Probably Alice Lightfoot....
In the 1624/5 Jamestown muster, Alice is listed in the household of William Spencer as his wife with daughter Alice, 4 years old. William Spencer, a child, is listed as deceased in the 1625 muster.
"In 1629 Spencer patented 290 acres of land using the headright of his current wife, Dorothy, who came to Virginia on the Neptune in 1619." Second wife? They may have married c1628.bNo known children.
Virginia Immigrants and Adventurers, 1607-1635: A Biographical Dictionary By Martha W. McCartney
See also Early Spencers of Virginia, Henry W. Rigby, 1986
First Families of VA
"Adventures of Purse and Persons of Virginia 1607-1625" by Annie L Jester and Martha W. Hiden
Nina Ruth Spearman Reese @NS36911@
In her letter to Sylvia Spearman, she states she went to see the ships in Jamestown, and could not board the Susan Constant, but was able to board on one of the three.
Mansfield is a suggested maiden name for Anne Spencer. Lightfoot is another suggested maiden name.
Jamestown Muster Rolls
Name Muster Status Location Corporation Age Ship Date of Arrival Muster Date Notes
William Spencer Spencer William head James Island James Citty Sarah not given 24 January 1624/5 Allice Spencer Spencer William his wife James Iland James Citty not given 24 January 1624/5 Allice Spencer Spencer William theire daughter James Iland James Citty 4 not given 24 January 1624/5
William Spencer was not in 1624 Census of Jamestown, so he must have arrived in 1625.
1624 JAMES CITY CO. VA S152 SPENCER , Kathren
1600 |
1620 |
Jamestown, James City County, Virginia, United States
1622 |
Jamestown, James City, Virginia, United States
1624 |
January 24, 1624
Surry County, Virginia
Jamestown, James City County, Virginia
1625 |
Jamestown, Surry, Virginia, United States
Age 25
James City County, Virginia
1681 |
Lake Landing, Hyde County, North Carolina, Colonial America