Albrecht Friedrich von Brandenburg

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Albrecht Friedrich von Brandenburg (Hohenzollern), Prinz, Markgraf zu Brandenburg-Schwedt (1672 - 1731)

Also Known As: "Albert", "Frederick"
Birthplace: Berlin, Brandenburg, Deutschland (HRR)
Death: June 21, 1731 (59)
Schloss Friedrichsfelde, Berlin, Brandenburg, Deutschland(HRR)
Place of Burial: Berlin, Brandenburg, Deutschland(HRR)
Immediate Family:

Son of Friedrich Wilhelm I "der Große Kurfürst" von Brandenburg, Kurfürst zu Brandenburg, Herzog in Preußen and Sophia Dorothea of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg
Husband of Marie Dorothea von Kurland und Semgallen, Prinzessin von Preußen, Markgräfin zu Brandenburg-Schwedt
Father of Alexander Brandenberg; Friedrich von Brandenburg-Schwedt, Markgraf; Karl Friedrich Albrecht von Brandenburg-Schwedt, Prinz in Preußen, Markgraf zu Brandenburg-Schwedt; Countess Anna Sophie Charlotte of Brandenburg-Schwedt; Luise Wilhelmine von Brandenburg-Schwedt, Markgräfin and 3 others
Brother of Philip William, Margarve of Brandenburg-Schwedt; Maria Amalia von Brandenburg, Herzogin zu Sachsen-Zeitz; Karl Philipp "Karl" Wilhelm von Preußen, Prinz, Markgraf von Brandenburg-Schwedt; Elisabeth Sofie von Brandenburg und Preußen, Herzogin zu Kurland, Markgräfin zu Brandenburg-Bayreuth, Herzo; Thomas Solomon Brandenburg and 2 others
Half brother of Wilhelm Heinrich von Brandenburg, prinz; Karl Emil von Brandenburg, Erbprinz; Frederick I of Prussia; Amalie von Brandenburg, prinzessin; Heinrich von Brandenburg, prinz and 1 other

Occupation: kurbrandenburgisch-preußischer Generalleutnant und Herrenmeister des Johanniterordens., Margrave of Brandenburg-Schwedt
Managed by: Abou Elyas
Last Updated:

About Albrecht Friedrich von Brandenburg


=== GEDCOM Note === == Biography == This biography was auto-generated by a GEDCOM import.<ref>VanBranden burg Schwedt-1 was created by Cheryl Claxton through the import of MyAncestors.GED on Feb 2, 2014. This comment and cit ation can be deleted after the biography has been edited and primary s ources are included.</ref> It's a rough draft and needs to be edited .===

Name === : Name: Albrecht Frederik /VanBrandenburg Schwedt/<ref>Source: #S02 379 Page: Ancestry Family Trees Data: Text: http://trees.ancest</ref><ref>So urce: #S02379 Page: Ancestry Family Trees Data: Text: http://</ref>

Note === : Note: #NI1227


<references />

  • Source: S02379 Title: Ancestry Family Tree s Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Or iginal data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members. Note: [ [#NS23791]] No NOTE record found with id NS23791.

Notes === : Note NI1227Royalty Stops Here : -5ad3e8265c87&tid=1532808&pid=241466624Royalty Stops Here : -5ad3e8265c87&tid=1532808&pid=1515


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Albrecht Friedrich von Brandenburg's Timeline

January 24, 1672
Berlin, Brandenburg, Deutschland (HRR)
August 9, 1704
June 10, 1705
Berlin, Brandenburg, Deutschland(HRR)
December 22, 1706
May 11, 1709
Berlin, Preußen, Deutschland(HRR)
August 13, 1710
Berlin, Markgrafschaft Brandenburg, Königreich Preußen, Heiliges Römisches Reich Deutscher Nation
April 21, 1712
Berlin, Brandenburg, Deutschland(HRR)
March 28, 1715