Immediate Family
About Albert II Graf von Moha von Dagsburg
from https://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/LOTHARINGIAN%20(LOWER)%20NOBILITY....
1. ALBERT [I] de Moha (-after 1059). "...Albertum de Musal..." subscribed the charter dated 1031 under which "Godeschalcus præpositus" founded a college of canons at Liège Saint-Barthélemy[873]. Archbishop Poppo of Trier confirmed the donation by "comitem Kadelonem et eius contectalem Irmingart" by undated charter, placed in the compilation with charters dated [1040/44], subscribed by "Duci Godefrido, Adalberto de Musel, comes Becelinus…"[874]. Comte de Moha: “...Ottonis advocati et fratris eius Emmonis comitis de Los, Alberti comitis de Musal...” signed the charter dated 1059 under which “Fredericus...Lothariencium dux” donated a serf to Saint-Trond[875].
2. ALBERT [II] [de Moha] (-24 Aug 1098). It is possible that Albert [II] was the son of Albert [I] but the primary source which confirms that this is correct has not yet been identified. Graf von Egisheim und Dachsburg 1089. Comte de Moha: "Albertus comes de Musau" donated property "ecclesias unam in Monte Sancti Martini et alteram in Villari" to the church of Verdun Sainte-Vanne by charter dated 10 May 1096[876]. The necrology of Verdun Saint-Vanne records the death "IX Kal Sep" of "Albertus comes Dasburgensis qui nobis cellam Montis Sancti Martini…dedit"[877].
see also
This profile is WRONG.....
Albrecht I Dagsburg
Birth date:
Birth place:
Eguisheim, Haut Rhin, , France
Death date:
BET 1098 AND AUG 24
Death place:
, , , France
Dagsburg Family
Father: Heinrich I Egisheim Mother: Countess of Moha
Spouse: Hedwig
Gerard Egisheim Hugo Viii Count of Dagsburg Albrecht I Eguisheim Albrecht I Dagsburg Albert von Moha Gerhard Ii (III) Egisheim Bruno Count of Egisheim Adalbert Ii Von Egisheim Albert (Sp. 2) Moha
Swanhilde Von Egisheim Mathilda Von Eguisheim Mathilda Von Egisheim Mathilda Von Egisheim Swanhilde Von Egisheim Mathilda Von Egisheim Mechtild Von Dagsburg Hugo IX von Dagsburg Mathilde of Dagsburg Mathilda Dagsbourg_moka Hugo IX Dagsburg Hugo IX Count Dagsburg Mechtild Countess Dagsburg
Albert II Graf von Moha von Dagsburg's Timeline
1045 |
Alsace,, Eguisheim, Haut-Rhin, Grand Est, France
1089 |
Rheims, Champagne-Ardenne, France
1095 |
1098 |
August 24, 1098
Age 53
Dagsburg,, Germany
???? |