Early McConnells in America There was some settlement of these persecuted Scots in Pennsylvania as early as 1700, but those who first entered this region on the invitation of the first Proprietor came in 1715. They pushed past the Quaker, Mennonite, and Huguenot settlements and located on Chikis Creek, Donegal Township, along the Octorara in Sadsburry and Drumore Townships, and in Colerain Township in what was then Chester County, but which on May 10, 1729, became part of Lancaster County. In 1720 they established in Sadsburry Township what later became known as Upper Octorara Presbyterian Church, which served Drumore Township as well. These Scots and so called Scotch-Irish who were mostly of the same race, were encouraged by the authorities to settle so near to the disputed boundary line between Maryland and Pennsylvania, because it was believed they would be more disposed and better able to defend the settlement against the aggressions of Catholic Marylanders than the Friends, Huguenots or Mennonites. These people brought with them decided religious and political opinions and their intelligent character fostered in their children the sentiment, which led to the Revolutionary War. These early settlers were all Presbyterians and today the old stone Upper Octorara Church built in 1769 is maintained as a shrine for the descendants of these early parishioners. The McConnells were among the very earliest settlers along the Octorara. In Volume XIX of the Second Series of the Pennsylvania Archives, page 720, where is reprinted the Minute Book of Property I., there appears the following entry: "2/2 mo/1723 Abraham Emmit recommends Alex'r Miller, Alex'r McConnell and John Scot as sober, industrious Persons who request about 3 or 400 acres for Settlement near Octorara Creek adjoining Theo. Reid." This is the first mention of the founder of the branch of the McConnell family we are interested in, that we find in any public records in America. We do not know when he came to this country. Tradition has it that he came from the vicinity of Dumfries, Scotland, and that the branch of the McConnells he came from had merged with the Gordons. Galloway, which is near Dumfries, is where we find McConnells merged with Gordons, and it is likely he came from Galloway. He did not live long after the entry of the minute in the Book of Property and, unfortunately for the historian, he died intestate. Among the Chester County Orphans' Court Records in Administration Docket I, page 104, we find it noted that on May 19, 1729 in the estate of Alexander McConnell, letters of administration were granted to Elizabeth McConnell, who was probably his wife, upon entering bond in the sum of 100 pounds with Adam McConnell, probably the son, and Houlden McGee as sureties. Having left no will we have no record of evidence of the names of his children. Tradition, however, tells us that among them were Alexander, John, James, William, Adam and probably Thomas. Tradition is supported by the fact that we find people so named owning real estate in the vicinity shortly after the death of Alexander. http://www.dsolar.com/mcconnel/mccob.html -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------- This is a copy of another document that was in the file folder "McConnell" at the public library in Paris, Kentucky. This document was typed with several handwritten notes on the document. I will try to designate the handwritten notes by typing them in italics and enclosing them in brackets < >. There was nothing to indicate who prepared the document. McConnell I. Alexander McConnell b. Dumfries, Scotland, 1693 m. Elizabeth 1716. settled Chipes Creek, Donegal twp., Chester County (Lancaster) Pa. letters of Admin. Chester County Orphan's court Docket I, pg. 104, May 19, 1729, gives children: 1. Adam McConnell <ch: Robert, Wm., Daniel (founder of McConnellsburg)> 2. Alexander McConnell 3. John McConnell 4. James McConnell < I think this is my James (M.S.) > 5. William McConnell < d. intestate 1743 > 6. Thomas McConnell II. Alexander McConnell (Note: handwritten line from this entry to #2 above). b. Anrim or Galway, Ire. 1718 m. Mary < d. Nov 1, 1753 >Will Aug. 12, 1752 Will Book 1, pg. 42 gives ch.: 1. John McConnell < b. 1742 > 2. William McConnell <b. 1743, Pa. Militia d. Apr 9, 1823. Ruling Elder Church of Pari Married Rosahhan Kennedy > 3. Samuel McConnell 4. Mary McConnell m. < David > Hartniss (son David) < m. Mar 22, 1770 > 5. Martha McConnell 6. Fenwell McConnell III John McConnell b. 1742 m. Elizabeth _______ 1764 ch: (Note: there is a handwritten line from John McConnell to #1 in Paragraph II, above) 1. Jane McConnell b. 1766 m. Mathew Eldor 2. George McConnell b. 1768 m. Ann _____ 3. Samuel McConnell b. 1770 4. Rachel McConnell b. 1772 m. Samuel Lemmon 5. Hannah McConnell b. 1775 m. William Beale 6. John McConnell b. 1777 m. Elizabeth ______ 7. Francis McConnell b. 1779 m. Ellen ______ 8. Thomas John McConnell b. 1781 married Mary Beale 1804 d. 5/7/1844 Juanita County, Pennsylvania Ch: John, Rachel, Catherine, Mary, Elizabeth, David, Edith, Anna. (Thomas and w. Mary buried McCulloch Mills Cemetery.) III William McConnell m. Rosannah Kennedy Aug. 18, 1768. William b. 1743 Lancaster County, Pa. d. Bourbon County Kentucky. Mar. 9, 1823. (Note: there is a handwritten line from William McConnell to #2 in Paragraph II, above) < Elder Pres. Church > < Bourbon County - McConnell-Ardery graveyard 4 miles from Paris on Paris-Lexington Rd. (1934) From Kentucky Cemetery Records Vol. I, DAR Natl. Gen. Soc. >Children given in Ardery papers: 1. Mary McConnell m. Joseph Mitchell 1788 2. Anne m. John Curry 1798 3. Martha 4. Samuel m. Elizabeth Nesbitt 1803 b. 10-21-1780 5. John B. m. Elizabeth Clarkson 1803 6. William, Jr. m. Catherine Turley 1805 7. Edward m. Rebecca Todd 8. Joseph b. 2-23-1784 d. 10-8-1855 m. Jane Jackson 8-4-1814 dau of Major Charles Jackson and Jean Anderson Jackson from Louisa County, Virginia to Caldwell County 9. Ephraim m. Katherine Ardery < Ephraim H. m. Catherine p. 383 KHR Oct 1930 - Whitley, "Hopewell Presley Ch" > 10. James not married 11. Elizabeth b. 1785 d. 3-10-1833 m. John Ardery 1818 III.Samuel McConnell b. ______ d. _________- m. < Mary >Lancaster County Historical Society Journal, Vol. 17, Jan. 3 1913 pp 227-241 gives ch: 1. Hugh McConnell m. Rebecca Whiteside < Hugh d. Sept. 4, 1826 a, 67; Rebecca d. Mar 10, 1853 a. 75 > 2. David McConnell m. Martha Whiteside < son Daniel m. Hanna McBride > 3. Samuel McConnell m. Violet Whiteside IV. Hugh McConnell b. ________ d. < 9/4/1826 > m. Rebecca Whiteside Will Book P. vol. 1, pg. 20, 1827 gives Ch: 1. Samuel McConnell 2. William McConnell 3. Mary wife of Issac Homes 4. Hannah McConnell wife of Abraham Ross 5. Rebecca wife of John Susser 6. Jemima wife of James Cachey Notes from internet search: http://www.dsolar.com/mcconnel/d0003/g0000065.html#I2060 Brief Sketch of the McConnell Family, by R. Kirk McConnell and Rev. R.J.J. McConnell of Stavely Vicarage, Kendall, England
@R-1795321785@ Chester County, Pennsylvania Wills, 1713-1825 Lineages, Inc., comp. Ancestry.com Operations Inc 1,4895::0
@R-1795321785@ Chester County, Pennsylvania, Estate Papers, 1714-1838 Ancestry.com Ancestry.com Operations, Inc. 1,5327::0
@R-1795321785@ U.S. and Canada, Passenger and Immigration Lists Index, 1500s-1900s Ancestry.com Ancestry.com Operations, Inc 1,7486::0
Place: Pennsylvania; Year: 1693-1725; Page Number: 84 1,7486::3031939
@R-1795321785@ U.S. and Canada, Passenger and Immigration Lists Index, 1500s-1900s Ancestry.com Ancestry.com Operations, Inc 1,7486::0
Place: Pennsylvania; Year: 1693-1725; Page Number: 84 1,7486::3031939
@R-1795321785@ U.S., Sons of the American Revolution Membership Applications, 1889-1970 Ancestry.com Ancestry.com Operations, Inc. 1,2204::0
@R-1795321785@ Chester County, Pennsylvania, Estate Papers, 1714-1838 Ancestry.com Ancestry.com Operations, Inc. 1,5327::0
@R-1795321785@ Chester County, Pennsylvania Wills, 1713-1825 Lineages, Inc., comp. Ancestry.com Operations Inc 1,4895::0
1673 |
Dumfries and Galloway, Scotland, United Kingdom
1690 |
1693 |
Down, UK
1694 |
County Dublin, Ireland
1701 |
County Down, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom
1704 |
Down, Down, UK
1705 |
Rostrevor, County Down, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom
1708 |
Lancaster, Lancaster County, PA, United States
1710 |
Rostrevor, County Down, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom