RAOUL de Nesle, son of JEAN de Nesle Châtelain de Bruges, Seigneur de Nesle, de Falvy et de Hérelle & his wife Elisabeth van Peteghem (-before Feb 1226). "Elizabet mater domini de Nigella" renounced rights over revenue from Lambersart in favour of Lille Saint-Pierre, with the consent of "filius…meus Radulphus", by charter dated 1204[956]. The Scripta de Feodis of King Philippe II record “Johans sires de Neele” holding “Neele et les apartenances...” and name among his “home...Raous mis frères...”[957]. Seigneur de Falvy. m ([1212/14]%29 as her second husband, ALIX de Roye, widow of JEAN [III Comte d'Alençon], daughter of BARTHELEMY de Roye & his wife Petronille de Montfort (-26 Jan 1226). A manuscript genealogy of the Lords of Beaumont records that “Joannem”, son of “Robertum comitem Alencheii”, married “Aaliz filiam domini Bartholomæi de Roye” but died childless[958]. Her second marriage is confirmed by the necrology of Joyenval which records the death of [her son] "domini Joannis de Nigella filii dominæ Aelidis de Roya” and his donation which was confirmed by his mother[959]. The necrology of Joyenval records the death “26 Jan“ 1226 of "dominæ Alidiæ de Roya filiæ domini Bartholomæi fundatoris” and the donation of revenue from “teloneum suum de Roya, detentum nunc a domino de Mouy”[960]. Raoul & his wife had one child:
- 1. JEAN [I] de Nesle (-2 Dec 1292). Seigneur de Falvy et de la Hérelle.
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Falvy, 80300, Somme, Picardie, France,
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January 26, 1226
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Roye, Haute-Saone, Franche-Comte, France