Born Botetourt County , Virginia. And in 1821 was the first Postmaster in the first postoffice in Perry Co. Ky., located at Patricks Salt Works. 1833 he Owned a grist mill and sawmill on Troublesome Creek Ky. He was a member of the Kentucky Legislature for a number of terms,an active member of the Whig Party, a member of the Baptist Church, and a practicing Mason.
Alexander Jefferson Patrick moved to Texas from Perry County Kentucky in 1837 and selected a bluff on the west side of the Trinity River in Robertson County, now Leon County. He laid out a town believing it would be the head of the navagation on the west side of the Trinity. The city was named Cairo, and is one of the oldest cities in Texas. He moved his family from Kentucky to Cairo in April 1841. Later the Indians became so troublesome he moved the family to Old Town Franklin, the county seat of Robertson County. Mr. Patrick and the other citizens built a fort around a wood school house as a precaution against Indians but it never had to be used. In 1844 he moved his family back to Cairo, his original home. In 1850 he returned to civil service and became the Leon County Tax Assessor, and eventually the Leon County Clerk. Cairo still served as the family's home during this period and they lived there until his death on November 18, 1874. His wife preceded him in death by a few years. Both were buried in the Patrick Plot in Centerville Texas.
<p>The Life of Colonel Alexander Jefferson Patrick</p>http://trees.ancestry.com/rd?f=document&guid=25ca25d9-e8c9-4115-b89...
<p>ColorAlexander Patrick</p>http://trees.ancestry.com/rd?f=image&guid=f4503573-21c5-4135-ad2e-b...
21 DEC 2017 15:35:58 GMT -0500 James Geoppinger Geoppinger Web Site <p>MyHeritage family tree</p><p>Family site: Geoppinger Web Site</p>Family tree: 604071-7 Discovery 604071-7
Alexander Jefferson Patrick 3 21 DEC 2017 Added via a Smart Match Discovery
21 DEC 2017 14:47:58 GMT -0500 Sabrina Barella Barella Web Site <p>MyHeritage family tree</p><p>Family site: Barella Web Site</p>Family tree: 482773661-1 Smart Matching 482773661-1
https://www.myheritage.com/person-7006770_604071_604071/alexander-j... 3 Added by confirming a Smart Match Smart Matching 1:604071-7-6770:0
21 DEC 2017 14:47:58 GMT -0500 Sabrina Barella Barella Web Site <p>MyHeritage family tree</p><p>Family site: Barella Web Site</p>Family tree: 482773661-1 Smart Matching 482773661-1
https://www.myheritage.com/person-1068893_75983311_75983311/alexand... 3 Added by confirming a Smart Match Smart Matching 1:75983311-1-68893:0
21 DEC 2017 14:47:58 GMT -0500 Sabrina Barella Barella Web Site <p>MyHeritage family tree</p><p>Family site: Barella Web Site</p>Family tree: 482773661-1 Smart Matching 482773661-1
https://www.myheritage.com/person-2016764_245956081_245956081/alexa... 3 Added by confirming a Smart Match Smart Matching 1:245956081-2-16764:0
21 DEC 2017 14:47:58 GMT -0500 Sabrina Barella Barella Web Site <p>MyHeritage family tree</p><p>Family site: Barella Web Site</p>Family tree: 482773661-1 Smart Matching 482773661-1
https://www.myheritage.com/person-1500360_63179932_63179932/alexand... 3 Added by confirming a Smart Match Smart Matching 1:63179932-1-500360:0
21 DEC 2017 14:47:58 GMT -0500 Sabrina Barella Barella Web Site <p>MyHeritage family tree</p><p>Family site: Barella Web Site</p>Family tree: 482773661-1 Smart Matching 482773661-1
https://www.myheritage.com/person-1002972_127349841_127349841/alexa... 3 Added by confirming a Smart Match Smart Matching 1:127349841-1-2972:0
21 DEC 2017 14:47:58 GMT -0500 Sabrina Barella Barella Web Site <p>MyHeritage family tree</p><p>Family site: Barella Web Site</p>Family tree: 482773661-1 Smart Matching 482773661-1
https://www.myheritage.com/person-3500294_330507141_330507141/alexa... 3 Added by confirming a Smart Match Smart Matching 1:330507141-3-500294:0
21 DEC 2017 14:47:58 GMT -0500 Sabrina Barella Barella Web Site <p>MyHeritage family tree</p><p>Family site: Barella Web Site</p>Family tree: 482773661-1 Smart Matching 482773661-1
https://www.myheritage.com/person-1000745_270742181_270742181/alexa... 3 Added by confirming a Smart Match Smart Matching 1:270742181-1-745:0
21 DEC 2017 14:47:58 GMT -0500 Sabrina Barella Barella Web Site <p>MyHeritage family tree</p><p>Family site: Barella Web Site</p>Family tree: 482773661-1 Smart Matching 482773661-1
https://www.myheritage.com/person-1501806_294742011_294742011/alexa... 3 <p>Added by confirming a Smart Match</p> Smart Matching 1:294742011-1-501806:0
21 DEC 2017 14:47:58 GMT -0500 Sabrina Barella Barella Web Site <p>MyHeritage family tree</p><p>Family site: Barella Web Site</p>Family tree: 482773661-1 Smart Matching 482773661-1
https://www.myheritage.com/person-4002972_127349841_127349841/alexa... 3 Added by confirming a Smart Match Smart Matching 1:127349841-4-2972:0
21 DEC 2017 14:47:58 GMT -0500 Sabrina Barella Barella Web Site <p>MyHeritage family tree</p><p>Family site: Barella Web Site</p>Family tree: 482773661-1 Smart Matching 482773661-1
https://www.myheritage.com/person-1500747_442273001_442273001/alexa... 3 Added by confirming a Smart Match Smart Matching 1:442273001-1-500747:0
1794 |
November 14, 1794
Botetourt County, Virginia, United States
1818 |
December 17, 1818
Madison County, Kentucky, United States
1821 |
April 20, 1821
Dreaming Creek, Madison Co, Kentucky, United States
1822 |
October 20, 1822
Perry, Kentucky, United States
1824 |
October 14, 1824
Perry, Kentucky, United States
1825 |
December 9, 1825
Wayne, Kentucky, United States
1827 |
September 11, 1827
Richmond, Madison County, Kentucky, United States
1829 |
February 17, 1829
Perry, Kentucky, United States
1830 |
December 24, 1830
Wayne, Kentucky, United States