21 February 1723: Letters of Translation by Helen Cathcart, sister of Hugh C. of Cariltoun, and relict of Alexander Boyd of Pinkill, to John C., son of the said Hugh, of annualrents on 10,000 merks Scots resting by Sir John Kennydy of Cullean to her said brother, and assigned by him - GD25/8/970, 971. See GD25/8/1005. National Records of Scotland, Papers of the Kennedy Family, Earls of Cassillis (Ailsa Muniments), reference GD25/8/996
19 February 1729: Discharge by John Gordon, surgeon, Glasgow, as factor for Helen Cathcart, sister of Sir Hugh C. of Carletoun, and relict of Alexander Boyd of Penkill, Anna B., Her daughter, and Alexander Broun of Balvie, surgeon, London, husband of the said Anna, to Sir John Kennedy of Cullean, of bond of 5 November 1717 for 2,000 merks Scots, made by the said Sir John to the said Sir Hugh, and assigned by him to his said sister and others as above. National Records of Scotland, Papers of the Kennedy Family, Earls of Cassillis (Ailsa Muniments), reference GD25/8/1043