Alexander Burnett

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Alexander Burnett

Also Known As: "Burnet", "Alexander Burnet"
Birthplace: Braintree, Essex, England
Death: April 20, 1685 (71-72)
Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire, Scotland
Place of Burial: Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, United Kingdom
Immediate Family:

Son of Thomas Burnett and Margaret Johnston
Husband of Agnes Moir
Father of David Burnett
Brother of John Burnett, Sr.; Isabell Burnett; David Burnett; Isabell Burnett; Cristen Burnett and 5 others

Managed by: James Comyn Amherst Burnett of Leys
Last Updated:

About Alexander Burnett

Find-a-Grave Memorial #121286816, located at:,_1s...


Burnetts of Kirkhill

The first of Kirkhill, in the parish of Dyce near Aberdeen, was Alexander Burnett (1620–1685), the son of Thomas Burnett, merchant, and his wife Margaret Johnston.

Eileen A. Bailey, 'The Burnetts of Camphill, Elrick and Kirkhill', Crannog to Castle; A History of the Burnett Family in Scotland, ed. Eileen A. Bailey (Banchory: Leys Publishing, 2000), pp. 138-39

As a Baillie of Aberdeen Alexander Burnett was designated Polls or Poles indicating a merchant with strong trading ties to Poland, a designation his son, the 2nd laird Thomas took as a nickname.

Eileen A. Bailey, 'The Burnetts of Camphill, Elrick and Kirkhill', Crannog to Castle; A History of the Burnett Family in Scotland, ed. Eileen A. Bailey (Banchory: Leys Publishing, 2000), pp. 138-39

The great granddaughter of the first laird, Margaret Burnett (born 1719) eventually succeeded to Kirkhill and by her marriage to Alexander Bannerman of Frendraught, also a merchant in Aberdeen, the lands of Kirkhill passed to the Bannerman family.

Eileen A. Bailey, 'The Burnetts of Camphill, Elrick and Kirkhill', Crannog to Castle; A History of the Burnett Family in Scotland, ed. Eileen A. Bailey (Banchory: Leys Publishing, 2000), p. 140

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Alexander Burnett's Timeline

Braintree, Essex, England
April 20, 1685
Age 72
Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire, Scotland
April 1685
Age 72
Saint Nicholas Churchyard, Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, United Kingdom