Aishah as-Siddiqah Mother of the Believers

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Aisha bint Abi Bakr (610 - 678)

Arabic: أم المؤمنين السيدة عائشة بنت أبي بكر الصديق, عائشة بنت أبِي بكر
Also Known As: "(3rd wife of Nabi Muhammad / Prophet Muhammad)"
Birthplace: Mecca, Saudi Arabia
Death: July 16, 678 (63-72)
Medina, Al Madinah Province, Saudi Arabia
Place of Burial: Medina, Al Madinah Province, Saudi Arabia
Immediate Family:

Daughter of Caliph Abu Bakr and Zaynab "Umm Ruman" binte ‘Āmir al-Kinaaniyah
Wife of Prophet Muhammad of Islam (PBUH)
Sister of 'Abdur Rahman bin Abu Bakr
Half sister of Asmā' binte Abu Bakr; 'Abdullah bin Abu Bakr; Muhammad bin Abu Bakr; Umm Kulthoom binte Abu Bakr and Thufail bin al-Haris

Managed by: Private User
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About Aishah as-Siddiqah Mother of the Believers

Aisha was one of Muhammad's wives. She is quoted as source for many hadith, sacred traditions about Muhammad's life, with Muhammad's personal life being the topic of most narrations. She narrated 2210 hadiths out of which 316 hadiths are mentioned in both Sahih al-Bukhari and Sahih Muslim.

Aisha was the daughter of Um Ruman and Abu Bakr of Mecca. Abu Bakr belonged to the Banu Taym sub-clan of the tribe of Quraysh, the tribe to which Muhammad also belonged. Aisha is said to have followed her father in accepting Islam when she was still young. She also joined him in his migration to Abyssinia (Ethiopia) in 615 AD; a number of Mecca's Muslims emigrated then, seeking refuge from persecution by the Meccans who still followed their pre-Islamic religions.

According to the early Islamic historian Muhammad ibn Jarir al-Tabari, Aisha's father tried to spare her the dangers and discomfort of the journey by solemnizing her marriage to her fiance, Jubayr ibn Mut'im, son of Mut‘im ibn ‘Adi. However, Mut’am refused to honor the long-standing betrothal, as he did not wish his family to be connected to the Muslim outcasts. The emigration to Ethiopia proved temporary and Abu Bakr's family returned to Mecca within a few years. Aisha was then betrothed to Muhammad.

Aisha was initially betrothed to Jubayr ibn Mut'im, a Muslim whose father, though pagan, was friendly to the Muslims. When Khawla bint Hakim suggested that Muhammad marry Aisha after the death of Muhammad's first wife (Khadijah bint Khuwaylid), the previous agreement regarding marriage of Aisha with ibn Mut'im was put aside by common consent. British historian William Montgomery Watt suggests that Muhammad hoped to strengthen his ties with Abu Bakr; the strengthening of ties commonly served as a basis for marriage in Arabian culture.

Most early accounts say that Muhammad and Aisha became sincerely fond of each other. Aisha is usually described as Muhammad's favorite wife, and it was in her company that Muhammad reportedly received the most revelations. Some accounts claim it was the curtain from her tent that Muhammad used as his battle standard.

In his Sirah Rasul Allah, Ibn Ishaq states that during Muhammad's last illness, he sought Aisha's apartments and died with his head in her lap.

After Muhammad's death in 632, Aisha's father, Abu Bakr, became the first caliph, or leader of the Muslims. This matter of succession to Muhammad is extremely controversial to the Shia who believe that Ali had been appointed by Muhammad to lead; Sunni maintain that the public elected Abu Bakr, and did so in accordance with Muhammad's wishes.

Abu Bakr's reign was short, and in 634 AD he was succeeded by Umar, as caliph. Umar reigned for ten years, and was then followed by Uthman Ibn Affan in 644 AD. Both of these men had been among Muhammad's earliest followers, were linked to him by clanship and marriage, and had taken prominent parts in various military campaigns. Aisha, in the meantime, lived in Medina and made several pilgrimages to Mecca.

in 655 AD, Uthman was murdered provoking the First Fitna. The rebels then asked Ali to be the new caliph. Many reports absolve Ali of complicity in the murder. Ali is reported to have refused the caliphate. He agreed to rule only after his followers persisted.

Aisha along side an army with Zubair ibn al-Awwam and Talha ibn Ubayd-Allah confronted Ali's army demanding the prosecution of Uthman's killers which they were mingled in his army outside the city of Basra. It was during this engagement that Muslims fought Muslims for the first time. Battle ensued and Aisha's forces were defeated. Aisha was directing her forces from a howdah on the back of a camel; this 656 AD battle is therefore called the Battle of the Camel.

Ali met Aisha with reconciliation. He sent her back to Medina under military escort headed by her brother Muhammad ibn Abi Bakr, one of Ali's commanders.

Historians see Aisha as a learned woman, who tirelessly recounted stories from the life of Muhammad and explained Muslim history and traditions. She is considered to be one of the foremost scholars of Islam's early age with some historians accrediting up to one-quarter of the Islamic Sharia (Islamic religious law), based on the collection of hadiths, to have stemmed from her narrations. Aisha became the most prominent of Muhammad’s wives and is revered as a role model by millions of women. Feminist writers such as Haleh Afshar have argued that Aisha provided a role model for women's political participation in Islamic communities.

After Khadijah al-Kubra (the Great) and Fatimah az-Zahra (the Resplendent), Aishah as-Siddiqah (the one who affirms the Truth) is regarded as the best woman in Islam by Sunni Muslims. She often regretted her involvement in war but lived long enough to regain position. She died at the age of 65 years in the year 678 AD in the month of Ramadan. As she instructed, she was buried in the Jannat al-Baqi in the City of Light, beside other companions of Muhammad.

From Banu Taym Tribe (Part of Banu Quraysh Tribe).


‘Ā’ishah bint Abī Bakr (613/614 – 678 CE;[1] Arabic: عائشة‎ transliteration: ‘Ā’ishah [%CA%95a%CB%90%CA%94i%CA%83a], also transcribed as A'ishah, Aisyah, Ayesha, A'isha, Aishat, Aishah, or Aisha /ˈɑːiːˌʃɑː/[2]%29 was one of Muhammad's wives.[3] In Islamic writings, her name is thus often prefixed by the title "Mother of the Believers" (Arabic: أمّ المؤمنين umm al-mu'minīn), per the description of Muhammad's wives in the Qur'an.[4][5][6] Aisha had an important role in early Islamic history, both during Muhammad's life and after his death. In Sunni tradition, Aisha is thought to be scholarly and inquisitive. She contributed to the spread of Muhammad's message and served the Muslim community for 44 years after his death.[7] She is also known for narrating 2210 hadiths,[8] not just on matters related to the Prophet's private life, but also on topics such as inheritance, pilgrimage, and eschatology.[9] Her intellect and knowledge in various subjects, including poetry and medicine, were highly praised by early luminaries such as al-Zuhri and her student Urwa ibn al-Zubayr.[9] Her father, Abu Bakr, became the first caliph to succeed Muhammad, and after two years was succeeded by Umar. During the time of the third caliph Uthman, Aisha had a leading part in the opposition that grew against him, though she did not agree either with those responsible for his assassination nor with the party of Ali.[10] During the reign of Ali, she wanted to avenge Uthman's death, which she attempted to do in the Battle of the Camel. She participated in the battle by giving speeches and leading troops on the back of her camel. She ended up losing the battle, but her involvement and determination left a lasting impression.[6] Afterwards, she lived quietly in Medina for more than twenty years, took no part in politics, and became reconciled to Ali and did not oppose Mu'awiya.[10] The majority of traditional hadith sources state that Aisha was married to Muhammad at the age of six or seven, but she stayed in her parents' home until the age of nine, or ten according to Ibn Hisham,[11] when the marriage was consummated with Muhammad, then 53, in Medina.

Aisyah binti Abu Bakar

Gelar : Ash-Shiddiqah binti Ash-Shiddiq dan Ummul Mu'minin
Wafat 57 H / 58 H pada malam selasa 17 malam bulan Ramadhan, dan dimakamkan di pemakaman al-Baqi'

Aisyah binti Abu Bakar merupakan istri Nabi Muhammad SAW yang ketiga. Beliau dinikahi Nabi Muhammad SAW saat usianya masih belia yakni sekitar 6 tahun – 7 tahun. Karena dinikahi sejak masih muda, beliau tumbuh dalam didikan Nabi Muhammad SAW.

Aisyah sendiri terkenal dengan kecerdasannya serta ingatannya yang kuat sehingga dapat menghafalkan banyak hal. Karena kecerdasan dan daya ingat ini, beliau sering dijadikan tempat bertanya oleh para sahabat Nabi Muhammad SAW.

Beliau bahkan juga termasuk dalam golongan orang yang meriwayatkan banyak hadits. Bahkan disebutkan bahwa beliau menduduki urutan keempat dalam hal ini setelah Abu Hurairah, Abdullah bin Umar serta Anas bin Malik.

Ada banyak kisah romantis yang terjadi antara Nabi Muhammad SAW dengan Aisyah. Nabi Muhammad SAW sangat mengenal karakter sang istri sehingga beliau bisa membedakan kapankah sang istri sedang marah maupun sedang bahagia walaupun Aisyah sudah menyembunyikan perasaannya dengan rapi.

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Aishah as-Siddiqah Mother of the Believers's Timeline

Mecca, Saudi Arabia
July 16, 678
Age 68
Medina, Al Madinah Province, Saudi Arabia
July 16, 678
Age 68
Jannatul Baqi, Medina, Al Madinah Province, Saudi Arabia