The source does not state WHICH Alexander Irvine of Drum the father supposedly was.
from http://archive.org/stream/thanageoffermart00byutemp#page/432/mode/1up
III. James, advocate in Aberdeen. He married Jane, daughter of Alexander Walker, Lord Provost of Aberdeen, by Helen, daughter of Alexander Irvine of Drum. He died 1761, leaving issue : —
I. Alexander, died young.
II. Robert Udny, who succeeded to Udny, of him afterwards.
III. John, born 1727, resided in Italy. He was British Consul at Venice and Leghorn; married, August, 1777, Selina Shore, daughter of John Cleveland, M.P. for Saltash, and Secretary to the Admiralty, by Sarah, his wife, sister of Sir Charles Stuckburgh, Bart., and died in 1800, leaving, with a daughter, Julia, who married, 3 September 1804, William Richard Hamilton of the Belhaven family, Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs and Minister at Naples, a son, John Robert Udny, afterwards of Udny.
IV. George, born 1729, d. s. p.
V. Ernest, born 1732, died at Grenada, leaving, with other issue, George, a member of the Supreme Council at Calcutta, who married Temperance Fleming, having had four sons : —
I. Ernest Augustus, died young.
II. George, born 1802, who claimed unsuccessfully the Udny estates, on the accession of the present proprietor.
III. Robert, born 1804.
IV. Charles died 1844, leaving issue.
1. Helen, born 17 18, married Walter Cochrane of Dumbreck, Depute Town-Clerk of Aberdeen.
2. Elizabeth, born 17 19, died young.
3. Jane, born 1725, died unmarried.
4. Elizabeth, born 1726, died unmarried.
5. Margaret, married Alexander Ross, from whom Major Ross, Chief Constable of Aberdeenshire, was descended.
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