From http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~pattyrose/engel/gen/fg05/f...
Andrew, J.P., b. ab 1642, as a boy was in ct. for aggress., early at Smuttinose, where his w., her dau. and both hus. sold without license. Fishing master in partn. with Henry Mains. In 1673 he and his partn. had bot a house at Ipsw. and in 1681 he was providing a seat in the meetingho. for his wife. Constab. of Smuttinose 1670, selectman 1679, Com.t.e.s.c. 1685, J.P. 1690. The two bros., many yrs. leading fishing masters at the Shoals, were both childless by two wives. M. ab. 1668 Joan, b. ab. 1629, wid. of Roger Grant; 2d at Marb. 24 July 1705 Elizabeth Elliot, who m. 2d (int. 5 Apr. 1707) Rev. Theophilus Cotton, later of Hampt. Falls and d. 13 Oct. 1710 from a fall of horseback, ag. 45. Mr. Cotton bot his house from his sis. Grace and Peter Lewis. [ref 22]
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ANDREW, taverner and magistrate at the Isles of Shoals, born 1640; lived in Ipswich, Mass., where he m. 1705, Mrs. Elizabeth Eliott; d. s. p. 1707. Widow m. Theophilus Parsons, 5 April 1707-8. [ref 33:353]
1640 |
St Petrox, Dartmouth, Devon , England
1710 |
October 13, 1710
Age 70
Isles of Shoals, York, Maine, Colonial America