Immediate Family
mother's fiancé
half sister
mother's fiancé's son
mother's fiancé's son
About Alessina de Montferrat
K4. Alassina;
m.Poncello Orsini, Vicario regio di Roma (+after 1314)
f) ALESSINA (-before 18 Jan 1305). The Chronica Jacobi de Aquis, dated to 1334, records that the two daughters of "Marchio Guliermus" and his wife "Beatricem filiam regis Anfoxi de Hispania" married "una…in Roma D. Ponzello filio D. Ursi de Ursinis…nepoti Papæ" and that they had "filius…Petrus"[268]. Her parentage and marriage are confirmed by the testament of "Johannes…marchio Montisferrati", dated 18 Jan 1305, which appoints as his heirs "filios Alaxine sororis sue condam et uxoris Puncelli de filiis Ursi", and failing them "filium Margarite sororis sue condam uxoris Johannis infantis de Yspania de Castella"[269].
m (before 1305) PONCELLO Orsini Patrician of Rome, son of ORSINO Orsini & his wife --- (-after 1314).
Alessina de Montferrat's Timeline
1277 |
1300 |
Age 23