http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/ENGLISH%20NOBILITY%20MEDIEVAL.htm#_... '
RICHARD [II] Talbot ([1065/1075]-[after 1100]). His birth date is estimated bearing in mind the estimated birth date of his son Hugues [III] and on the assumption that he was somewhat older than his wife, which would have been normal at the time. If that estimate is correct, Richard [II] Talbot is unlikely to have been the same person as Richard [I] who is shown above. The chronology indicates that Richard [II] Talbot could not have been the same person as Richard [III] who is shown below. If all that is correct, Richard [II] Talbot could have been a younger brother of Geoffrey [I] who is shown above. No reference has been found to Richard [II] acting in his own capacity apart from the confirmations of his donations by King Henry II. If his birth date is correctly estimated as shown above, those confirmations must have been made some time after Richard [II] died.
m AMICIE de Gournay, daughter of [HUGUES [III] de Gournay & his wife Basilie Flaitel] or [GERARD de Gournay & his [first] wife ---] or [GERARD de Gournay & his [second] wife Edive [Edith] de Warenne] or [---] (before [1085]-). Her marriage and family connection are indicated by Orderic Vitalis who records that "Hugo filius Girardi de Gornaco" rebelled against King Henry I after the marriage of his sister Gundred in Jun [1118], and captured “municipium...Plessicii” which he granted to "nepoti eius Hugoni Talabot"[1214]. The passage indicates that Hugh Talbot was at least a young adult at the time, so not born later than [1100], which would place his mother’s birth no later than [1085]. There are therefore at least three possibilities for her parentage. Firstly, if she was the child of Gérard de Gournay by his known wife Edive de Warenne, Edive would have been born in the early part of her estimated birth date range shown above and Amicie born soon after the marriage. Secondly, given that that chronology is tight, Amicie could have been the daughter of Gérard by an earlier otherwise unrecorded marriage. Thirdly, the word “nepos” in Orderic could indicate a more distant family relationship than nephew, maybe first cousin, in which case Amicie could have been the daughter of Hugues [III] de Gournay, although the more remote the relationship the less likely the appointment of Richard Talbot as custodian of the castle by Hugues [IV] de Gournay. On balance, the most likely case appears to be the second.
Her name is indicated by two charters of King Henry II: Henry II King of England confirmed the possessions of the abbey of Valmont, including donations by "…Richardi Tallebot et Amicie uxoris eius et Hugonis et Willelmi filiorum suorum…", by charter dated to [1181/83][1215]. Henry II King of England confirmed the possessions of the priory of Sainte-Foi de Longueville, including donations by "Ricardi Thalebot et Avitie uxoris sue et Hugonis filii sui", by charter dated to [Mar/Jun] 1189[1216]. Richard [II] & his wife had two children:
a) HUGH [II] Talbot (before [1100]-). His parentage is indicated by Orderic Vitalis who records that "Hugo filius Girardi de Gornaco" rebelled against King Henry I after the marriage of his sister Gundred in Jun [1118], and captured “municipium...Plessicii” which he granted to "nepoti eius Hugoni Talabot"[1217]. His birth date is estimated is estimated assuming that he was a young adult at the time. Henry II King of England confirmed the possessions of the abbey of Valmont, including donations made by "…Richardi Tallebot et Amicie uxoris eius et Hugonis et Willelmi filiorum suorum…", by charter dated to [1181/83][1218]. Henry II King of England confirmed the possessions of the abbey of Valmont, including donations made by "Hugonis Talebot…eiusdem Hugonis et Willelmi fratris sui", by charter dated to [1177/89][1219]. Henry II King of England confirmed the possessions of the priory of Sainte-Foi de Longueville, including donations made by "Ricardi Thalebot et Avitie uxoris sue et Hugonis filii sui" and by "Hugonis Talebot senis…Hugonis Talebot junioris", by charter dated to [Mar/Jun] 1189[1220].
b) WILLIAM Talbot . Henry II King of England confirmed the possessions of the abbey of Valmont, including donations by "…Richardi Tallebot et Amicie uxoris eius et Hugonis et Willelmi filiorum suorum…", by charter dated to [1181/83][1221]. Henry II King of England confirmed the possessions of the abbey of Valmont, including donations by "Hugonis Talebot…eiusdem Hugonis et Willelmi fratris sui", by charter dated to [1177/89][1222]. same person as...? WILLIAM Talbot (-after 1166). Military fee certifications in the Red Book of the Exchequer, in 1166, record that "Willelmus Tallebot" held one knight’s fee from "Roberti filii Regis" in Devon[1223].
Sometimes listed as Aimee d'Aubigny and sometimes as Gunnora de Gournay.
SOURCE for her being a child of Guillaume d'Aubigny? She is not listed as such by Cawley in the FMG Medieval Lands database
( http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/ENGLISHNOBILITYMEDIEVAL3.htm) and Gundred/Gunnora de Gournay was married to Nigel d'Aubigny.
Burke's peerage says that Richard I de Talbot married a daughter of Gerard de Gournay.
Date of birth may be off considerably.
1058 |
Gournay-en-Bray, Seine-Inferieure, Normandy, France
1075 |
Shrewsbury, Shropshire, England
Shrewsbury Abbey, Shrewsbury, Shopshire, England
1087 |
Of, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, England
1132 |
Age 74