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Alice Dennis (Bamfield)

Also Known As: "Maud Bamfield"
Immediate Family:

Daughter of Thomas Bamfield, of Poltimore and Agnes Bamfield
Wife of Thomas Dennis
Mother of Gilbert Dennis, of Bradford
Sister of Agnes Prouz and John Bamfield

Managed by: Private User
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About Alice Dennis

  • The Visitations of the County of Devon: Comprising the Herald's Visitations ... By College of Arms (Great Britain)
  • Pg. 279
  • .... etc.
  • ¹Richard Dennis al's Dac'us of Gidicotte. = Alice, da. of John and sister & heire to William Crystenstowe. ; ch: Walter (m. Isott Durnford) Dennis
    • Walter Dennis of Gidicotte. = Isott da. to Stephen Durnford of Stonehouse. ; ch: Thomas (m. Alice Bamfield & Elizabeth Hache) Denis
      • Thomas Denis of Holcombe in Devon. = Alice da. to Sr. Thomas Bamfield of Poltimore in Devon Kt. ; ch: Gilbert Dennis ; = Elizabeth da. to Haukyn² Hache of Wolley in Devon Esq. ; ch: Thomas (m. Joane Lovedaye) Dennis
        • Gilbert Dennis of Bradford in Devon. = ... da. of ... ; ch: Radigand (m. Richard Gifford) Dennis
          • Radigand only da. and heire. = Richard Gifford of Yeo. ; ch: Willmotte da. & heire, ux George Cary of Cokington Ao 1578.
        • Thomas Dennis of Holcombe. = Joane da. & h. to Phillipe Lovedaye of Suffolk. ; ch: Alice (m. John Milleton), Eleanor (m. William Halse), Richard (m. ... Hennell), Henry (m. Mary Estlake), Phillipe (3 sonne), Michell (m. Margery Brookes), Sr Thomas (m. Anne Woode & Elizabeth Downe) Dennis
          • Alice ux John Milleton of Mewe in Devon.
          • Eleanor ux William Halse.
          • Richard Dennis 5 sonne. = ..... da. & coh. to ..... Hennell. ch: Gilbert Dennis
          • Henry Dennis 4 sonne. = Mary da. to John Estlake.
          • Michell Dennis 2 sonne. = Margery da. to ... Brookes of Hampshire.
          • Sr. Thomas Dennis of Holcombe, Knight. = Anne da. to ... Woode of London, ob. s.p., 1 wife. ; = Elizabeth da. to Sr Anngell Downe Kt. ; ch: A (Pg.280 Sr. Robert (m. Mary Mountjoye & Margaret Godolphine), Anne (m. Sr. John Fulford), George (2 son), Edward (3 son), Walter (4 son), Gabriel (5 son), Frances (m. Sr. Richard Cromwell), Margaret (m. George Kirkham) Dennis)
    • * * * The portion of this pedigree printed in italic is that contained in Harl. MS. 1091, fo. 107.
    • ¹ John in Harl. MS. 5871, fo. 36.
    • ² Robert in Harl. MS. 5871, fo. 36.
  • etc.

The Baronetage of England: Or The History of the English Baronets ..., Volume 1
By William Betham


Created Baronet July 14, 1641.
THIS has been a family of consequence, in Devonshire, for many generations; but it is not certain when they first resided at Poltimore. They were sole lords of it in the reign of Edw. I. having then presented to the living of Poltimore.* The first we find mentioned of this family is,
1. ____ Baumfilde, who married a daughter of John Hastings, and had issue
2. ____ Baumfilde, who married ____, daughter of ____ Hockisham, by whom he had issue
3. John Baumfilde, Esq. who married Isabel, daughter and heiress of John Faber, and had issue
4. John Baumfilde, Esq. to whom the lands in Poltimore was given; who married Eleanor, daughter of Humphrey Beauchampe, of Kyme, and was father of
5. John Baumfilde, his son and heir, who by Joan, daughter of Sir Richard Morton, Knt. was father of
6. John Baumfilde, his son and heir, whose wife was Isabel, daughter of John de Cobham, of Blackbury Bolley; by whom he had
7. John Baumfilde, his son and heir, who married first Joan, daughter of Geoffery Gilbert, of Compton, Esq. secondly, Joan, daughter of ____ Hastings. By his first wife he had issue John, who married the daughter and co-heir of Sir Richard Morton, Knt but died without issue. Also
8. Thomas Baumfilde, of Poltimore, Esq. who married Agnes, daughter of Adam Coplestone; by whom he had two sons, John and Richard, who died young; also three daughters, Alice, Joanna, and Agnes.
9. John Baumfilde, of Poltimore, Esq. married Agnes, daughter and heir of John Pederton, of Hardington, in Somersetshire, Esq. by whom he had issue two sons, William and Peter Baumfilde, of Hardington (where that branch of the family continued about 250 years, when the last of that line, Warwick Baumfilde, Esq. set-