Historical records matching Alice de Stuteville
Immediate Family
About Alice de Stuteville
Note from Curator Pam Wilson (15 November 2015): Her existence as the wife of William/Hugues de Grandmesnil and as the mother of Petronille/Pernel needs more evidence. If this person was indeed Alice de Beaumont, her parentage needs more proof, since she is not listed in most sources as a daughter of Robert de Beaumont, 1st Earl of Leicester and Elisabeth de Vermandois. Therefore, I have removed her as their daughter until further evidence is provided.
There is a possibility that this name has been confused with an earlier Aelis de Beaumont-sur-Oise who was married to an earlier generation of Hugues de Grandmesnil.
From the Celtic Casimir online family tree: ( http://www.celtic-casimir.com/webtree/17/33157.htm )
Family Links
Spouse: Michael LE FLEMING of Aldingham
Michael II LE FLEMING of Caernarvon Castle+
Theobaold LE FLEMING+
Born: Abt 1108, Cottingham, East Riding Yorkshire, England
Marriage Information: DE STUTEVILLE married Michael LE FLEMING of Aldingham. (Michael LE FLEMING of Aldingham was born about 1085 in Normandy or Flanders, France and died after 1154 in Aldingham Manor, Lancashire, England.)
Reference: 9242 Jim Weber <jim.weber at nwint1.com>, WorldConnect at Rootsweb, http://worldconnect.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=PED&db=jweber&i....
The Foundation for Medieval Genealogy:
...only confirms that an unknown sister exists, but instead of Michael Le Fleming, they have as her husband Robert de Daville.
- Reference: WikiTree Genealogy - SmartCopy: Jan 4 2016, 9:23:55 UTC
There is a possibility that this name has been confused with an earlier Aelis de Beaumont-sur-Oise who was married to an earlier generation of Hugues de Grandmesnil.
Pedigree Resource File
Ver a la persona en el modo de cuadro genealógico
Alice /de Beaumont/
sexo: female
nacimiento: aproximadamente 1105
defunción: 11 July 1191
Padre: Robert I /de Beaumont/ 1st Earl of Leicester
madre: Isabel Elizabeth /de Vermandois/ Countess of Leicester
Matrimonios (1)
cónyuge: Hugh /de Grandmesnil/ Baron of Hinckley
Ocultar hijos (1)
hijo 1:
Petronella /de Grandmesnil/
sexo: female nacimiento: aproximadamente 1130
Leicestershire, England defunción: 1 April 1212
Leicestershire, England
Fuentes (1) 1. Jim Weber ; www.rootsweb.com - file - jweber
Cita de este registro
"Pedigree Resource File", database, FamilySearch (http://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.2.1/STF8-BCN : accessed 2013-08-31), entry for Alice /de Beaumont/.
Alice de Stuteville's Timeline
1135 |
Leicester, Leicestershire, England
1136 |
Hinckley, Leicestershire, England
1191 |
July 11, 1191
LIddel, Silloth, Cumbria, England (United Kingdom)
???? |
Aldingham Manor, Morecambe, Lancashire, England (United Kingdom)
???? |