Aletta Johanna Botma

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Aletta Johanna Botma (Grobler)

Also Known As: "Aletta Johanna Kleynhans"
Birthplace: Bloemfontein, Motheo, FS, South Africa
Death: September 11, 1930 (78)
no.80 Visagie Str., Pretoria, Transvaal, South Africa
Immediate Family:

Daughter of Nicolaas Johannes Grobler, b6c2d7e1 and Dorothea Regina Coetzer
Wife of Daniel Johannes Kleynhans and Cornelius Christoffel Botma
Mother of Nicolaas Johannes Kleynhans; Dorothea Regina Botha; Jan Hendrik Kleynhans and Rachel Margaretha Petronella Swanepoel
Sister of Johannes Hermanus Grobler; Maria Margaretha de Bruyn Grobler; Elsie Maria Jordaan; Gert Jacobus Louis Hosea Grobler and Dorothea Regina Elizabeth Magdalena Grobler

Managed by: Private User
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Aletta Johanna Botma's Timeline

May 30, 1852
Bloemfontein, Motheo, FS, South Africa
October 16, 1876
Kroonstad, Orange Free State, South Africa
Kroonstad, Northern Free State, Free State, South Africa
December 13, 1879
Kroonstad, Northern Free State, FS, South Africa
September 21, 1884
Kroonstad, Northern Free State, Free State, South Africa
September 11, 1930
Age 78
no.80 Visagie Str., Pretoria, Transvaal, South Africa