Aletta Maria De Lange

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About Aletta Maria De Lange

Message to managers: only one son George on her DN 1879 .
No son Baltus
Phillipp Weyers 2024

DN 1879 surviving children

1. Aletta Maria
2.Walter David
3.Thomas Henry
4.Susarra Johanna
5. Adriaan Samuel
6. Robert Jacobus
7. Gerhard Stephanus
8. Susanna caherina
9. George

DN 1879


Aletta Maria De Lange in South Africa, Dutch Reformed Church Registers, 1660-1970

  • Baptism: Mar 25 1804 Cape Town, Cape Of Good Hope, South Africa
  • Father: Adriaan De Lange
  • Mother: Gesina Nel
  • Parents' Residence Place: Graaff Reinet
  • GS Film number: 2214108
  • Digital Folder Number: 004434412
  • Image Number: 00425


Nov 1802 Birthdate from Wikitree & MH (Source still to be confirmed Sharon Oct 2014)

Note by Tony Leach - Birth location is given as Fort Beaufort District on her Drath Certificate . At the time of her birth there was no permanent settlement there, and this must have been given as a general indicator of her birth location at a later date (or is incorrect). A mission station was established in 1816, as the first recorded settlement, with the military frontier post, Fort Beaufort, built a short distance away in 1822 after the 5th Frontier War. The town of Fort Beaufort was only proclaimed in 1837. See Graaf-Reinett is given as her parents' residence at her time of baptism. However, the conjectures that her husband, Michael George Doubell might have come out with the Royal African Corps to the frontier forts - does give credence to the Fort Beaufort area [Sharon Doubell Oct 2014] [Given that her brother, JOHAN HENDRIK DE LANGE (HANS DONS) was born at Noutoe (currently Table Farm), district Grahamstad in 1799, and his childhood was spent as a border farmer pioneer on the farm Noutoe in the Suurveld whilst his father was serving as a field cornet during the years 1809 – 1813 - it seems likely she was born at Noutoe farm as well. Around 1815, the loan farm Wilgerfontein located on the banks of the Fish river, was awarded to her father, but in 1821, he sold half of his share in the farm to his son in law, later a Voortrekker leader, Lucas Johannes Meyer [Sharon D July 2021]


Death of first husband, Christoffel Johannes Lombard (her first cousin)

  • Reference no.: MOOC8/42.42
  • Testator(s):
  • Aletta Maria de Lange
  • Christoffel Johannes Lombard
  • 13 September 1827
  • J:G: Brink
  • Inventory of all such property as belonged to the estate of deceased Christoffel Johannes Lombard and surviving widow Aletta Maria de Lange

Loose goods

  • 2 old waggons
  • 1 gun
  • 1 vice
  • 1 bellows
  • 1 anvil
  • 2 old planes
  • lot of tools
  • 1 keg
  • 1 bucket
  • 1 old box

Fixed property

  • none


  • 12 oxen
  • 1 cow and calf
  • 4 horses
  • 3 mares and two foals
  • 215 sheep
  • 106 goats


  • none

Claims on the estate

  • Rd:s
  • Piet Engelbrecht 68
  • Lucas Meyer 14
  • Piet Erasmus 79

Owing to the estate

  • none

Heirs to the estate

  • Gesina Robetta Lombard born 26 August 1819
  • Hermanus Stephanus born 1st June 1820
  • Anna Catrena born 18 April 1821
  • Adriaan born 23 May 1822

Thus done and inventoried at Holegs Kraal in the district of Somerset on this the 13th September 1827 according to the statement made by Aletta Maria de Lange who declared to have acted in the case with integrity and not to her knowledge to have kept back anything appertaining to the estate, promising that if anything should hereafter be found belonging to this estate that it shall be then added to this inventory.

These goods suggest she and he may have been trekboers

Death Notice DEPOT KAB



VOLUME_NO 6/9/171





STARTING 18790000

ENDING 18790000



mtDNA Line:

Aletta Maria De Lange
Gezina "Geesje" Aletta de Lange (Nel) her mother → Sarah Nel her mother → Catharina Huppenaar her mother → Catharina Hoffman, SM her mother → Maria Louisz, SM her mother → Lijsbeth Sandersz van de Kaap, SM her mother → Lijsbeth Arabus, SM/PROG her mother.

Anna Catharina Vermaak nee Lombard - Sterfkennis

view all 23

Aletta Maria De Lange's Timeline

November 1802
Noutoe farm, Zuurveld, Cape of Good Hope, South Africa
March 25, 1804
Age 1
Cape Town, Cape of Good Hope, South Africa
April 10, 1818
Steytlerville, Western District, EC, South Africa
August 26, 1819
South Africa
June 1, 1820
South Africa
April 18, 1821
South Africa
May 23, 1822
South Africa
April 19, 1829
Fish River, Cape Colony, South Africa

Source: "Suid-Afrikaanse geslagregisters"