Albertine Charlotte Gravin van Bylandt

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Albertine Charlotte Gräfin von Bylandt-Rheydt (van Bylandt)

Russian: Альбертина Шарлотта гр. цу Сольмс-Вильденфельд (гр. фон Биландт)
Also Known As: "von Bylandt-Palsterkamp"
Birthplace: Nijmegen, Nijmegen, Gelderland, The Netherlands
Death: January 08, 1799 (77)
Wildenfels, Chemnitz, Saxony, Deutschland
Immediate Family:

Daughter of Albrecht Otto Roeleman, rijksgraaf van Bylandt and Anna Constantia van Sevenaer
Wife of Hendrik Karel, graaf van Solms-Wildenfels
Mother of Sophie Henriette Gräfin zu Solms-Wildenfels; Constanze Gräfin zu Solms-Wildenfels; Friedrich Magnus I Graf zu Solms-Laubach-Wildensfels; Isabella Ottilie Gräfin zu Solms-Wildenfels and Sophie Louise Gräfin zu Solms-Wildenfels
Sister of Karel Neomagus van Bylandt, heer van Ooy; Frederik Christoffel, rijksgraaf van Bylandt; Jacob Christoph Otto, graaf van Bylandt; Willem Koenraad van Bylandt; Roeleman Lodewijk Adolf Leopold van Bylandt and 12 others

Managed by: Private User
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Albertine Charlotte Gravin van Bylandt's Timeline

November 18, 1721
Nijmegen, Nijmegen, Gelderland, The Netherlands
April 29, 1741
Wildenfels, Deutschland
August 31, 1743
April 12, 1745
July 21, 1746
January 8, 1799
Age 77
Wildenfels, Chemnitz, Saxony, Deutschland