The Foundation for Medieval Genealogy's "UNTITLED ENGLISH NOBILITY T - Z" page (link below) only identifies this Albreda as Albreda with no identification of her parents.
Date and place of death have also been erroneously reported to be an unspecified date at Panmure, Forfarshire, Scotland (confusion of this Albreda with some woman who married into the Valoniis/Valoignes/Valognes/Valoines family of Scotland).
Children: John De Lutegareshale b: 1104 in Great Waltham, Essex,England
Noted in the roglo base as the SISTER of Eudo FitzHubert, the both beng children of Hubert de Rie. http://roglo.eu/roglo?lang=fr;p=aubree;n=de+ryes;
"Albreda, wife of Peter I de Valognes, described in the foundation charter of Binham priory as the sister of Eudo, husband of Rohais, presumed to refer to Eudo dapifer, like Peter a major landholder in Essex. The charter was attested by Roger de Sancto Salvatore, probably the Roger who was vicomte of Saint-Sauveur at his death in 1138, who was nephew and successorof Eudo vicomte of Saint-Sauveur, also husband of a Rohais and who was certain of the family of Niels of Saint-Sauveur. 'Albreada usor Petri de Valoniis soror nostra' was remembered on 18 September in the necrology of Belvoir priory."www.findagrave.com
Albreda de Saint-Saveur
BIRTH 1052
Caen, Departement du Calvados, Basse-Normandie, France
DEATH unknown
Benington, East Hertfordshire District, Hertfordshire, England
Binham Priory
Binham, North Norfolk District, Norfolk, England
MEMORIAL ID 89091881
Albreda was the daughter of Hubert de Rie and the sister of Eudo Dapifer.
She married Peter de Valognes, the son of Count Enguerrand I de Ponthieu and Adélaïde de Gand.
Albreda and her husband Peter founded Binham Priory about 1091, which was built on land given to Peter by William the Conqueror.
Albreda and Peter had three children who were Robert de Valognes (born circa 1080), Roger de Valognes (Born circa 1080) and Muriel de Valognes (Born circa 1087)
Family Members
Peter de Valognes
Source: Domesday Descendants, A Prosopography of Persons Occuring in English Documents, 1066-1166, Vol. 1 https://gw.geneanet.org/beckfox?n=de+rie&oc=&p=aubrey+albreda
Albreda de Saint-Saveur
BIRTH 1052
Caen, Departement du Calvados, Basse-Normandie, France
DEATH unknown
Benington, East Hertfordshire District, Hertfordshire, England
Binham Priory
Binham, North Norfolk District, Norfolk, England
MEMORIAL ID 89091881
Albreda was the daughter of Hubert de Rie and the sister of Eudo Dapifer.
She married Peter de Valognes, the son of Count Enguerrand I de Ponthieu and Adélaïde de Gand.
Albreda and her husband Peter founded Binham Priory about 1091, which was built on land given to Peter by William the Conqueror.
Albreda and Peter had three children who were Robert de Valognes (born circa 1080), Roger de Valognes (Born circa 1080) and Muriel de Valognes (Born circa 1087)
Family Members
Peter de Valognes
1052 |
Ries, Calvados, Normandie, France
1065 |
Valognes, (aujourd'hui Manche), Normandie, France
1070 |
Plomesgate, Parham, Suffolk, England (United Kingdom)
1077 |
Valognes, Manche, Lower Normandy, France
1079 |
Benington, Hertford, Hertfordshire, England
1083 |
Valognes, Normandie, France
1091 |
Valognes, Manche, Normandy, France
1096 |
Age 44
Benington, Hertford, Hertfordshire, England
???? |
South Petherton, Somerset, England (United Kingdom)