From https://williamhenryfluen.de.tl/William-Thwaites.htm
NOTE: York Corporation Records [Oct. 6, 12th Hen. VI. (1433-4)] "Indenture betwixt Mr. Robert del Hay and Johannet that was the wyff of Thomas del Hay, of th'one parte, and John Thwaites on th'other parte, wittnesseth that Thomas, son and heire apparant of the said John, shall marry Alyce dau. of the said Johannet."
The last will of Alice (de la Hay) Thwaites dated 11 March 1485/6, proved 16 March 1485/6 names her children she had to Thomas Thwaites, esq. of Denton:
Alice de la Haye was one of five daughters and co-heirs of Thomas de la Hay of Spaldington, hence it was that she found a resting place "neigh my saide husband, Thomas Thwaites, lyeing in the southe ile within the Monastery of Segut German of Selby." She had taken the vow of Chastity after her husband's death.
From page 10 of Testamenta Eboracensia: A Selection of Wills from the Registry at York ... edited by James Raine, John William Clay. "The will of Alice Thwaites, March 11, 1485/6."
March 11, 1485-6. Alice Thwates,* advoesse, sum tyme wife of Thomas Thwaites, esquier. My body to be beryd neigh my saide husband, Thomas Thwaites, lyeng in the southe ile w*in the monastery of Seynt German of Selby. I bequieth xv lb. wax to be birned aboute my corse the day of my beryall, w* iiij torches to be borne w* iiij poer men unto my grave, which shall have iiij white gownes and iiij white hodes, by waye of distribucion and almose. To my son Henry Thwates a feder bed which he lyed on. To my doughter Jane Stafford j feder bed lyeng in my house at York. To my son John Thwates my grettest pott. To Isabell Marshall my servaunt, for hir true and longe service, a matresse, etc. To Jake of Thwaites my Messe-buke w* my chales and Portuse; uppon this condicion that he shalbe preste, or els nott. My gilt coppe unto my doughter Isabell Thwates, w* the coveryng. To my son Herry my gilt salt w* the coveryng. To my son William the better of my white peces w* my litle maser. To my doughter Isabell myn other white pece. To litle Umfray Stafford my litle white salt of silver. To my son Jenkyn Thwaites a silver spone, and to my son Thomas Thwaites an oder. To litle Kateryn Carr, my god doughter, a silver spone of the sorte that iiij spones er of. To my doughter Isabell x li. yerely, during iiij yeres, of my lordeship of Smeton, unto hir marriage.* It is my will that my preiste, Sir Richard, if he will sing where that my body lieth, every yere (have) vj marc yj s. viij d. oute of Smeton, and yj s. viij d. of Langrake fery. If my son John suffre his breder Herry, Jenkyn, Thomas, and William to have, ilk one, fyve pownd which ther fader gaffe thame, then he to have all such inheritaunce which moveth by me w*in Houdenshire. The remanent to my son William and Isabell my doughter.
Residuum Jacobo, filio meo, ut ipse ex eis alat et vestiat Ricardum, filium meum : quem etiam ordino curatorem Ricardo fratri suo, ac executorem meum Witn. Mr. Joh. Metkalf. Prob. 22 Mar. 1491-2 and adm. to exr. (Reg. Test. v. 407*.) .
The testatrix was one of the four daughters and co-heirs of Thomas de la Hay of Spaldington. Hence it was that she found a resting-place in Selby abbey. She had taken the Vow of chastity after her husband's death. Thomas Thwaites, according to a pedigree made by Dodsworth, was the son and heir of John Thwaites, whose wife, Jane Thornton, was a great heiress. John Thwaites, son and heir of Thomas, had a son Thomas, who married Emma, daughter and co-heiress of Nicholas Midelton, by whom he had Thomas and John Thwaites, and Isabella, heiress of her brother, who married Sir William Eairfax, knight, of Steeton.
Oct. 6, 12th Hen. VI. "Indenture betwixt Mr. Robert del Hay and Johannet that was the wyff of Thomas del Hay, of th'one parte, and John Thwaites on th'other parte, wittnesseth that Thomas, son and heire apparant of the said John, shall marry Alyce dau. of the said Johannet." (York Corporation Records.)
John Thwaites, the father-in-law of the testatrix, was a lawyer. By will dated Jan. 22, 1461-2, he desired to be buried in the church of Harewood. Isabel his wife and Robert Sykerwham are his executors, and he desires them to settle the marriage portion, &c., of Alice Thwaites his dau. (Reg. Test. iv. 140*.)
1425 |
Spaldington, East Riding of Yorkshire, England, United Kingdom
1438 |
Halsham, East Riding of Yorkshire, England, United Kingdom
1457 |
1484 |
March 12, 1484
Age 59
England (United Kingdom)
???? | |||
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Selby Abbey, North Yorkshire, England, United Kingdom