Alexander Kitkpatrick, here treated, is the son, probably the youngest son of Roger Kirkpatrick of Closeburn NRS: GD19/12 and his wife Margaret Gordon NRS: GD19/27 and the brother of Thomas Kirkpatrick of Closeburn RMS 1609-20: 2100
Roger Kirkpatrick of Closeburn made his last will and testament on 9 January 1582. The witnesses present included, Thomas Kirkpatrick of Helisland, John Kirkpatrick, younger of Helisland, Alexander Kirkpatrick of Kirkmichael, Thomas Kirkpatrick of Closeburn, his eldest son and heir, William Kirkpatrick and Roger Kirkpatrick, also his sons.
Roger Kirkpatrick of Closeburn, here treated, nominated and appointed Thomas Kirkpatrick, his son and apparent heir, Rogger Greirsoun of Lage, and Thomas Kirkpatrick of Aelisland, to be his executors testamentar. He also nominated and appointed John Gordon of [ Troquhan ] to be tutor testamentar and guardian to: "Alexr Kirkpatrik my sone & Mt Kirkpatrik my dochter the said Johnis awin systeris bairnes".
Roger Kirkpatrick of Closeburn left individual legacies to the following, viz. Roger Kirkpatrick, his son, William Kirkpatrick, his son, Samuel Kirkpatrick, his son, Alexander Kirkpatrick, his son, and Margaret Kirkpatrick, his daughter. He also left to his daughter Margaret: "all my wyffis claithis to the said Mt conforme to hir motheris letter will".
Confirmation was granted to Thomas Kirkpatrick on 29 June 1584. [National Records of Scotland. Edinburgh Commissary Court, Testament Testamentar and Inventory of Roger Kirkpatrick of Cloisburne, sheriffdom of Dumfries, reference CC8/8/13]
5 February 1585-86: Precept of clare constat by Thomas Kirkpatrick of Closeburn in favour of Alexander Kirkpatrick, his brother, as heir of Margaret Gordon, his mother, in an annualrent of 100 merks from the £10 land of Brigburgh in the parish of Dalgarnock. National Records of Scotland, Papers of the family of Kirkpatrick of Closeburn, Dumfries-shire, reference GD19/27
11-12 January 1615: Instrument subscribed by Alberti Cunynghame, notary public, of a sasine in favour of Thomas Kitpatrick of Closeburn and BARBARE STEWART. Witnessed by William Kirkpatrick, son of BARBARE STEWART, Alexander Kirkpatrick, brother of Sir Thomas Kirkpatrick of Closeburn, John Kirkpatrick, son of Sir Thomas Kirkpatrick. RMS 1609-20: 2100
13 January 1615: Charter by which Sir Thomas Kirkpatrick of Closeburn confirms that he has given various lands in liferent to BARBARE STEWART, his future wife. The lands conveyed were (1) the fourteen merk land of old extent of Auchinleck and Sandrum in the parish of Dalgarnock; (2) the ten merk land of Schynnell; (3) the fifty shilling lands of Stronmuligano and Kilmark; (4) the two and one half merk land of old extent of Ma(r)gninain et Clachannoch) in the parish if Tinrowe and barony of Glencairn; (5), the forty shilling Kirkland of old extent in the barony of Dalgarnock and sheriffdom of Dumfries. The charter was witnessed by Alexander Kirkpatrick, brother of Sir Thomas, John Kirkpatrick, son of Sir Thomas, and Henry Kirkpatrick in Kirkflat. RMS 1609-20: 2100