 1767, kort na mekaar, aan pokkies oorlede en drie kinders is as babas oorlede.
- Boedel: Volgens sy boedeldokumente was hy 'n redelik welaf man by sy afsterwe.³
Johan Brink (author of "Die Brink-Familie Van Suid-Afrika") in a private message posted to this MyHeritage tree - http://www.myheritage.dk/person-1003825_169953791_169953791/andries... - where he notes:
"In die ses jaar sedert die BRINK-geslagsregister gepubliseer is, het ek heelwat bywerkings gedoen en korreksies aangebring; meestal alleen maar tog ook met die hulp van soveel ander belangstellendes en gewaardeerde medewerkers.
"Een van die aspekte wat ek opgeklaar kon kry was dat ons stamvader Andries Brink, beslis nie 'n Nederlander van oorsprong was nie, maar wel 'n Deen. Hy was gebore in en afkomstig van die dorp VARDE in Denemarke. Gedagtig aan die "verhollandsing" van alles destyds aan die Kaap, het VARDE toe ook (die verwarrende) "WAARDE" of "WAARDEN" of selfs "WOERDEN" in sommige dokumente geword. Dit gelei na mistasting soos ook in my boek in die derde paragraaf op bladsy 3 aangeteken. Die feit dat hy 'n Deen was bevestig heelwat bespiegelinge wat ander navorsers (insluitende familiekenners) reeds voor my gehad het. Om daardie rede het ek destyds in my boek (p3) dit gestel dat: "Alhoewel hy vanaf Nederland hierheen gekom het, kan sy herkoms nie bo alle twyfel aan Nederland gekoppel word nie
Andries Brink = Andreas Andersen Brink
Within the online National Archives: Varde Town Bailiff, Eastern-Western-Northern Horne County Bailiff. Change protocol for Varde Købstad (document 86)
In this document it mentions that Ingeborg Andersdatter, who at the time was living in Eastern Orten, passed away, and that a change of the estate on 12 May 1756 was filed.
It mentions that she was the widow of Hans Pedersen, miller of Isbjerg mill within the Varde parish.
Further down it also mentions that she had been previously married [The register of the Daler parish in the Tønder county show that she had been married to Anders Hansen Brink in 1708] and that the living children from the previous marriage to be 1) Johannes Brink, was a clerk in Jerne and Skads. 2) Jens Andersen Brink who was living at Ho windmill. 3) Andreas Andersen was at Africa, Cap de Bone Esperance [Translated as Cape of Good Hope]. 4) Anne Andersdatter who was married in Amsterdam. 5) Anne Marie Andersdatter got married to Hans Hansen in Eastern Orten.
All the earliest Brink immigrants that settled at the Cape (at least prior to 1756) had been documented (refer to Johan Brink’s book "Die Brink-Familie Van Suid-Afrika: ‘n Geslagregister Van 1737 Tot Die Hede"), and their respective place of origin known and accounted for except for Andries Brink, who gave his place of origin as Waarde. But since Waarde archives in Netherlands denies his birth there, it left him without a known country of origin.
It therefore stands to reason that Andreas Andersen Brink from Varde Denmark, who settled at the Cape of Good Hope some time prior to 1756 (according to Danish archives), and Andries Brink that is registered in the Cape archives to be from Waarde (but country of origin not mentioned), is the same person.
Sophia Grove is the mother of Andries Brink, b1; Jan Gotlieb Brink, b2; Stephanus Brink and Anna Maria Brink. Alida de Waal is the mother of Elisabeth Brink, b5; Sophia Brink, b6; Johannes Brink, b7; Arend Brink, b8; Arend Brink, b9 and 4 others
Where The Record Is Found (Citation)
Within the online Danish National Archives: Varde Town Bailiff, Eastern-Western-Northern Horne County Bailiff. Change protocol for Varde Købstad (document 86)
Describe The Record (Notes)
In this document it mentions that Ingeborg Andersdatter, who at the time was living in Eastern Orten, passed away, and that a change of the estate on 12 May 1756 was filed.
It mentions that she was the widow of Hans Pedersen, miller of Isbjerg mill within the Varde parish.
Further down it also mentions that she had been previously married [The register of the Daler parish in the Tønder county show that she had been married to Anders Hansen Brink in 1708] and that the living children from the previous marriage to be
1) Johannes Brink, was a clerk in Jerne and Skads.
2) Jens Andersen Brink who was living at Ho windmill.
3) Andreas Andersen was at Africa, Cap de Bone Esperance [Translated as Cape of Good Hope].
4) Anne Andersdatter who was married in Amsterdam.
5) Anne Marie Andersdatter got married to Hans Hansen in Eastern Orten.
Andries Andersen Brink's Timeline
1712 |
January 31, 1712
Varde, Syddanmark, Denmark
1739 |
September 6, 1739
Caep de Goede Hoop, South Africa
1741 |
September 3, 1741
Cape of Good Hope, South Africa
1743 |
November 24, 1743
1746 |
April 17, 1746
Caep de Goede Hoop, South Africa
1750 |
February 22, 1750
Cape of Good Hope, South Africa
1751 |
December 12, 1751
Stellenbosch, Cape of Good Hope, South Africa
1753 |
November 14, 1753
South Africa