Historical records matching Albert III, count of Namur
Immediate Family
About Albert III, count of Namur
Adalbert III, Count of Namur, b abt 1035, Namur, Belgium, d 1102. He md Ida Billung of Saxony abt 1060, daughter of Bernard II, Duke of Saxony, and Elica von Schweinfurt. Children of Adalbert III and Ida Billung of Saxony were: Godfrey of Namur, Count of Namur, b 1064. Adelaide of Namur b 1068, d 1124. She md Otto II of Chiny, Count of Chiny, abt 1080, son of Arnold II of Chiny, Count of Chiny, and Adela de Roucy.
Geboren voor 10 augustus 1035 te Namen, België.
Albert III van Namen juni 1102) is een zoon van Albert II van Namen en Regelindis van Lotharingen. Albert wordt na de dood van zijn neef hertog Godfried met de Bult (1076) aangesteld tot voogd van de abdij van Stavelot-Malmédy. In Neder-Lotharingen werd hij tot vice-hertog benoemd als waarnemer voor Hendrik IV's - dan pas tweejarige - zoontje Koenraad. Albert raakt evenwel met andere Lotharingse krijgsheren in een jarenlange strijd verwikkeld. Met Godfried van Bouillon, erfgenaam van Godfried III, twist Albert van Namen om de zekere erfrechten van zijn moeder Regelindis.
Albert huwt met Ida van Saksen, dochter van hertog Bernhard II van Saksen.
Albert wordt onder Gregoriaanse invloed beleend als graaf van Verdun, maar weet Godfried van Bouillon niet te verdrijven uit Stenay van waaruit deze het gebied van Verdun telkens bedreigt. Albert staakt uiteindelijk de vijandelijkheden en sluit zich aan bij de Godsvrede vanLuik (1082).
Na in 1085 de keizerlijke veldheer, paltsgraaf Herman II van Lotharingen te hebben gedood tijdens een dispuut omtrent het oprichten van een burcht te Dalhem, valt Albert in ongenade bij de Duitse keizer Hendrik IV. Weldra wordt hij ontheven uit zijn hertogelijke functies ten gunste van Godfried van Bouillon). Hij verwerft later nog het graafschap Château-Porcien bij het huwelijk van zijn zoon Godfried in 1087.
1. Godfried van Namen
2. Adelheid van Namen
3. Albert van Namen
4. Hendrik van Namen
5. Ida van Namen
10th to 11th Centuries
From www.trabel.com/namur/namen.htm and www.eupedia.com/belgium/namur.shtml#Centre
Namur is the capital of Namur province and is the political capital of Wallonia located in the French speaking southern part of
Belgium. It is known that Homo Neanderthalis lived in the area at least 100,000 years ago. Canine remains from 31,700 years
ago indicate evidence of the domestication of the dog. Roman legions fought and conquered the area in 57 BCE.
Royal descent
According to THE ROYAL DESCENTS OF 600 IMMIGRANTS, page 560 this person Decends from the Counts of Namur,
Godfrey Albert III and Albert II, the Duke of Lower Lorraine, the German Emperor d. 936, and the King of France Louis the IV
d. 954 the probable grandson maternally of Edward the Elder, King of England, d. 936.
Albert III de Namur: Additional Information
ALBERT de Namur, son of ALBERT II Comte de Namur & his wife Regilindis of Lower Lotharingia (before 10 Aug 1035-22
Jun 1102). The Genealogica comitum Buloniensium records that "Albertum comitem de Namuco" was father of "Albertum et
fratrem eius Heinricum comitem de durboio". He succeeded his father in [1063/64] as ALBERT III Comte de Namur. He claimed
to succeed to the inheritance of his first cousin Godefroi III "Le Bossu" Duke of Lower Lotharingia in 1076, challenging the
succession of Godefroi de Bouillon [Boulogne] and at one point unsuccessfully besieging the castle of Bouillon. As guardian of
her interests in Lotharingia, Matilda of Tuscany granted Albert the county of Verdun which Theoderic Bishop of Verdun had
bestowed on her in 1076, in order to thwart Godefroi de Bouillon´s inheritance. In addition, Emperor Heinrich IV appointed
Albert as vice-Duke of Lower Lotharingia in 1076 to rule for his infant son Konrad, whom he had installed as Duke of Lower
Lotharingia. "Heinricus…tertius Romanorum imperator augustus" confirmed the foundation of St Jakob, Liège by "Albertus
comes Nammucensium filiis [suis] Godefrido, Heinrico, Alberto" by charter dated 1 Jun 1101. The Notæ Bronienses record the
death in 1102 of "Albertus comes Namucensis". The necrology of Brogne records the death "X Kal Jul" of "Adalbertus comes
m ([1065/66]%29 as her second husband IdA of Saxony, widow of FREdERIC II Duke of Lower Lotharingia [Luxembourg],
daughter of BERNHARd II Duke in Saxony [Billung] & his wife Eilika von Schweinfurt (-31 Jul 1102, bur Namur). "Ida" is
named as wife of "Albertus comes Namucensis" in the Chronicon Sancti Huberti, which specifies that "prius fuerat uxor ducis
Frederici", but her origin is not given. The Genealogia ex stirpe Sancti Arnulfi names "Idam Namucensem…uxorem Angelberti
marchionis et Gertrudem comitissam Flandrensem" as children of "Bernardum". On her marriage, she brought her husband
extensive lands north-east of the castle of Bouillon which later formed the county of Laroche. According to the Chronicle of
Alberic de Trois-Fontaines, her husband's claim to Bouillon was through the property brought by his wife. The necrology of
Brogne records the death "II Kal Aug" of "Ida comitissa Namurcensis".
Comte Albert III & his wife had five children:
5. ALIX de Namur
ALBERT III, Count of Namur, d. 1102; m. ca. 1067, Ida (or Relinde) os Saxony, wid. of Frederick, Duke of Lower Lorraine and
dau. of Bernard II, Duke of Saxony, by Bertrade, dau. of Harold II, King of Norway.
Excert from: Pedigrees of Some of the Emperor Charlemagne's Descendants. Volume II
22. ALBERT III, Count of Namur, d. 22 Jun 1102; m. 1065/6, Ida of Saxony, dau. prob. of Bernard II, Duke in Saxony, b. abt
995, d. 1057, and Elica (m. abt 1020), dau. of Henrich, Markgrave of Schweinfurt.
Added to Geni by Janet Milburn 11/19/22
Albert III de Namur, Count of Namur is our 26th great grandfather.
Albert III, count of Namur's Timeline
1035 |
August 10, 1035
Namur, Walloon Region, Belgium
1061 |
Namur, Namur, Wallonie, Belgium
1066 |
Namur, Namur, Wallonie, Belgium
1070 |
Oizy, Namur, Belgium
1084 |
Trier, Rhineland
1102 |
June 22, 1102
Age 66
Namur, Walloon Region, Belgium
June 1102
Age 66
1936 |
April 27, 1936
Age 66