[LUCIE] de Nevers . The Origine et Historia Brevi Nivernensium Comitum records the marriage of "Guillelmus Tornodorensis ex propria uxore unam filiam" and "Aimoni Borbonensi"[1675]. A charter dated 6 Sep 1395 recalls that "Aimon de Bourbon, frère d´Archambaud Sire de Bourbon" sold half "du bois de Mondrié" to the monks of Saint-Michel-du-Montet and that later "Aimon", with the consent of "son épouse Lucia", confirmed the transfer of the same property[1676]. It is not known whether Lucie was the same person as the daughter of Guillaume Comte de Tonnerre. m (1099) AIMON [II] "Vaire-Vache" Sire de Bourbon, son of ARCHAMBAUD [IV] "le Fort" Sire de Bourbon & his wife Béliarde --- (-before 27 Mar 1120).
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Bourbon-l'Archambault, Allier, Bourbonnais/Auvergne, France
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Bourbon, France
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July 15, 1116
Age 36
Bourbon, France
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