public profile
ALBERT I Comte de Namur (-shortly before 1011)
s/o ROBERT [I] Cte de Namur
x (990) ERMENGARDE d/o CHARLES Duke of Lower Lotharingia [Carolingian] & Adelais de Troyes
ALBERT, son of ROBERT [I] Comte de Namur & his wife --- (-shortly before 1011). Albert, Gislebert and Ratbod are named as sons of Comte Robert in a charter dated 981[30]. He succeeded as ALBERT I Comte de Namur. "Otto…rex" confirmed the privileges of Brogne abbey "in pago Lomacensis situm" by charter dated 992 which names "comiti…Namuci Adelberto"[31]. His date of death is suggested by a record, dated to 1011, of a monk from St Vaast d'Arras dreaming of hell where he recognised "Albertum Namucensium comitatui" being tortured, the episode being incorporated into a circular letter from Richard Bishop of Verdun to all abbeys[32].
Bron: https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albert_I_van_Namen. Daarin wordt zijn moeder genoemd via de Schenkingakte van Alpais Vgl. F.Rousseau 1936. Album belge de diplomatique, Brussel 1909, plaat IV. Vgl. F.Rousseau, Actes des comtes de Namur de la premiere race (946-1196). Brussel 1936. p. XXXV.
Alias: Albert Ier de Namur Titles: comte de Namur
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Namur, Région Wallonne, Belgium
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Namur, Belgium
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Namur, Walloon Region, Belgium
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1011 |
Age 61
Namur, Région Wallonne, Belgium
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Nomurcum (Present Namur), Lomacensis (within the present Walloon Region), Herzogtum Niederlothringen (within present Belgium), Heiliges Römisches Reich
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