Immediate Family
About Alisone Hepburne
Alisone Hepburn, here treated, died before 24 April 1496, RRS 1488-1529: number 77
Alisone Hepburn, here treated, married Silvester Rattray of Balmakerd and Wemys RMS 1424-1513: 2081
Evidence from the National Records of Scotland
8 February 1491-92: REX confirmavit cartam Margarete Ogilby sponse Silvestri Rettra de eodem militis, — [qua, — amore filiali, etc., ac cum consensu sponsi sui, — concessit filio suo SILVESTRO RETTRA, et ALISONE HEPBURNE ejus sponse, — terras de "Wemys, cum sale et carbonibus earundem, vic. Fiffe, — pro ejus servitiis : — Tenend. dictis Silvest. et Alis. et eorum alteri diutius viventi et heredibus eorum inter ipsos legitime procreatis, quibus deficientibus, heredibus legitimis et propinquioribus ipsius Silvestri sponsi dicte Marg. quibuscunque, a dicta Marg. de rege : — Reservato libero tenemento dicte Marg. : — Test. Joh. Hering de Wormot, Wil. Hering de Fornocht, Geo. Spens, Hen. Quhite, et D. Joh. de Kynmonth capellano ac notario publico : — Apud Perth, 31 Maii 1491. RMS 1424-1513, charter number 2081 on p. 440
24 April 1496: A Letter to ADAM HEPBURN and his assignais, — of the gift of the ward of the landis of Westhall, with tenandis and tenandriis that pertenit to umquhile Dony Hepbum and his part therof, and als the part of the tenandry of the said landis of Westhall that pertenit to umquhile Alison Hepbum, the spous of Silvester Rettre, ete., for al the tyme of the ward, etc. Gratis. i. 15. RRS 1488-1529: number 77
Liber Responsionum.16 May [1515]. Edinburgh infra Hadington. Vicecomes respondcbit pro 80 Ii. de firmis dimedietatis terrarum de WESTHALL cum pertinen. jacentis infra balliam suam, existentis in manibus regis per spatium 20 annorum ult. elaps, ratione warde, que firme se extendunt annuatim ad 4 li. , regi debitis per sasinam datam Andree Rettre per decessum Jonete Haliburtoun, sororis matris sue, de eadem apud Edinburgh 16 Maii a.r.2. RSRS 1513-22, p. 545
Printed Evidence
- Registrum Magni Sigilli Regum Scotorum. The Register of the Great Seal of Scotland, A.D. 1424-1513. Edited by James Balfour Paul, FSA. Scot. (H. M. General Register House, Edinburgh, 1882), 1153 pp. including indices and errata
- Registrum Secreti Sigilli Regum Scotorum. The register of the Privy seal of Scotland. Vol I. A. D. 1488-1529. Edited by M. Livingstone, ISO., Late Deputy-Keeper of the Records of Scotland (H. M. General Register House, Edinburgh, 1908), 824 pp. including indices
- Rotuli Scaccarii Regum Scotorum. The Exchequer Rolls of Scotland. Edited by AE. J. G. McKay, MA. Oxon., LL.D. Edin., Honorary Fellow of King’s College, London, Sheriff of Fife and Kinross. VOL. XIV. A.D. 1513-1522. (H. M. General Register House, Edinburgh, 1893), 836 pp. including index and corrigenda
Alisone Hepburne's Timeline
1496 |
April 24, 1496
1601 |
August 15, 1601
???? |