Aldara Añez de Sousa

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About Aldara Añez de Sousa


ii) ALDARA Annes de Sousa . The Livro Velho names "D. Esteuam Annes d´Alegrete e D. Aldara Annes e D. Eluira Annes, e D. Sancha Annes" as the children of "D. João Garcia" and his wife "D. Urraca Fernandes", adding that Aldara married "D. Gomes Gonçalues Giron"[174]. The Nobiliario of Pedro Conde de Barcelos names "D. Estevan Annez sin hijos, D. Aldara Annez, D. Elvira Annez, D. Sancha Annez no casó ni tuvo hijos" as the children of "D. Juan Garcia de Sousa el Pinto" and his wife "D. Urraca Fernandez", recording in a later passage that "D. Gomes Gonçalez Giron" married "Doña Aldara Anez"[175].

m GÓMEZ González Girón, son of ---.