Amalia Treves de' Bonfili Todros

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Amalia Treves de' Bonfili Todros's Geni Profile

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Amalia Todros (Treves de' Bonfili)

Birthplace: Venice, Metropolitan City of Venice, Veneto, Italy
Death: April 05, 1846 (23)
Immediate Family:

Daughter of Giacomo (o Jacopo) Treves 1836 nobile de' Bonfili and Enrichetta TrevesTreves 1836 de' Bonfili
Wife of Elia Todros
Sister of Barone Giuseppe Treves de' Bonfili and Clementina Treves de' Bonfili Grimaldi

Managed by: Andrea Cassigoli
Last Updated:
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Amalia Treves de' Bonfili Todros's Timeline

April 1, 1823
Venice, Metropolitan City of Venice, Veneto, Italy
April 5, 1846
Age 23