TITANIC SURVIVOR ARRIVES Mrs William Baird Silvey (Alice Munger), 39, was born on 19 October 1872 in Duluth Minnesota.
Mrs Silvey boarded the Titanic at Southampton with her husband William. They occupied cabin E-44.
Mrs Silvey was rescued in lifeboat 11 her husband died.
Mrs Silvey remarried to Mr R. S. Patrick in 1918. Mrs Patrick's only child, daughter Melville Silvey, was born in Duluth on 26 March 1894; she died, a spinster, in October 1975, aged 81.
Alice Patrick (late Silvey, née Munger) died 2 May 1958.
Travelling Companions (on same ticket) Mr William Baird Silvey References and Sources Unidentified Newspaper (Duluth), 3 May 1958, Obituary Minnesota Department of Health Certificate of Death Credits Phillip Gowan, USA Hermann Söldner, Germany Craig Stringer, UK Geoff Whitfield, UK
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Alice Munger was the daughter of Olive Gray Munger and Roger S. Munger and was born in Duluth, St. Louis County, Minnesota. She lived in the Spalding Hotel with her first husband William B. Silvey and her daughter Alice Melville Silvey. Her father Roger S. Munger also lived at the Spalding Hotel until 1910. She and her first husband William B. Silvey were on board the Titanic on a return trip to the United States when it sank. She survived because her husband told her to follow the captain's orders that women and children should evacuate first. After losing her husband in 1912, Alice Silvey appears in the city directory with her daughter Melville Silvey until 1914. She appears by herself in 1915 and after that is no longer listed. By 1920 she is married to Richard Steedman Patrick, a carbon diamond importer, who had first appeared in Duluth in 1909. They live at 721 E 1st for ten years and then move to 2514 E Superior Street, a house they would keep until their deaths. They may, however, have made extended leaves to stay in New York City, where Alice's daughter was living. In the 1940 U.S. Census they are listed as guests at New York's Plaza Hotel, the same place that Richard Patrick had given as his home address in 1918 when he registered for the draft. On 19th of March 1949 her second husband, Richard Patrick, died in Duluth, St. Louis county, Minnesota at the age of 68. By 1957 her daughter had come back home to live with her in Duluth and when Alice dies in 1958 her daughter, Melville Silvey continues to live in their home on Superior Street.
BOAT NO. 11*
Sixth boat lowered on starboard side, 1.25 (Br. Rpt., p. 38). No disorder when this boat was loaded and lowered.
Passengers: Women: Mrs. Schabert and two others of first cabin; all the rest second and third class. Fifty-eight women and children in all.
Men: Mr. Mock, first cabin, and two others.
Crew: Seamen: Humphreys (in charge), Brice; Stewards: Wheate, MacKay, McMicken, Thessinger, Wheelton; Fireman ; Steward- ess: Mrs. Robinson.
Total: 70.
W. Brice, A. B. (Am. Inq., 648) : This boat was filled from A Deck. An officer said: **Is there a sailor in the boat?" There was no answer. I jumped out and went down the fall into the bow. Nobody was in the stern. I went aft and shipped the rudder. By that time the boat had been filled with women and children. We had a bit of difficulty in keeping the boat clear of a big body of water coming from the ship's side
The after block got jammed, but I think that must have been on account of the trip not being pushed right down to disconnect the block from the boat. We managed to keep the boat clear from this body of water. It was the pump discharge. There were only two seamen in the boat, a fireman, about six stewards and fifty-one passengers. There were no women and children who tried to get into the boat and were unable to do so. There was no rush and no panic whatever. Everything was done in perfect order and discipline.
Mr. Humphreys, A. B., was in charge of No. II. There was no light or lantern in our boat.
I cut the lashing from the oil bottle and cut rope and made torches. The ship sank bow down first almost perpendicularly. She became a black mass before she made the final plunge when boat was about a quarter of a mile away. Boat No. 9 was packed. Passengers were about forty-five women and about four or five children in arms.
E. Wheelton, steward (Am. Inq.) : As I made along B Deck I met Mr. Andrews, the builder, who was opening the rooms and looking in to see if there was anyone in, and closing the doors again. Nos. 7, 5 and 9 had gone. No.
II boat was hanging in the davits. Mr. Murdoch said: *'You go too." He shouted: Women and children first.'* He was then on the top deck standing by the taffrail. The boat was loaded with women and children, and I think there were eight or nine men in the boat altogether, including our crew, and one passenger.
"Have you got any sailors in?" asked Mr. Murdoch. I said: "No, sir. He told two sail- ors to jump into the boat. We lowered away. Everything went very smooth until we touched the water. When we pushed away from the ship's side we had a slight difficulty in hoisting the after block. We pulled away about 300 yards. We rowed around to get close to the other boats. There were about fifty-eight all told in No. 11. It took all of its passengers from A Deck except the two sailors. I think there were two boats left on the starboard side when No. 1 1 was lowered. The eight or nine men in the boat included a passenger. A quartermaster (Humphreys) was in charge.
C. D. MacKay, steward (Br. Inq.) : No. 1 1 was lowered to A Deck. Murdoch ordered me to take charge. We collected all the women (40) on the Boat Deck, and on A Deck we collected a few more. The crew were five stewards, one fireman, two sailors, one forward and one aft. There was Wheelton, McMicken, Thessenger, Wheate and myself. The others were strangers to the ship. There were two second-class ladies, one second-class gentleman, and the rest were third-class ladies. I found out that they were all third-class passengers. We had some diiBculty in getting the after fall away. We went away from the ship about a quarter of a mile. No compass. The women complained that they were crushed up so much and had to stand. Complaints were made against the men because they smoked.
J. T. Wheate, Ass't. 2nd Steward (Br. Inq.) : Witness went upstairs to the Boat Deck where Mr. Murdoch ordered the boats to the A Deck where the witness and seventy of his men helped pass the women and children into boat No. 9, and none but women and children were taken in. He then filled up No. 11 with fifty-nine women and children, three male passengers and a crew of seven stewards, two sailors and one fireman. He could not say how the three male passengers got there. The order was very good. There was nobody on the Boat Deck, so the people were taken off on the A Deck.
Philip E. Mock, first cabin passenger [letter] : No. II carried the largest number of passengers of any boat — about sixty-five. There were only two first cabin passengers in the boat besides my sister, Mrs. Schabert, and myself. The remainder were second-class or stewards and stewardesses. We were probably a mile away when the Titanic* s lights went out. I last saw the ship with her stern high in the air going down. After the noise I saw a huge column of black smoke slightly lighter than the sky rising high into the sky and then flattening out at the top like a mushroom.
I at no time saw any panic and not much confusion. I can positively assert this as I was near every boat lowered on the starboard side up to the time No. 11 was lowered. With the exception of some stokers who pushed their way into boat No. 3 or No. 5, I saw no man or woman force entry into a lifeboat. One of these was No. 13 going down, before we touched the water.
From address of the Attorney-General, Sir Rufus Isaacs, K. C, M. P.
"No. II took seventy, and carried the largest number of any boat."
1872 |
October 19, 1872
Duluth, St Louis, MN, United States
1894 |
March 26, 1894
Duluth, Minnesota
1958 |
May 2, 1958
Age 85
Duluth, St. Louis, Minnesota
May 5, 1958
Age 85
Forest Hill Cemetery, Duluth, St Louis, MN, United States