Notes for Nicholas Fitzherbert and Alice Booth 1416 Covenant whereby John Cokayn, knt., Thomas Okover, Aluered de Longeford, esquire, and Thomas Dawkyn, chaplain, agree with John de la Pole de Hertyngdon and Henry de Bothe, esquires, that if Nicholas fil. et her. Henrici Fitzherbert live till he come to full age or shall be married by the said John de la Pole and Henry de Bothe "infra etatem," that the two latter shall pay forty pounds to Alice, Joan, and Elizabeth, sisters of the said Nicholas, for which sum of money the said John, Thomas, Aluered, and Thomas have granted for a term of 15 years to the said John and Henry the manor of Norbury, with the advowson of the church and all the lands which they formerly held of the grant of William Avener and Richard Aunger, clerks; the said manor, etc., to revert at the end of the term to the said Nicholas Fitzherbert and his heirs for ever. Witn. Thomas Lymestre, Henry Knyveton, rector of Norbury, William Boturdon, William Lymestre, Henry Stere. Dat. at Norbury, Fr. b. F. of St. Michael [29 Sept.], 4 Hen. V. [1416]. (Okeover.)[1][2]
1416 Nicholas FitzHerbert, of Norbury, 3 Henry 5, ob. temp. Edw 4. [3]
Nicholas FitzHerbert married, first, Alice, daughter of Henry Booth [Bothe] of Harlaston [Arleston], Derbyshire and had two younger sons and also son Ralph Fitzherbert. [4][5][6]
1421 Richard Kyngston was rector of Norbury church, on the death of Henry de Kniveton; patron, Sir Henry Bothe. [Sir Henry Bothe, of Harlaston, was father of Alice, first wife of Nicholas Fitzherbert, 10th lord of Norbury.] for this turn. [7]
Nicholas FitzHerbert married, second, Isabel, daughter of Ludlow of Stokesay, Salop. [8][9]
1434 On May 1, Nicholas Fitzherbert was named on the list of Derbyshire men "who should take the oath not to maintain peace breakers persuant to an Act of the last Parliament." [10][11]
1434 Grant from Alvered Longford to Nicholas Fitzherbert, esq., Laurence Caton, and Thomas Barlow, chaplains, of all his lands in Holyngton, Foleford, Ardesley, and Okemedow, in co. Derby, which he had by feoffment of Thomas Blount, knt., son and heir of Walter Blount, knt., deceased. Witn. Richard Vernon, John Cokayn, Thomas Gryseley, knts., etc. Dat. Holyngton, i Dec., 13 Hen. VI. [1434]- (Longford.) [12]
1434 Grant from Nicholas Fitzherbert, esquire, Laurence Caton, and Thomas Barlowe, chaplains, to Aluered Longford, esquire, of an annual rent of 205. from the lands which they hold by feoffment of the said Aluered in Holyngton, Foldford, Ardesley, and Okemedow, CO. Derby. Dat. 5 Dec, 13 Hen. VI. [i434]- (Longford.) [13]
1436 "Power of attorney from Nicholas Fyzherbert [Fitzherbert] of Northbury, John Lathbury of Eggyngton, John Rolleston of Swerkeston, and John Saucheverell of Aston, esquires, to John Waundell of Eggyngton and John Clerk, to receive seisin of the manor and demesne of Eggyngton called Semereplace, with other lands, in the said town, which were lately Richard de Rolleston's, and two acres of lands in Hylton called Semereacres. Dat. 4 Feb., 14 Hen. VI. [1436]. (Every.)" [14]
1443 Nicholas Fitzherbert submitted a petition to the chancellor complaining that Thomas Okeover and Ralph Basset had destroyed his close at Norbury in May. [15]
1444 "Nicholas Fitzherbert, and Ralph, his son and heir, gave to Thomas Gedney, Prior of Tutbury, all their lands at Osmaston, together with other lands at Foston and Church Broughton, in exchange for the reserved rent of 100 shillings, and for all other services due to the Prior out of the manor of Norbury." [16]
1446 Attorney from John Lathbury, Richard Bagot, William Purdon, and John Forthe, vicar of the church of Longforth, to Thomas Alsop and Roger Greenhalwe, to deliver seisin to John Bradbome, son and heir of Henry Bradbome and Anne his wife, of the water-mill called Workesworth Milne. Witn. Thomas Blounte and Sampson Meverell, knts., Fulk Vernon, John Cokayne, Nicholas Fitzherbert, esquires. Dat. 12 July, 24 Hen. VI. [1446]- (Kerry xix. 314.) [17]
1447 Nicholas Fitzherbert was a member of the House of Commons. "Fitzherbert, (Sir) Nicholas (1410-75); of Norbury; lawyer. M.P. Derbyshire 1447, 1453-4. Son and heir of Henry Fitzherbert of the same (dead by 1443), by a daughter of Downes; married (1) Alice, daughter of Henry Bothe of Harlston, Derbyshire, by whom he was the father of Ralph, his son and heir; and (2) Elizabeth Ludlow of Salop. In 1443 Fitzherbert sued Thomas Okeover and Ralf Bassett of Blore, Staffordshire for destroying the closes on his common land in Norbury; in 1452 he sued John Bothe for the manor of Ash, Derbyshire. Sheriff, Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire, 1447-8, 1458-9, 1465-6. John Stanhope complained to the Privy Council that Fitzherbert, while sheriff, had been excused payment of £40, Dec. 1455; pardoned on the roll of 28 Feb. 1459 as "of Norbury", Derbyshire, alias of Shrewsbury (m.30); on comns. in Derbyshire from 1461 to 1472 and J.P. and of the quorum, 8 Dec. 1460 till death. Apportioner of the subsidy for Derbyshire in 1463; eschr. Salop, 1467-8; elector, Derbyshire, 1467; pardoned 5 Feb. 1472; granted a yearly tun of red wine for expenses in the King's service, May 1475. It is doubtful if he ever was a knight. He disappears from all comns. in 1475, and probably died then; and if he was ever kntd. it must have been June - Oct. 1475." [18]
1448 Nicholas Fitzherbert of Norbury was sheriff of Derbyshire. [19]
1451 On 4 July, "Award following arbitration by Ralph Egerton, Robert Falkhurst, Nicholas Fitzherbert and John de la Wood in a dispute between John, Abbot of Rocester and James and Lawrence Thickness of Balterley regarding two oxgangs of land in Swinscoe and six acres of land in the Woodhouse, one oxgang being the gift of Ralph de Bicklow, the other the gift of a former Abbot of Rocester by the award the two oxgangs awarded to the Abbot for 8d a year rent; James and Lawrence remain in possession of one oxgang together with all its appurtenances and customs including fours wains full of wood from Swinscoe Wood." [20]
1454 Feast of St Peter and Paul (29 Jun), 32 Henry VI "Quitclaim by John Hanbury abbot of the monastery of the Blessed Mary at Rocester and the convent of the same place to Laurence Thickeness and his heirs and assigns of an annual rent of 8d arising from diverse tenements in le Wodehouse. Witnesses: Nicholas FitzHerbert, esq., Thomas Madeley, Thomas Lockwood and others." [21]
1458 On 7 November, Nicholas FitzHerbert, Esq., was listed as a sheriff [on a combined list for Derbyshire and Nottingham, perhaps appointed sheriff of Derbyshire]. [22][23]
1458/59 Claim' for acquitment by Nicholas Fitzherbert, lately Sheriff of Nottingham and Derby, for 365. M., the rent of lands in Stapunhull. Dat. 37 Hen. VI. [1458-1459]. (Add. 27323.) [24]
1460 Grant from Nicholas Longford, knt., to John Curson, esq., Nicholas Fitzherbert, esquire, John, Prior of Colwich, and William Bon)Tigton, esquire, of the manors of Longford and Hedersege. Witn. William Vernon, John Gresley, knts., Henry Knyveton, etc. Dat. Longford, 14 Jan., 38 Hen. VI. [1460]. (Longford.) [25]
1461 Nicholas Fitzherbert was rector of Norbury church, on the death of Richard Kyngston; patron, Nicholas Fitzherbert, 10th lord of Norbury. [26]
1465 On 5 November, Nicholas FitzHerbert, Esq., was listed as a sheriff [on a combined list for Derbyshire and Nottingham, perhaps appointed sheriff of Derbyshire]. [27]
1466 Henry Prince was rector of Norbury church, on the resignation of Nicholas Fitzherbert; patron, Nicholas Fitzherbert. [28]
1466 Grant from Henry Makworth, esq., to John Fitzherbert, son of Nicholas Fitzherbert of Norbury, esq., of a messuage, toft, and lands in Trusseley. Witn. William Coke of Trusseley, William Chapeleyn of the same, John Semper of Asshe, etc. Dat. Trusseley, IS May, 6 Edw. IV. [1466]. (Woll. viii. 54.) [29]
1470 Conveyance from Henry Radissh, clerk, to [son] Nicholas Longford, esq., son and heir of Nicholas Longford, knt, of the manors of Longford, Newton Sony, Parkhall, Pynkeston, Normanton, Blakwell, Barleburgh, Kynwalmerssh, and Hadersegge, co. Derby, and other manors, etc., in cos. Notts., Line, Lane, Staff., and Leic. Witn. Henry Vernon, Ralph Shirley, John Curson, Nicholas Fitzherbert, esquires. Dat. i June, 10 Edw. IV. [1470]. (Longford.) [30]
1472 March 7 "Commission of array to ... George, duke of Clarence, Richard, duke of Gloucester, John, earl of Shrewsbury, Henry Grey of Codnore, knight, William Hastyges of Hastynges, knight, Nicholas Langford, knight, Henry Vernon, John Bothe, Nicholas FitzHerbert, Robert Eyre, and the sheriff in the county of Derby." [31]
"At Norbury [church] is a slab to Alice, daughter of Henry Bothe of Arleston, and first wife of Nicholas Fitzherbert" [32][33][34]. There is also a monument for Nicholas Fitzherbert at Norbury Church [35][36].
1473 Power of attorney from Thomas Meverell, esq., to Henry Matlok and Alexander Fallus, to enter the manors of Throwsley [Throwley] and Frodeswalle [Fradswell], co. Staff., and his lands in Boterton [Butterton] and Stanshope in the same county, and his manor of Tyddeswalle and lands in Spondon, and half his manor of Stapley, CO. Chest., and all estates in the said counties which belonged to his father, Sampson Meverell, miles, and to deliver seisin of the same to Nicholas Fitzherbert, esq., Richard Knyfton, esq., Edward Bageshagh, Thomas Taillour, vicar of Tyddeswall, and Richard Blaklach, chaplain. Dat. Throwley, 10 Sept., 13 Edw. IV. [1473]. (Add. 27513.) [37]
Research Notes:
1400 Burke reports Nicholas FitzHerbert, of Norbury, was born [38].
1434 Burke reports Nicholas FitzHerbert was knight of the shire for Derby. [39]
The Fitzherbert family had been renting Norbury manor since 1152. After this purchase, they held the manor until 1872. [40]
1446 Burke reports Nicholas FitzHerbert was knight of the shire for Derby. [41] Burke reports Nicholas FitzHerbert, was MP [42].
1447 Burke reports On 9 November, Nicholas FitzHerbert, Esq., was appointed sheriff of Derbyshire. [43][44]
1452 Burke reports Nicholas FitzHerbert was knight of the shire for Derby [45]. Burke reports Nicholas FitzHerbert, was MP [46].
1466 Nicholas Fitzherbert of Norbury was reportedly sheriff of Derbyshire. [47][48]
1473 Burke reports Nicholas Fitzherbert died on 19 November. [49][50]
See the Norton parish index for Booth, after 1561. [51]
Footnotes: [1] Isaac Herbert Jeayes for Sir Henry Howe Bemrose, Descriptive catalogue of Derbyshire charters in public and private libraries and muniment rooms (London: Bemrose & Sons, 1906), 222, reports date 4 Henry V, [GoogleBooks], [HathiTrust], [InternetArchive].
[2] Derbyshire Record Office, Ref. No.: D231/M/E/451, reports date (25 Sep), 4 Henry VI, but 25 Sep was the Friday before Michaelmas in 1416 (4 Henry V), not in 1425 (4 Henry VI), [Derbyshire_Record_Office].
[3] Sir William Dugdale, Derbyshire visitation pedigrees, 1569 and 1611 (London: 1895), 35, [HathiTrust], [GoogleBooks].
[4] Sir William Dugdale, Derbyshire visitation pedigrees, 1569 and 1611 (London: 1895), 35, [HathiTrust], [GoogleBooks].
[5] Charles Mosley, ed., Burke's Peerage, Baronetage, & Knightage, 107th edition, Vol. 3 (Willington, Delaware: Burke's Peerage & Gentry, LLC, 2003), 3710.
[6] John Burke, A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Commoners of Great Britain and Ireland, Vol. 1 (London: Henry Colburn, 1834), 79, in "Fitz-Herbert of Norbury and Swinnerton," pp 78-82, [GoogleBooks].
[7] J Charles Cox, Notes on the Churches of Derbyshire, Vol. 3, "the Hundred of Appletree and Repton and Gresley" (1877), 231, citing a list of the rectors and patrons of Norbury, compiled from the Diocesan Registers and the returns of the Augmentation Office, [InternetArchive], [GoogleBooks].
[8] Sir William Dugdale, Derbyshire visitation pedigrees, 1569 and 1611 (London: 1895), 35, [HathiTrust], [GoogleBooks].
[9] Charles Mosley, ed., Burke's Peerage, Baronetage, & Knightage, 107th edition, Vol. 3 (Willington, Delaware: Burke's Peerage & Gentry, LLC, 2003), 3710.
[10] Calendar of the Patent Rolls, Henry VI, Vol. 2, 1429-1436 (London: HMSO, 1907), 412, [GoogleBooks], [HathiTrust], [UIowa].
[11] Henry Kirke, "List of Derbyshire Gentry," The Reliquary 10 (1869-70), 190, [HathiTrust].
[12] Isaac Herbert Jeayes for Sir Henry Howe Bemrose, Descriptive catalogue of Derbyshire charters in public and private libraries and muniment rooms (London: Bemrose & Sons, 1906), 171, [GoogleBooks], [HathiTrust], [InternetArchive].
[13] Isaac Herbert Jeayes for Sir Henry Howe Bemrose, Descriptive catalogue of Derbyshire charters in public and private libraries and muniment rooms (London: Bemrose & Sons, 1906), 171, [GoogleBooks], [HathiTrust], [InternetArchive].
[14] Isaac Herbert Jeayes for Sir Henry Howe Bemrose, Descriptive catalogue of Derbyshire charters in public and private libraries and muniment rooms (London: Bemrose & Sons, 1906), 145, item 1184, [GoogleBooks], [HathiTrust], [InternetArchive].
[15] Helen Castor, The king, the crown, and the Duchy of Lancaster: public authority and private power (Oxford, 2000), 264, citing CI/16/158;POPC, v. 290-91,294-95, [GoogleBooks].
[16] J Charles Cox, "Norbury Manor House and the Troubles of the Fitzherberts," Journal of the Derbyshire Archaeological and Natural History Society 7 (1885), 221-259, at 221, [GoogleBooks], [HathiTrust].
[17] Isaac Herbert Jeayes for Sir Henry Howe Bemrose, Descriptive catalogue of Derbyshire charters in public and private libraries and muniment rooms (London: Bemrose & Sons, 1906), 337, [GoogleBooks], [HathiTrust], [InternetArchive].
[18] Anne D. Holt and Josiah Clement Wedgwood, History of Parliament. Biographies of the Members of the Commons House, 1439–1509, Vol. 1 (London: HMSO, 1936-1938), 332, [GoogleBooks].
[19] Thomas Noble, ed., The history, Gazeteer, and Directory of the county of Derby: drawn up from actual observation, and from the best authorities; containing a variety of geological, mineralogical, commercial and statistical information, Vol. 1 (Stephen Glover, 1829), Appendix, 19, left column, [HathiTrust], [HathiTrust].
[20] Derbyshire Record Office, Ref. No.: D231/M/E/209, [Derbyshire_Record_Office].
[21] Derbyshire Record Office, Ref. No.: D231/M/T/56, [Derbyshire_Record_Office].
[22] A. Hughes, Lists and Indexes, Volume 9, List of Sheriffs for England and Wales (London: HMSO, 1898), 103, right column, [GoogleBooks].
[23] Charles Mosley, ed., Burke's Peerage, Baronetage, & Knightage, 107th edition, Vol. 3 (Willington, Delaware: Burke's Peerage & Gentry, LLC, 2003), 3710, reports for years 1448 and 1466.
[24] Isaac Herbert Jeayes for Sir Henry Howe Bemrose, Descriptive catalogue of Derbyshire charters in public and private libraries and muniment rooms (London: Bemrose & Sons, 1906), 283, [GoogleBooks], [HathiTrust], [InternetArchive].
[25] Isaac Herbert Jeayes for Sir Henry Howe Bemrose, Descriptive catalogue of Derbyshire charters in public and private libraries and muniment rooms (London: Bemrose & Sons, 1906), 11, [GoogleBooks], [HathiTrust], [InternetArchive].
[26] J Charles Cox, Notes on the Churches of Derbyshire, Vol. 3, "the Hundred of Appletree and Repton and Gresley" (1877), 231, citing a list of the rectors and patrons of Norbury, compiled from the Diocesan Registers and the returns of the Augmentation Office, [InternetArchive], [GoogleBooks].
[27] A. Hughes, Lists and Indexes, Volume 9, List of Sheriffs for England and Wales (London: HMSO, 1898), 103, right column, [GoogleBooks].
[28] J Charles Cox, Notes on the Churches of Derbyshire, Vol. 3, "the Hundred of Appletree and Repton and Gresley" (1877), 231, citing a list of the rectors and patrons of Norbury, compiled from the Diocesan Registers and the returns of the Augmentation Office, [InternetArchive], [GoogleBooks].
[29] Isaac Herbert Jeayes for Sir Henry Howe Bemrose, Descriptive catalogue of Derbyshire charters in public and private libraries and muniment rooms (London: Bemrose & Sons, 1906), 304, [GoogleBooks], [HathiTrust], [InternetArchive].
[30] Isaac Herbert Jeayes for Sir Henry Howe Bemrose, Descriptive catalogue of Derbyshire charters in public and private libraries and muniment rooms (London: Bemrose & Sons, 1906), 198, [GoogleBooks], [HathiTrust], [InternetArchive].
[31] Calendar of the Patent Rolls, Edward IV. Henry VI, 1467-1477, Vol. 51 (London: HMSO, 1900), 350, [GoogleBooks], [GoogleBooks], [HathiTrust].
[32] Frederick Herbert Crossley, English Church Monuments, A. D. 1150-1550, (London: 1921), 221, Photograph of church slab for Alice Fitzherbert, [HathiTrust].
[33] Llewellynn Jewitt, "The Booths or Bothes, Archbishops and Bishops, and the Derbyshire family to which they belonged," pp 33-40, The Reliquary 25 (1885), 38, 33-34, [GoogleBooks].
[34] J Charles Cox, Notes on the Churches of Derbyshire, Vol. 3, "the Hundred of Appletree and Repton and Gresley" (1877), 235, [InternetArchive], [GoogleBooks].
[35] J Charles Cox, Notes on the Churches of Derbyshire, Vol. 3, "the Hundred of Appletree and Repton and Gresley" (1877), 235, of 235-36, [InternetArchive], [GoogleBooks].
[36] Frederick Herbert Crossley, English Church Monuments, A. D. 1150-1550, (London: 1921), 221, Photograph of church monument of Nicholas Fitzherbert, [HathiTrust].
[37] Isaac Herbert Jeayes for Sir Henry Howe Bemrose, Descriptive catalogue of Derbyshire charters in public and private libraries and muniment rooms (London: Bemrose & Sons, 1906), 299, [GoogleBooks], [HathiTrust], [InternetArchive].
[38] Charles Mosley, ed., Burke's Peerage, Baronetage, & Knightage, 107th edition, Vol. 3 (Willington, Delaware: Burke's Peerage & Gentry, LLC, 2003), 3710.
[39] John Burke, A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Commoners of Great Britain and Ireland, Vol. 1 (London: Henry Colburn, 1834), 79, in "Fitz-Herbert of Norbury and Swinnerton," pp 78-82, [GoogleBooks].
[40] Wikipedia article about Ralph_Fitzherbert, content subject to change, [Wikipedia].
[41] John Burke, A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Commoners of Great Britain and Ireland, Vol. 1 (London: Henry Colburn, 1834), 79, in "Fitz-Herbert of Norbury and Swinnerton," pp 78-82, [GoogleBooks].
[42] Charles Mosley, ed., Burke's Peerage, Baronetage, & Knightage, 107th edition, Vol. 3 (Willington, Delaware: Burke's Peerage & Gentry, LLC, 2003), 3710.
[43] A. Hughes, Lists and Indexes, Volume 9, List of Sheriffs for England and Wales (London: HMSO, 1898), 103, [GoogleBooks].
[44] John Burke, A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Commoners of Great Britain and Ireland, Vol. 1 (London: Henry Colburn, 1834), 79, in "Fitz-Herbert of Norbury and Swinnerton," pp 78-82, [GoogleBooks].
[45] John Burke, A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Commoners of Great Britain and Ireland, Vol. 1 (London: Henry Colburn, 1834), 79, in "Fitz-Herbert of Norbury and Swinnerton," pp 78-82, [GoogleBooks].
[46] Charles Mosley, ed., Burke's Peerage, Baronetage, & Knightage, 107th edition, Vol. 3 (Willington, Delaware: Burke's Peerage & Gentry, LLC, 2003), 3710.
[47] Thomas Noble, ed., The history, Gazeteer, and Directory of the county of Derby: drawn up from actual observation, and from the best authorities; containing a variety of geological, mineralogical, commercial and statistical information, Vol. 1 (Stephen Glover, 1829), Appendix, 19, left column, [HathiTrust], [HathiTrust].
[48] John Burke, A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Commoners of Great Britain and Ireland, Vol. 1 (London: Henry Colburn, 1834), 79, in "Fitz-Herbert of Norbury and Swinnerton," pp 78-82, [GoogleBooks].
[49] Charles Mosley, ed., Burke's Peerage, Baronetage, & Knightage, 107th edition, Vol. 3 (Willington, Delaware: Burke's Peerage & Gentry, LLC, 2003), 3710.
[50] John Burke, A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Commoners of Great Britain and Ireland, Vol. 1 (London: Henry Colburn, 1834), 79, in "Fitz-Herbert of Norbury and Swinnerton," pp 78-82, [GoogleBooks].
[51] Llewellyn Lloyd Simpson, trans., The Parish Registers of Norton, Co. Derby, Index, St. James' Church, Norton, Co. Derby 1559-1812 (1908), 560, [GoogleBooks].
Citation: Robert and Janet Chevalley Wolfe, Janet and Robert Wolfe Genealogy, "Notes for Nicholas Fitzherbert and Alice Booth" Webpage: www.umich.edu/~bobwolfe/gen/mn/m26862x26863.htm Email address: JanetRobertWolfeGenealogy@gmail.com
1414 |
Harleston, Barrow-on-Trent, Derbyshire, England (United Kingdom)
1426 |
Norbury, Derbyshire, England
1428 |
Norbury, Croydon, Surrey, England
1435 |
Norbury, Derbyshire, England (United Kingdom)
Norbury, Derbyshire, England (United Kingdom)
1445 |
Norbury, Derbyshire, England
1447 |
Etrall Ash, Derbyshire, England
1453 |
Age 39
Norbury, Derbyshire, England (United Kingdom)
1934 |
July 9, 1934
Age 39