Andrea Salvatore Canale

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Andrea Salvatore Canale

Birthplace: Casteldaccia, Province of Palermo, Sicily, Kingdom of Italy
Death: April 11, 1934 (44)
Casteldaccia, Province of Palermo, Sicily, Kingdom of Italy
Immediate Family:

Son of Andrea Canale and Maria Canale
Husband of Elena Mantini and Gaetana Guzzo
Father of Maria Canale and Lorenzo Canale

Managed by: John Dale Kessel
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Immediate Family

About Andrea Salvatore Canale

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Andrea Salvatore Canale's Timeline

June 14, 1889
Casteldaccia, Province of Palermo, Sicily, Kingdom of Italy

"Italia, Palermo, Palermo, Stato Civile (Tribunale), 1866-1910," images, FamilySearch ( : 22 May 2014), Palermo > Casteldaccia > Nati, pubblicazioni, matrimoni, cittadinanze, morti 1884-1903 > image 679 of 1947; Tribunale di Cagliari (Cagliari Court, Cagliari).

July 1, 1921
Casteldaccia, Provincia di Palermo, Sicilia, Italy
April 11, 1934
Age 44
Casteldaccia, Province of Palermo, Sicily, Kingdom of Italy