Alfhild Gandalfsdotter

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Alfhild Gandalfsdotter (773 - 805)

Birthplace: Alvhem Lödöse, Göteborg, Västra Götaland, Sverige (Sweden)
Death: circa 805 (27-36)
Immediate Family:

Daughter of Gandalf Alfgeirsson
Wife of Sigurd Hringr Randversson
Mother of Ragnar 'Lodbrok' Sigurdsson

Managed by: Private User
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About Alfhild Gandalfsdotter

It is assumed that Ragnars mpther Alfhild died when Ragnar was a young boy and was sent to be raised by her relatives in Ringerike Norway. After Ragnars father died he was chosen King of the Swedes after his fathe when he was than in the early teens and many chieftains thought that he was to young to be king of such a big coumtry. In early Norwegian documents it is written about King Frö of Sweden a sea-King had killed Ragnars friend and allied Siward a local King of Lade ( todays Trondheim ) . Fröh had put King Siwards familys and all women of Lade in houseprison for men to go to. As Ragnar in his teens got message of the attack he took his ships and men and hasted to Lade. King Fröh ws kiled and among the women who fought against KIng FRöh and his men there was a teenaged lady that foght like a man. That lady was Ladgerda , Gerda from Lade. After a while they became a couple and had three known children One son Fridleif and two unnamed daughters. After some years of parenthood he left Ladgerda to sail to Earl Herröd of East Gautland. Herröd suggested him to marry his beautiful daughter Thora which he did. Thora gave birth to ther two sons Erik and Agnar. After some years Thora died tragically. In Norwegian documents it is writtenthat Ragnar gor restless and depressed sailed away raiding. sailing and passing futher his childhood costline he came to the very southmost point of Norwegian mainland Lindesnes Spangareid. There he wa spresented to a very beautiful young lady named Aslög Sigurdsdatter called 'Kraka' by he adotiveparents Åke and Grima. Her osterfather Heimer that brought her away from Ringerike where she lived with her parentes that were killed. After Heimer came to Lindesnes he was killed and 'Kraka' was found by Åke and Grima.

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Alfhild Gandalfsdotter's Timeline

Alvhem Lödöse, Göteborg, Västra Götaland, Sverige (Sweden)
Helgö, Ekerö, Svitjod ( Sverige )
Age 32