From http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=thamm&id=...
!31 May 1650: Henry Brooke, 658 acres Northumberland Co. 31 May, 1650; p. 225; N. E. upon Potomack River; S. E. upon Cr. dividing this from land of Nathaniel Pope Grant; N. W. upon Cr. dividing this from land of Hercules Bridges. Trans. of 13 persons. Henry Brooke, David Whitliff, Emanuel Brooke, Jane Brooke, Jane Brooke, Robert Whitliffe, Lydia Brooke, Alice Whitliffe (also spelled Wickliffe in same patent). Nugent, Nell Marion,-"Cavaliers and Pioneers", consisting of Abstracts of Virginia Land Patents and Grants, 1625-1680. Dietz Printing Co, Richmond 1934.
From http://www.combs-families.org/combs/records/md/stmarys/1633.htm
11 Oct 1650 Jane wife of Henry BROOKES at the request of Willm LEWIS saith upon oath that in a bargain with her former husband david WICKLIFFE made with Cpt. Cornwallis there was due to her said husband 200 acres of land within the said Capt.'s divident the right of which said 200 acres this depont saith was given by her said former husband the Lt. Willm LEWIS And further she saith not. Jane Brooke. 11 Oct 1650. Richard COLE stated the above agreement with Willm LEWIS was 12 years since and the land was in St. Inegoes Creek (MD Historical Magazine, 1913, ÂÂLand Notes 1634-1655 p. 265)
NOTES: The above identifies Jane, the wife of Henry BROOKES, as formerly married to David WICKLIFFE who is presumed to have died as he is not found in records after Sep 1642. It further suggests that Jane and David may have been married by 1638 since she was able to testify to the arrangement made between her husband and William Lewis, the date being confirmed by Richard COLE. It also establishes a relationship between Richard COLE and the WICKLIFFES (David and Jane) that began as early as 1638 in Maryland and that continued in Virginia until Richard died and he named the widow Jane BROOKES executrix of his 1663 Westmoreland Co, VA, will that also identified his wife as Alice; another interesting coincidence since Henry BROOKE listed one Ailce [Alice?] WICKLIFFE in his list of transportees for his 1650 patent in Northumberland. Also one Richard Cole came to Maryland on the Ark and the Dove along with a Mr. Richard Duke, and he called his home in Westmoreland on the Potomac Salisbury Park and accounts show he considered himself very highly.
WILLS OF Westmoreland County, Virginia 1654-1800 BY AUGUSTA B. FOTHERGILL: Pg 10
SAXTON, NICHOLAS, 7 February 1669; 25 May 1670. Sons William, Henry, Nicholas; daus. Elizabeth, Ann; wife Alice ; executor Mr. Richard Chapman.
!3 Feb 1662/63: Brooks, Henry, shipwright. Will, Westmoreland Co., VA, 21 June 1662, 3 Feb 1662, My wife Joane to be extx; my daughter Dorothy Brooks; my grandchild Lidia Abbington daughter of Lawrence Abbington; to Henry Saxton my godson and his father Nicholas Saxton; my daughter Jane Higden; my daughter Lidia Abbington; Richard Cole to be overseer. From Virginia County Records, Westmoreland Co, edited by Crozier, Genealogical Publishing Co, Baltimore, 1971, page 3.
The will of Richard COLE, Parish of Appomattox, Westmoreland Co VA, dated 4 Nov 1663, proved 27 Apr 1664 made bequests to Widow BROOKS, Nicholas SAXTON; my god daughter, Jane, the wife of Richard HIGDEN; Thomas WEBB; with the widow BROOKS to be exx. Witnesses: John BROOK and John BELL. (Westmoreland Co, VA Wills, 1654-1800, Augusta B. Fothergill, Appeals Press, 1925; SHP reprint, Easley, SC, 1982)
1636 |
St. Mary's County, Maryland, United States
1669 |
Age 33
Westmoreland, Westmoreland, Virginia, United States
???? |