26. THOMAS*16 LE BIRD (HENRY*15, THOMAS*14, JOHN*13, JOHN*12, JOHN*11, JOHN (JOHANES)*10, DAVID*9, HUGH*8, DAVID*7, RICHARD*6, HUGH*5, CHARLTON HUGO*4, HUGO*3, HUGO*2, CARLTON HUGO*1) was born 1573 in Braxton,London,England, and died 1630 in Braxton,Cheshire,England.
He married ALICE PALYN Bet. 1595 - 1600 in London,England. She was born Bet. 1560 - 1575 in Braxton,London,England
Children of THOMAS LE BIRD and ALICE PALYN are:
31. i. THOMAS*17 BIRD, b. January 16, 1599/00, London, Middlesex, England; d. 1623, London, England.
ii. RALPHE*17 BIRD, b. Bet. 1595 - 1600, Broxton,London,England.
iii. ANNE*17 BIRD, b. 1610, Broxton,London,England.
iv. JOHN BIRD*17, b. Bet. 1600 - 1605, Broxton,London,England.
@R453264938@ Ancestry Family Trees Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com. Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members. Ancestry Family Tree http://trees.ancestry.com/pt/AMTCitationRedir.aspx?tid=155140003&pi...
1572 |
November 23, 1572
Broxton, London, England, Broxton, London, England (United Kingdom)
November 23, 1572
North Elmham, Norfolk, England
November 23, 1572
North Elmham, Norfolk, England
1595 |
Broxton, London, England
1596 |
London, England, United Kingdom
1600 |
London, England
Broxton, London, England
1602 |
Brexton, Chesire, England (United Kingdom)
1605 |
Broxton, London, England